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Thread: Progress update and power cleans

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Default Progress update and power cleans

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Since February 20 when i begin the NLP for first time in my life without messing with the program and following the book, my progress and my mind change a lot:

    Squat 3x5 -146kg / 3x5 - 210kg still going up
    Bench 3x5 -106kg / 3x5 - 128kg still going up
    Press 3x5 -76kg / 3x5 - 88kg still going up
    Deadlift 1x5 -150kg/ 1x5 - 195kg hard time to going up

    I'm physically unable to the power clean because all my fingers have severe atrophy due the reumathoid arthritis and lupus, so i cant finish the movement. Power Jerk movements in my actual home gym are impossible too, because the lack of space.
    My deadlift form is ok, but yet i always have a hard time to increase the weight (even using straps) probably due to my inability in execute the others essencials pulling movements, my DL always stay + or - 10kg bellow my squat.

    So, in my case should i introduce the BB Row in the PC slot right?

    Actually training every 2 days about 2 months ago because fatigue was hitting hard, but now its completelly managable.

    32 years old
    1,83 height
    130kg weight

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Albany, Western Australia


    Have you put up form checks for squat and deadlift? I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong, but many times people have been squatting high when their squat is higher than their deadlift.

    Clearly, you can hold a barbell for the movements. So why not do chins and a lighter deadlift version.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    What do you require your fingers to do during the clean that they don't do during the deadlift? Are you saying you can't flex your fingers back far enough?

    If your grip is the problem the clean CAN be done with straps in a pinch.

    The power snatch doesn't require any more space than the press. Less in fact.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2021


    When you get to your working weight deadlift set, how long do you push against the floor to try and pull the barbell up? I find that the first rep and the last rep always require the longest amount of time to work against the barbell, and if you don't push against it for a a good 5+ seconds, you might be missing reps that you would otherwise make. I recall hearing 10 second reps or longer are within the realm of possibility if it's needed.

    Also ask the first 3 questions about rest between sets, weight jumps, and food/sleep recovery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Maybach View Post
    What do you require your fingers to do during the clean that they don't do during the deadlift? Are you saying you can't flex your fingers back far enough?

    If your grip is the problem the clean CAN be done with straps in a pinch.

    The power snatch doesn't require any more space than the press. Less in fact.
    Maybach, I hope you know I greatly respect you and your advice, but is cleaning with straps really a good idea? I'd worry about serious risk to the wrists with strapping to the bar for an explosive movement like this, especially for a lifter with RA and lupus, and how those gnarl up a person's fingers. It would seem to me that Adriano may be a legit candidate for getting a barbell row pass instead.

    Adriano, not that jerks are in the program per se, but I'm curious - what is the reason you say you cannot do them in your home gym? I ask because, depending on the reason, that might impact your ability to do power snatch, as well. Otherwise, as Maybach points out, you may be able to do those instead of power cleans. They're lighter than the PC, but they're still a good exercise.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Shenfield View Post
    Have you put up form checks for squat and deadlift? I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong, but many times people have been squatting high when their squat is higher than their deadlift.

    Clearly, you can hold a barbell for the movements. So why not do chins and a lighter deadlift version.
    I'm understand man, but my squat form is really good, i say that because sometimes i make the mistake in ATG one of the reps. When this occours i dont count the rep and add one more, but this is rare and i dont make this mistakes anymore.

    My DL form is ok too, i already spend some time mastering the form with all the Starting Strength tutorials and still always make sure to do everything right before start the movement.

    I do chins too, sorry not mention. But they still low. I usually do 3x3 AMRAP with perfect form and after that 4x5 jumping and hold for 7 secs or more.
    But about the lighter deadlift version that you mention i never tryed because i dont know what is better: BB Rows or Light DLs

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    I really apreciate all the tips
    Yes! I cant flex my fingers far back like, nothing at all!! Lol
    Its like a lobster claw version but with fingers. I could post a pic of the X Ray of both hands and other trying to open then both, but i dont know how post a image here!
    My wrists cant flex far back too, i should have mention that early, really sorry.

    The power snatch i never try, but i think that will not work, because between the wall and the power rack its only 95cm and that was the space that i have. But i will try and will come back to tell. In moment i dont have bumpers, so i will try the movement and hold the bar in the end.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Thanks for the anwser man!!
    Yes! I hold and pull the ground for more than 5 sec when its necessary and all the 3 questions is in check!!

    Tomorrow i will go for 197,5kg with blood in my eyes!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Yes man, its only 95cm between the wall and the power rack. Like i said i will try the movement and come back to tell.
    And yes, my wrists are very inflexible and like my fingers they have a bad time to flex far back too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post
    Maybach, I hope you know I greatly respect you and your advice, but is cleaning with straps really a good idea? I'd worry about serious risk to the wrists with strapping to the bar for an explosive movement like this, especially for a lifter with RA and lupus, and how those gnarl up a person's fingers. It would seem to me that Adriano may be a legit candidate for getting a barbell row pass instead.

    Adriano, not that jerks are in the program per se, but I'm curious - what is the reason you say you cannot do them in your home gym? I ask because, depending on the reason, that might impact your ability to do power snatch, as well. Otherwise, as Maybach points out, you may be able to do those instead of power cleans. They're lighter than the PC, but they're still a good exercise.
    If you use open loop straps (the kind recommended for the deadlift) then releasing the grip releases the straps. The force on the wrist won't be any greater than when it's actually transduced through the hands. Olympic lifters do this all the time and manage to keep their hands on their body, more or less.

    However, I only said this on the chance that his issue was being physically unable to grip the bar. If you can't bend your wrists back (and your forearms are too long to get the bar to your chest) this indeed is going to present an issue that straps won't fix.

    The snatch doesn't require that much forward clearance: the bar moves (mostly) straight up and down, just like the clean. You can do it INSIDE the rack, if you really want to. Should make for some effective cueing as well.

    I suppose it is possible you can't actually get into the overhead squat position, but since you can squat, that seems unlikely.

    So yeah, give it a shot. Just use the empty bar at first to see if you can get in all the relevant positions. Don't be afraid of banging into the rack: it probably won't happen.

    We're hammering this because the Olympic lifts really are the best pulls. If you really can't do this barbell rows or chins can be substituted but they are really second best. I find light deadlifts to be even less effective than either of those, but you could give them a shot if you really want: they work for some people.

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