The closest one to your house.
The closest one to your house.
I'm retired and thinking of relocating, if only temporarily, maybe for 6 months to a year, and do a good run at the program.
The closest one to my house is Boston, 180 miles away. How does Leftist Massachusetts get a gym, but NYC doesn't?
NYC is not leftist? Man, you need to move sooner than later, to reset your brain.
If NYC is the NYC an Australian would think it is, then wouldn't you train at Solace in New York? It's an SS affiliate and leftist all at the same time. You could least get a few sessions with the coach and then go online... Moving is probably better. You might like Austin.
I have a perfectly functional garage gym in NYC. I just don't spend time there anymore. Austin? Hell no .I'm escaping that sort of place.
I spend as little time as possible in the leftist shithole that is New York City. I don't blame anyone for not establishing a business there. I spend most of the year in a small surfer town in Mexico, training in a rusty black iron gym. In the warmer seasons I return to the states, traveling wherever my motorcycle takes me. So I'm looking for a town to settle into for a bit with a nice climate and an SS gym. Not Boston. I guess I will peruse the map, and it's understandable that the gyms are not sorted by price.
I did notice an SS affiliate in Guadalajara, MX though it's a few hours away from me, which piqued my interest.