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Thread: JC's Log

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Tuesday 8th December

    Bench 3,3,2,2,1, x 302
    Squat 2 x 3 358
    Power Cleans 3 x 3 200
    Row 3 x 5 220

    Was meant to train Monday put it of to today, even so the session did not pan out in reality as it did in my head. Too much party party not enough eaty eaty over the weekend and todays demotivated session was the result.

    Bench - 3rd reps of first 2 sets was a grinder so decided to drop it to 2 reps and on last set something just did not feel right so I left it at that.

    Squats - ahh just plain shit. Form still feels shit. Knee is feeling better, but I need to just get through to the new year then big reset and get the numbers moving again with some smoother form.

    PC's Rows - All quite easy, surprisingly.

    Gym was full of idiots did not help with the motivation it could do with an outbreak of swine flu.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Friday 11th December

    Squats 2 x 1 374
    Bench 1 x 320
    Deadlift 1 x 506, 5 x 400
    Hang Clean into Shoulder Press (DB) 3 x 5 82.5

    Squats - Nothing special still just maintaing some strength whilst knee is being gay.

    Bench - Bench felt good warming up was planning on going a bit heavier but the random spotter I picked decided to have a case of itchy fingers. He grabbed the bar half way up and said 'that was starting to look heavy compared to the last sets' no shit sherlock what was he expecting? I thought I was being genius by getting him to spot for me as I warmed up so I could vet him as a spotter, it came back to bite me in the ass. That broke my concentration a bit so thought I would call it a day on the bench.

    Deadlift - 10lb jump from last week felt easier than last time I pulled 506 which is a good sign. Dropped down to 400 for a set of 5 as I realised I have not done any reps in deadlifting for as long as I can remember! Had no idea what weight I could do so this was a trial run, have to say I don't miss doing 5's. The problem I have with them is the set up I deadlift well when I get into a very tight setup doing reps is very hard to do this unless you completely reset in between reps and if I am going to do that I would rather just do singles. Anyway 400 was fine might persist with this might not.

    Hang SP - Went up in weight with these and all of a sudden they got hard! Was like doing CV I was gassed after each set.

    The gym was ridiculously busy at one point I literally could not move as I was surrounded by people doing lateral raises and flyes so I just stood there in disbelief for a few mins waiting for a gap to escape. I don't know about you guys but when it is like that I can't get in the mood to lift properly. Its a Friday FFS what are they doing in the gym have they nothing better to do?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Monday 14th December

    Bench 286 x 5,5,4
    Front Squat 3 x 5 200
    Hang Clean 5 x 3 154

    This week may be my last proper week training until Feb. I was aiming to try for some PR's on Friday but it does not look to favourable at the moment things are just too busy and it is not conducive to lifting heavy stuff. But I have learned a bit on how not to follow up a good block of linear progression over the log so far so that is the silver lining I guess. Today's session only had an hour had to be rush...

    Bench - felt ok but gassed badly even though I gave myself a seriously long rest (8mins). Annoyingly this is still less than where I was in September! Thats feckin useless.

    This meant the rest of the workout had to be done a super speed. Hence...

    Front Squats - Have not done any for ages and it showed these felt tough!

    Hang Clean - Done as quick as I could turned into more of a CV session again but beggars can't be choosers.

    Hopefully I will have time to try again on Wednesday, planning on deadlifting. Trying to think of an imaginative way to get a PR of some sort!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Wednesday 16th December

    Deadlift 506 x 1, F x 535
    Hang Clean into Shoulder Press (DB) 3 x 5 82.5
    Power Shrugs 3 x 3 220
    Chins 3 x 5 +50

    Deadlift - Felt good on way up to 535 it stalled at knees so aborted attempt, would have been a PR. My weakness is definitely my back rounding far too early on anything over 530. This will get addressed in the new year.

    Everything else fairly easy, I even did some core work first time in a week or so thought it would be a good idea to get the blood flowing through everything possible in the lower back region after the position I got myself in during the PR attempt.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Monday 21st December

    Ok so I am now on my way down to Australia from the UK. Missed Friday's session was too busy with moving. Was not planning on training but my hotel has a gym (of sorts) so I thought why not? Having travelled 6000 miles in the last 24 hours it was never going to be anything great.

    Leg Press Machine 5 x 5
    Smith Machine Bench 5 x 5
    Lat Pull Down 3 x 5
    Back Extensions 3 x 10
    Curls and Extensions

    Got another 36 Hours here so am going to squeeze in another session early Wednesday.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Did not manage another session in the Hotel gym that was being far too ambitious but I did manage to sleep for most of the 36 hours I was there.

    Travelling around a bit now so finding a gym is hit and miss but here are my most recent attempts...

    Thursday 31st December

    Last session of 2009. Good news managed to find a gym, Bad news no free weights!!

    Leg Press 5 x 5
    Chest Press 5 x 5
    Row 3 x 5
    Hang Clean to SP (DB) 3 x 5 32.5

    All exercises are some sort of crap machine no use putting weights they all have numbered stickers on them that have no relevance to any weight.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Saturday 2nd Jan

    Bad news, Still in same gym. Good news it has a 50m outdoor pool and its 40 degrees.

    Leg Press 3 x 8
    Hang clean to SP (DB) 3 x 5 32.5
    Chins 3 x 8
    Tricep Extension + Bicep curls

    Bit limited on time here so 1-2min rest between sets, not good!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Monday 4th Jan

    Same Gym, still

    Leg Press 5 x 5
    Chest Press 5 x 5
    Row 5 x 5
    Hang clean to SP (DB) 3 x 5 32.5
    Tricep Extension + Bicep curls

    3 sessions in a week even though I am using machines feels like I am back to some sort of normality.

    Must remember following a workout a pool is for lounging in not actually trying to swim in, was the most painful lactic acid filled 50m of my life.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Thought I would start entering back into the Log.

    Had a 5 month gap away from the gym due to a multitude of reasons, started back in June. Only been able to take it easy so far bit of bench and a load of rehab work- first month no Squats or Deads!!

    Just started them again last few workouts with a ridiculously low weight. So though it was about time to start posting again to help motivate me on my way hopefully back up. Its going to be a slow process I feel!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Week 1

    starting strength coach development program
    As Last week was the start of the long road back thought I would post those workouts.

    Monday 21st June

    Bench 242 x 5
    Bench Rows 3 x 5 192
    Chins 3 x 7 (+10lbs)
    DB Bench 3 x 7 88

    Tuesday 22nd June

    Squat 3 x 5 88
    Deads 3 x 3 132

    Thursday 24th June

    Bench 242 x 8
    Bench Rows 3 x 5 194
    Chins 3 x 8 (+10lbs)
    DB Bench 3 x 8 88

    Friday 25th June

    Squat 3 x 5 132
    Deads 3 x 3 176

    Nothing spectacular just taking it nice and easy.

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