starting strength gym
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Thread: My journey to JACKED, and TAN

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Terrible session tonight:


    80 x 5
    100 x 5
    120 x 3

    These felt absolutely terrible, no hip drive or anything, absolutely terrible, so stopped there.

    Leg press:

    170 x 10
    170 x 10

    Meh. Haven't leg pressed in over a year... felt awkward, though.


    90 x 6
    120 x 5
    130 x 5
    130 x 5

    These weren't that hard, but my grip was really struggling.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Feeling absolutely knackered this evening. So did some 'speed' work instead.

    Speed squats:

    90 x 3
    90 x 3
    90 x 3
    90 x 3
    90 x 3

    These were slow as fuck. Really poor form too.

    Speed deadlifts:

    80 x 3
    90 x 3
    100 x 3
    110 x 3


    Pull throughs:

    100lbs x 10
    100lbs x 10
    100lbs x 10
    100lbs x 10


    Lower body recently has been fucking shite! Must fix that soon. Going onto a pre-made routine soon, definitely.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    What a lonely thread. I'll hang out for a bit. You going to TM soon?

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    First proper session for two weeks.


    100 x 5
    120 x 3
    130 x 3
    140 x 5
    100 x 6

    All were beltless. I'm going to start noting down when I use the belt because I rely on it too much to generate intra-abdominal pressure. Contrary to what many will think, months of wearing the belt on anything over 130 hasn't left my core 'weak' because these squats were not that difficult, but I do rely on the belt too much. I'm not going to scrap it, but I'm not going to abuse it either and I'm going to make sure I can squat properly without it.

    Bench press:

    60 x 5
    70 x 5
    70 x 5
    70 x 5

    What the fuck? These were actually really difficult. Maybe I'm not good at benching after I squat or something. If this occurs in future then I'll go back to an upper/lower split.


    40 x 5
    50 x 5
    50 x 3
    40 x 4

    Press obviously suffered because of being done after the bench. Last two sets, shoulders and triceps just gave out. Probably needed longer rest periods but was rushed because it was nearing closing time.

    Tried some good mornings as well but they didn't feel right, and gym was about to close.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Pause squats:

    100 x 5
    100 x 5
    100 x 5

    These were really easy. Just done them to get some more squat practice since it's been a few weeks (bar Saturday) since I've squatted.

    Close grip bench press:

    70 x 5
    70 x 4
    60 x 6 - paused on the pins at exactly chest level
    60 x 6 - paused on the pins at exactly chest level

    Benching really seems to have gone down the toilet after my deload...

    Incline dumbbell bench press:

    22.5s x 6
    22.5s x 6
    22.5s x 6
    22.5s x 6

    Nice and easy as they should have been.

    Barbell rows:

    80 x 6
    80 x 6
    80 x 6
    80 x 6
    80 x 6
    80 x 6

    Easy enough.


    bodyweight x 10
    bodyweight x 10
    bodyweight x 10

    Fairly easy. Going to start doing these weighted.

    Ab roll-outs:

    10, 7, 5

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Was still suffering from some quite bad abs DOMS. Wanted to do a lower volume lighter session.

    Push press:

    60 x 4
    70 x 2
    80 x 1
    80 x 1
    80 x 1
    80 x 1
    60 x 5 - much stricter
    60 x 4 - much stricter

    Wrists were really weak on these. Think I'm going to need some wrist wraps. Quite disappointed actually.

    Hammer Strength Front Pull Down machine:

    100 x 6
    100 x 6
    100 x 6

    Noticed the gym had Hammer Strength Machines. Heard some good things about them, so wanted to try one out. They're just as crap as every other machine.

    Face pulls:

    2 x 12

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Nov 2009



    140 x 2
    160 x 4
    140 x 4
    140 x 4

    Been a while since I've done some proper squats. 160 x 4 is a nice PB, I suppose, for just getting back into them. The two back off sets were actually almost as difficult as the 160 x 4 set.

    Romanian Deadlifts:

    100 x 8
    120 x 5
    120 x 5
    120 x 5

    Hard but smooth, if you know what I mean.


    bodyweight x 12
    bodyweight x 12

    Easy enough. Going to start doing these weighted.

    Back extensions:

    bodyweight + 10 x 10
    bodyweight + 10 x 10

    Again, easy enough.

    Ab roll outs:

    10, 10, 6

    Abs were just destroyed by this point.

    Session only took 75 minutes so I know I have time to spare to add in more volume next time. Going to really hammer the GHRs and back extensions.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Nov 2009



    worked up to 80 x 3, f

    Disappointed again. Extremely. Better than last time, and I might just have an explanation, though: gym was really busy tonight and had a right hassle in getting a barbell and some plates. Only two or three warm up sets before I hit 80, whereas when I used to do 85+ for triples my warm-ups would go: bar x whatever; 40 x 5; 50 x 5; 60 x 5; 70 x ~3; 80 x ~2; then the triples.

    Pause bench (2s):

    65 x 5
    65 x 5
    65 x 5
    65 x 5
    65 x 5

    Easy enough. Thankfully.

    Barbell rows:

    90 x 5
    90 x 5
    90 x 5

    Not too hard, and quite a big PB! Not sure whether to go for more sets and reps next time or more weight... think I'll try 6 x 6.


    40 x 5
    50 x 5
    50 x 5
    50 x 4


    Skull crushers:

    bar + 20 x 10
    bar + 20 x 10

    Tris were dead by now.

    Face pulls:

    2 x 15

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Pause squats (2s):

    80 x 5
    100 x 5
    120 x 5

    Not too hard.


    130 x 3
    150 x 2
    belt + straps
    170 x 1
    180 x 2

    Deadlift not gone up or down after not having done it in a while. Weakness is right off the floor, but since I've not deadlifted in a while I think I can still make gains by deadlifting. Using straps since grip is not weakness and I'd rather not go mixed grip since I believe it is responsible for a slight imbalance. I'm using hook grip as much as possible and hopefully one day I'll be able to do all my deadlifts hook grip.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    starting strength coach development program

    70 x 3
    80 x 2
    90 x 2
    70 x 5

    Everything still feeling very heavy, so I suppose 90 for a double is not that bad. Still wish everything felt light again.

    Barbell rows:

    90 x 6
    90 x 6
    100 x 6



    50 x 5
    50 x 5
    50 x 6


    Face pulls:

    2 x 15

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