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Thread: Push press 300, deadlift 600

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    San Jose, CA

    Default I did it like this, I did it like that, I did it with a wiffle ball bat

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Squat: 315x5x3 (PR)
    Push Press: 190x5, 195x5x2 (PR)
    Chin-up: 6, 5, 5
    Wrist Roller

    Squat: Once I unracked the weight I thought "hey this isn't so heavy" and after I squatted it I knew I was ok. I just remembered to lift with my butt and the weight went up like magic. They did kick my ass though.

    Push Press: Coming after the squat, these weren't easy. My abs and lower back felt like jell-o going in. I realized after the first set that I had the bar incorrectly weighted, so I bumped it up. On the last rep of the last set, I pushed it up and it stalled for a sec; then I was able to blast through the sticking point with pure triceps power.

    I'm alternating the push press with the bench press instead of microloading bench. I feel like it really helps the press too.

    Also did the ab wheel and the titan's telegraph key two nights ago.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    San Jose, CA


    Squat : 250x5x2
    Press: 172.5x5x3 (PR)
    Romanian Deadlift: 275x5x3 (PR)
    Barbell Curl: 115x3x3

    Press: Starting to get tough now. My wrists were sore from the push presses and I felt it here.

    Curl: The exercise you love to hate and hate to love. I hit my triceps hard every time at the gym and like to balance out my arm as long as I feel like it won't affect the recovery on my main lifts.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    San Jose, CA

    Default Ain't nuttin' but a peanut

    Squat: 320x5x3 (PR)
    Bench Press: 250x5x3 (PR)
    Chin-up: 8, 7, 6
    Wrist Roller

    Bench Press: I re-tweaked my left shoulder during the warm-up. It's always the damn warm-up. This time it was on 95lbs. Even though it felt a little funny, I kept going and focused on lifting it from the rack without hurting myself. All the lifts felt fine after, but I still feel a little something in my shoulder.

    Chin-up: I can bang out more of these if I go faster, but I get off balance and start swaying.

    Wrist Roller: I gained .5" on each forearm in the past two weeks by doing these. I went from 12.5" to 13" (cold, unflexed, taken at the widest part).

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    San Jose, CA


    Squat: 325x5x3 (PR)
    Press: 175x5x3 (PR)
    45 degree Back Extension: 10x10x3
    Chin-up: 9, 6, 5
    Wrist Roller

    Press: Can't wait to hit 185, but I might need a reset before that.

    Chin-up: It's easier going faster because I can use the stretch reflex, but I start swaying. I'll need to figure out how to fix that.

    I was waiting for EliteFTS to come out with a new belt since they discontinued their retro belt. They told me a month ago it was coming out very soon, but I emailed them last week and got no response. I'll go with a 10mm Inzer lever belt instead.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    San Jose, CA

    Default I'm tired of yo' jibba jabba

    Squat: 260x5x2
    Push Press: 200x5x3 (PR)
    Deadlift: 365x4 (PR)
    Barbell Curl: 100x8,4,3

    Push Press: These are a lot easier when they're not immediately preceded by heavy ass squats. I'm pretty sure I can push press my bodyweight now.

    Deadlift: As much as I like this exercise, I suck at it. I almost made my 5th rep but just couldn't totally lock it out so I'm counting it as a miss. Locking it out has always been my weak point, which is probably due to not power cleaning.
    Last edited by BangItOut; 05-23-2010 at 11:06 PM. Reason: Grammar

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    San Jose, CA


    Squat: 330x5x3 (PR)
    Press: 177.5x5x3 (PR)
    Chin-up: 10, 7, 5
    Wrist Roller

    My lower back wasn't too happy with me deadlifting heavy last time and then doing heavy squats and presses. I made my reps though.

    Chin-up: Focused on controlling my descent and using the stretch reflex. This will take some practice.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Goddamn, you're still making 5 lb jumps on the bench?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Palm Springs, CA


    Nice work. Looks like you're keeping things moving right along.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    San Jose, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.City View Post
    Goddamn, you're still making 5 lb jumps on the bench?
    Yeah, but I've been alternating it with the push press so it's not going up too fast. That was the choice I made instead of microloading the bench.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2big2fail View Post
    Nice work. Looks like you're keeping things moving right along.
    Thanks. It's tough work but it's sure worth it.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    San Jose, CA

    Default Money for nothin', chicks for free

    starting strength coach development program
    Squat: 335x5x3 (PR)
    Bench Press: 255x5x3 (PR)
    Chin-up: 8, 8, 5
    Wrist Roller

    Squat: I'm really feeling the benefit of correct form now. On one of my reps I shifted too far forward and it took the energy of two proper reps.

    Bench Press: At first I thought the spotter was giving a little too much help but I was stoked to find out this wasn't the case. These are getting easier since my press is going up at the same rate. I probably could've done 8 reps on my last set.

    Weight is 225.

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