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Thread: HardWork's Advanced Novice Program Log - Finally doing it right!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default HardWork's Advanced Novice Program Log - Finally doing it right!!

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello, my name is Christian and I am finally doing this stuff correctly. I, ignorantly, thought I was on Starting strength and just benched 3x/week with no diet whatsoever in the past. It's time to go real with my self - It's time to do it right!

    Age: 15
    Squat 3x5
    Bench/press 3x5 alternating
    Power Clean 5x3

    Front squat 3x3
    Bench/press 3x5 alternating
    Deadlift 1x5

    Squat 3x5
    Bench/press alt 3x5
    Chinups or pullups, 3 sets

    Weight: 165
    Bench: 180
    Squat: 290
    Deadlift: 330
    Press: 100 (Never actually did this in my ignorant version...)
    Front squat: All I've ever done was 140x10
    Power Clean: 120

    Goals: I really don't like to set number goals, I like to set concept goals...
    That being said... By summer I am aiming for:
    Weight: 190
    Bench: 225
    Squat: 350
    Deadlift: 405
    Press: 150
    Front squat: 225
    Power clean: 150

    I honestly don't know how realistic these goals are... but I will try my best to accomplish them!

    As it stands now and in the past... I have never put effort into diet! So my goal for a diet is something around this...:

    @ 6am I will have 3 eggs with cheese and an oatmeal packet... with a glass of milk
    **note: I am going to try *GOMAD*

    @ 8am PBJ sandwhich with nuts

    @ 9:30
    Fruit of some sort

    @ 11:00
    Chicken with broccoli and nuts

    @ 1:00
    more fruit

    Protein shake (1 scoop w/ water)

    Creatine w/ applejuice


    After workout:
    Shake with:
    1 protein scoop
    5 egg whites
    1 cup milk
    3 tbsp peanut butter

    Lean meat of some kind w/ bread

    Whatever my mom cooks me

    Cottage cheese and the rest of the milk...

    Please feel free to comment on my diet etc... thanks guy... I start Monday!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    So... today went pretty badly.

    My goals were:

    3x5 265

    3x5 160

    Chin ups

    BUT, Yay, in baseball class, we ran 4 miles!... I don't know why... but we did.

    My workout went:
    3x5 265 Squat (good so far)


    Chin ups:

    So my question is on the next workout day should I go for my original goals or just work from what I did... but I know it's just because I was tired because I've done more than that before.


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