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Thread: zen and the art of strength training

  1. #381
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Light Week

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Monday October 21 (BW: 228)

    Squat 1 x 355 (PR)
    SSB 3 x 5 x 205
    Sled Push 6 x 40m x 250 (13:00)
    Sled Drag / Backward Pull

    Bodyweight is at an all-time high. I've gained at least 6 pounds since hiking the Maroon Bells trail over the summer.

    Wednesday October 23

    Squat 1 x 335
    SSB 3 x 5 x 215
    Sled Drag / Backwards Pull
    Echo Bike 5 x 30s/30s

    Our gym added Rogue Echo Bikes, and I did some sprints as a finisher. I'd go hard for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds. I tried to get up to 500 Watts and stay above that output. Pretty wiped afterwards. I'm considering adding these in at the end periodically, especially if the sleds are being used by other gym members.

    Friday October 25

    Squat 1 x 335
    SSB 3 x 5 x 225
    Walk 3 miles

    My arms are feeling much better, they didn't hurt at all this week. In addition to switching to the SSB for the volume work, I also moved my grip in on the straight bar when doing singles, which may have helped. Because I'm still getting used to the SSB, this was basically a light week. My body is feeling really good. I am planning to push pretty hard the next three weeks before taking a week off to go to Mexico. Focus will be on squatting, both straight bar and SSB, deadlifting, and heavy sled work. Given how well 355 moved on Monday, I shouldn't have any issue hitting 365 in the next week or two. In addition to what is written above, went for a longish (3-4 mile) walk on Tuesday.

  2. #382
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Sunday October 27

    Squat 1 x 360 (PR), 1 x 365 (PR)
    SSB 3 x 5 x 230
    Sled Push 5 x 20m x 295
    Backward Sled Pull 3 x 40m x 160

    The squat PR was originally my goal for the end of the year, and then it was my goal to reach by November 17, when we leave for vacation. My brother was in town and when the 360 moved well, we agreed I could definitely get 365. I think my true max is probably above 385.

    Wednesday October 30

    Squat 3 x 1 x 335
    SSB 3 x 5 x 235
    Deadlift 15 x 1 x 375 (14:20)
    Echo Bike 5 x 30s/30s

    Deadlifts were all double overhand hook grip. They were much improved over last time. I focused on keeping the bar close to my body, pulling the slack out of the bar, and moving my shoulders and hips at the same time. My upper back was sore the next day, but my lower back felt totally fine.

    Friday November 1

    Squat 3 x 1 x 335, 1 x 5 x 290 (5 rep PR)
    SSB 3 x 5 x 240
    Suitcase Carry 5 x 20m x 70 (distance is each hand)

    I felt extremely stiff and almost decided to give myself another day of rest. The squats actually felt really good. After hitting the top singles, I decided to go for sets of 5 with 5 pounds more than what I used a few weeks ago. After the first set my upper arms were hurting, which is why I then switched over to the SSB. Still, this was a 5 rep PR. After squats I wanted to do something else, but the sled was in use and I couldn't bring myself to do intervals on the bike. The carries were not particularly challenging, but decided not to push it since first time doing this movement, at least recently.

    Sunday November 3

    Sled Push 7 x 40m x 250 (13:15)
    Squat 1 x 315

    I was feeling pretty beat up and so decided to take a lighter day, focus on pushing the sled and getting ready to push hard the next two weeks. My wife and kids all have pneumonia. I feel fine but I'm guessing my immune system is battling this as well, which is why I'm not feeling 100%. Furthermore, the kids have been up at night coughing, and I've had to take all middle-of-night duties since wife is sick. So not great sleep. I think I succeeded in moving my body, working out some kinks, and leaving the gym feeling better than when i walked in.

    In addition to what is outlined above, I swam for 40 minutes on Monday and Thursday, and hike 6 miles with 20 pounds along the Appalachian Trail on Tuesday. It was perfect hiking weather in the mid-50s, and great Fall colors. All things considered I'm feeling really good.

  3. #383
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Tuesday November 5

    Squat 5 x 1 x 335
    Deadlift 15 x 1 x 385 (Goal)
    Sled Pull / Backwards Drag

    The deadlifts were all double overhand hook grip, completed in 13:30, so a little faster than one a minute. All felt solid. This was another goal reached for this cycle.

    Thursday November 7

    Squat 5 x 1 x 335
    SSB 3 x 5 x 245
    Suitcase Carry

    The suitcase carries were with 70 pounds, I didn't track distance. This was a check-the-box workout.

    Sunday November 10

    Squat 5 x 1 x 335, 1 x 5 x 295 (PR)
    SSB 3 x 5 x 245
    Echo Bike 3 x 30s/30s

    Good five rep on the squats. On the bike, after the third set I got really bad stitches in my sides, so decided to call it at that point.

    In addition to the above, I went for a longish (2-3 mile) walk on Wednesday and swam 1600 yards on Friday. For the swim, I rotated between breast and freestyle, and tried to keep breaks at a minimum. Felt pretty good throughout the swim. On Saturday I felt sort of sick, completely exhausted, and was worried that the sickness that has taken my family out the last two weeks finally got me. I went to bed at 8 pm on Saturday night, slept for 10+ hours, and felt good Sunday.

    I purchased a 200 pound Rogue sandbag, which I've filled with around 140 pounds worth of sand. Our gym got rid of their sandbags (they belonged to a trainer who took them home). I may start trying to add in sandbag-over-bar or sandbag carries. I'd like to eventually get to the point I can manhandle a 200 pound bag no problem.
    Last edited by kopp; 11-10-2024 at 11:51 AM.

  4. #384
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Tuesday November 12

    Squat 3 x 1 x 340
    Deadlift 5 x 1 x 385
    Sled Push 12 x 20m x 295
    Suitcase Carries

    The deadlifts felt extremely slow and heavy, so I did five good singles and called it. On the sled pushes, I took plenty of rest between sets and push hard, trying to focus on strength as opposed to endurance. I used 80 pounds on the carries, which was significantly more taxing than using 70 pounds. My mid-back was sore the next day, which I attribute to the carries.

    Friday November 15

    Squat 3 x 1 x 340
    SSB 1 x 3 x 250
    Leg Press 5 x 8 x 275

    This was a fail of a lift for both physical and mental reasons. On the physical side, my left knee started hurting during the SSB squat, just generally feeling unstable, and I decided not to push it. On the mental side, I saw a friend of mine at the gym at the beginning of the lift. He told me that a mutual acquaintance of ours, a guy about my age with similarly young kids, had killed himself earlier in the week. The full story was horrific, and I was pretty much mentally out of it the rest of the morning. I decided to do some leg presses since they are not very technical and you can just push without a lot of thinking.

    Sunday November 17

    Squat 1 x 340, 1 x 5 x 300 (PR)
    RDL 2 x 8 x 155
    Leg Press 5 x 9 x 275

    This was the last lift before taking a week off in the Caribbean. Ended with a solid 5 rep PR on the back squat. All in all, I'm pretty happy with the last few months. My two main goals were to squat 365 and to deadlift 15 singles at 385 on-the-minute, both of which I accomplished. I'm still considering what the next 8-12 weeks will be like after I get back from vacation, but as of now I'm thinking of significantly switching up the movements. I'm feeling pretty beat up on squats in particular, and have seen my motivation to go the gym drop the last week or two. I may try and focus on trap bar deadlifts, RDL, leg presses, and then add back in pressing movements, which I've totally neglected the last few months. We'll see.

    In addition to the above, I swam 1700 yards on Monday and then walked about 5 miles in the afternoon. On Wednesday I swam 1800 yards. This week, other than staying up late to watch the Mike Tyson fight, I got 8+ hours of sleep consistently.

  5. #385
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Monday November 18 - Friday November 22

    My wife and I spent the week at an all-inclusive in the Dominican Republic. We had initially planned to go to Cancun, but changed destinations in light of Hurricane Sara. I had initially planned to take the whole week off, but got pretty bored after two days, and my body started feeling gross from too much food/drinking/sitting. The resort had a pretty nice gym, so I did some lighter lifting on Wednesday and Thursday. My main complaint was that the resort wouldn't let us swim in the ocean because the waves were too rough. It was torture being that close to the ocean but not able to get in. If we go to the Caribbean again, will make sure to go somewhere with a swimmable beach.

    Wednesday November 20 - Easy Vacation Lift

    Barbell Row 3 x 8 x 175
    3 rounds: Bench Press / Cable Rows / Goblet Squat

    Thursday November 21 - Easy Vacation Lift

    Trap Bar Deadlift 2 x 5 x 315
    Shrugs 2 x 10 x 135

    Saturday November 23

    Trap Bar Deadlift 3 x 5 x 315
    Barbell Row 3 x 8 x 175
    Leg Press 4 x 8 x 295
    Cable Row 3 x 10 x 120

    Sunday November 24

    Bench Press 3 x 5 x 155
    Kettlebell Press 3 x 10 x 35
    Pec Dec 2 x 10 x 75
    Tricep Pushdown 2 x 10 x 50

    This was an easy week. I haven't pressed anything since the summer, so decided to go extra light on these. Introduced a lot of movements I haven't done in a while, mostly on the lighter side. I'm still thinking through what I'd like the rest of the year and 2025 to look like. I have focused almost exclusively on squatting and deadlifting since summer, and so the one thing I'm sure of is that for at least a few months I'd like to do a wider variety of exercises.

  6. #386
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Tuesday November 26

    Barbell Row (Pronated) 3 x 8 x 180
    Barbell Row (Supinated) 3 x 8 x 135
    Romanian Deadlift 3 x 8 x 165
    Lat Pulldown 2 x 12 x 160
    Reverse Pec Dec 2 x 12 x 60
    Dumbbell Curls 2 x 12 x 30

    First time ever doing supinated barbell rows. I actually really liked them, could feel them throughout my entire upper back and lats. I am going to add these in as drop sets. Also first time doing reverse pec dec, which I added after seeing a video by John Meadows who stated that he did them with most of the people he trained. May add them in periodically as well.

    Wednesday November 27

    Bench Press 3 x 5 x 165
    Kettlebell Press 3 x 12 x 35
    Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 12 x 50

    Friday November 29 BW 229

    Trap Bar Deadlift 3 x 5 x 325
    Barbell Row (Pronated) 3 x 8 x 180
    Barbell Row (Supinated) 4 x 10 x 145
    Leg Press 4 x 10 x 295

    I really like doing the Trap Bar deadlifts. For whatever reason it feels really natural and intuitive. I did the supinated rows and the leg press as a superset, and was pretty winded by the end, even though I was taking a minute between each. I am not sure if my conditioning took a hit while on vacation, or if I'm not adapted to the higher volume, but I was pretty fatigued at the end of this. I'm at an all time high bodyweight, though not sure how much of that is just thanksgiving dinner working its way through my gut.

    Saturday November 30

    Bench Press 3 x 5 x 175
    Kettlebell Press 3 x 10 x 44
    Pec Dec 3 x 10 x 90
    Tricep Pushdown 3 x 15 x 50

    Good week overall. Have been getting 8+ hours of sleep pretty consistently. I go back to work on Monday after taking a sabbatical since early September, so likely that stress levels, sleep, other recovery variables will take a hit going forward. In addition to the above, I swam 1600 yards on Sunday. I finished no problem, with few stops, and I felt like my aerobic fitness was solid throughout.
    Last edited by kopp; 12-01-2024 at 03:15 PM. Reason: Add Sunday Swim

  7. #387
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default End of Year Recap and 2025 Plan

    2024 Recap

    This was my fifth year of consistent training. When the pandemic started I hadn't exercised regularly in a long time. During the pandemic I started doing kettlebell swings and presses while trapped in our apartment. Joined a gym and started this blog back up in late 2021, and have been fairly consistent ever since. I still enjoy training and my body / joints feel good (for the most part).

    Primary accomplishments of 2024:

    1. Rucking a marathon in April;
    2. Hiking the Maroon Bells Four Loop Pass in Colorado;
    3. Improved Squat (2023: 1 x 330 (slow, grinder) 2024: 1 x 365 (smooth, plenty left in the tank)) and deadlift (2023: 15 x 1 x 340 (untimed) 2024: 15 x 1 x 385 (13:30)).

    2025 Outline:


    1. Be in shape for annual summer hiking trip (timing and location TBD)
    2. Squat 1 x 405


    December 2024 - March/April 2025: Focus on variations of the major movements, and assistance exercises. I'm going to do a wider variety of exercises than I've done recently, ideally focusing on lifting 4 days a week. This will probably break down with two back/leg days, and two pressing days. The exercise selection and rep ranges will likely look a lot like last week. I'm starting out light with higher volume and will increase gradually, decreasing volume as the weight increases. May switch out exercises periodically.

    Targets: Trap Bar Deadlift 5 x 405; Bench 3 x 5 x 225; Barbell Row 3 x 5 x 225

    April - August: Transition to focusing on getting ready for the hiking trip. Will come up with a more detailed plan but am likely to scale back lifting, add in weekly sled work and endurance (rucking and swimming)

    Targets: May 3: Goruck Event - 12 miles; June: Ruck 15 miles with 40 pounds on flat ground; July: 3 ascents with 50 pounds along the Appalachian Trail of the hill near parent's house.

    August - End of Year: Improve Squat and Deadlift. Specific strategy TBD.

    Target: Squat 1 x 405; Deadlift 15 x 1 x 405 (under 15:00).

  8. #388
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Monday December 2

    Barbell Row 3 x 8 x 185
    Romanian Deadlift 3 x 8 x 175
    Lat Pulldown 1 x 12 x 160

    This was an early morning lift, around 6:30, and I felt terrible. When I got home my wife said I looked green. Struggled through the rows and RDLs, and thought I was going to puke after one set of lat pulldowns. Maybe I'm not an early morning lifter.

    Wednesday December 4 BW 224

    Barbell Row (pronated) 3 x 8 x 185
    Bench Press 3 x 5 x 185
    Barbell Row (supinated) 4 x 12 x 145
    Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 10 x 60

    Repeated the rowing movements to make up for Monday. Did these in a superset. Wednesday evening my abdominal muscle on my right side started spasming when I was taking off my socks. Extremely painful. Not sure what to make of it, or if it was related to lifting. Hasn't happened since.

    Friday December 6

    Trap Bar Deadlift 2 x 5 x 335
    Leg Press 4 x 12 x 295
    Lat Pulldown 2 x 12 x 160

    The trap bar deadlifts felt terrible. For some odd reason I couldn't get the handles right, and the thing kept tipping. This hasn't been a problem before. Stopped after the second set because my wrists were killing me. The leg press was good, tried to keep 90 second rest periods between sets, quads were super sore the next day. After second set of lat pulldowns my neck cramped up, which has been a recurring problem for the past 10+ years, so I stopped before I aggravated it further.

    Saturday December 7

    Bench 3 x 6 x 185
    Kettlebell Press 3 x 12 x 44
    Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 12 x 60
    Pec Dec 3 x 12 x 90

    Neck still hurts when I turn it side to side, but didn't hurt during the lift. In June I got up to 3 x 8 x 190 on the bench, at which point tension headaches derailed my training. I am going to add reps on the bench at 185 until I get up to 3 x 8, then work on adding weight again, and hopefully blow past that mark.
    Last edited by kopp; 12-07-2024 at 02:51 PM.

  9. #389
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Tuesday December 10

    Barbell Row (pronated) 3 x 8 x 190
    Romanian Deadlift 3 x 8 x 185
    Reverse Pec Deck 3 x 12 x 75
    Leg Press 4 x 8 x 315

    <90 second rest periods on the leg press.

    Thursday December 12

    Bench 3 x 7 x 185
    Kettlebell Press 3 x 8 x 50
    Tricep Pushdown 3 x 12 x 60
    Pec Dec 3 x 15 x 90

    Friday December 13

    Barbell Row (pronated) 3 x 8 x 190
    Barbell Row (supinated) 4 x 8 x 155
    Leg Press 4 x 10 x 315
    Reverse Pec Deck 3 x 12 x 75

    Had initially planned to do trap bar deadlifts but the deadlifting platforms were occupied the entire time.

    Sunday December 15

    Bench 185 x 8, 8, 5/2/1
    Kettlebell Press 3 x 10 x 50
    Tricep Pushdowns 60 x 15, 15, 9/6
    Lat Pulldown 160 x 12, 12, 9/3

    The "/" indicated that I took a 20 second or so rest pause. For the bench, triceps, and lat pulldowns I couldn't finish the last set without breaking it up. I got a good night of sleep on Saturday but my morning nutrition wasn't great, which may have been the cause. Whatever the reason, my muscles didn't have a lot left at the end of each exercise.

    In addition to the above, I swam 1600 yards late on Wednesday night after work. On days I'm in the office and can't get home in time to put the kids to bed, I may go do a late night swim, otherwise there'll be days where I just sit all day.

  10. #390
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Monday December 16

    Trap Bar Deadlift 3 x 5 x 345
    Romanian Deadlift 3 x 8 x 190
    Leg Press 3 x 12 x 315

    Didn't do a fourth set on the leg press because I was feeling nauseous.

    Wednesday December 18

    Bench 185 x 8,8,7/1
    Close Grip Bench 155 x 4/1
    Pec Deck 4 x 8 x 105
    Assisted Dips / Seated Machine Overhead Press

    Tricep Pushdowns were in use and the area where I do KB presses was packed, so I tried doing assisted dips instead but they made my shoulders feel uncomfortable, so I stopped. Then I did two sets with the seated overhead press. It was a machine and actually felt pretty good. I may throw these in every once in a while when other equipment is in use.

    Friday December 20

    Barbell Row 3 x 8 x 195
    Lat Pulldown 3 x 8 x 180
    Reverse Fly 3 x 15 x 75
    Goblet Squat 5 x 10 x 40

    I had initially planned to do RDLs after rowing, but I had an intense lower back pump from the rows and was a little worried that I was going to tweak it. Probably nothing to worry about - by the end of the workout my low back felt fine and it wasn't sore at all the next day. I finished with some goblet squats just to add a little variety, which feel the most natural of any squat variation, though obviously can't load it much.

    Sunday December 22

    Bench 3 x 8 x 185
    Close Grip Bench 155 x 5, 4
    Kettlebell Press 50 x 12, 10
    Pec Deck 3 x 10 x 105
    Tricep Pushdowns 1 x 10 x 70; 2 x 15 x 50

    I ran out of gas on the kettlebell presses. It may take me another week or two to get to 3 sets of 12, especially if I keep up with the close grip drop sets. On the trice pushdowns, the first set of 10 with 70 pounds I felt a little discomfort in my elbows and I wasn't able to get a pump at the full extension. I'm not trying to get tendonitis doing an assistance exercise, so I dropped the weight. The two sets of 15 felt good and my triceps had an intense pump.

    In addition to the above, I swam for 45 minutes on Wednesday night after work. We took the kids to Great Wolf Lodge, a huge indoor water park, on Friday and Saturday for my daughter's birthday. Lots of highly processed food and didn't get a good night of sleep on Friday, but other than that it was a blast.

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