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Thread: Fiftyfit - One Day At a Time

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    One of the things Wendler talks about is leaving a rep or 2 in the tank on the 3rd AMRAP set. Which I recognize is something of a contradiction in terms, but it resonated with me because of my prior following of Stuart McRobert's hardgainer routines which said the same thing about hard sets. Leave a little more for growth and recovery. Both Wendler and McRobert talked about programming and progression for the long haul. We may not have as much time as the kids, but then they can recover better. Slow and steady will get us to the best we can be.
    I will definitely (try to) exercise a little more restraint from here on out, whether it's with 5-3-1, or any other method I use in the future. Slow and steady is the ticket, right? Live today, to fight tomorrow! Tomorrow's workout, that is...should be interesting. Actually, though I'm still a little sore, I feel pretty good otherwise.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Today's workout went well, and as Mark reminded me, best to leave a little something in the tank. I haven't even done deadlifts for awhile, been alternating halting DL with Romanian DL, so I had to guesstimate for the program.
    Bwt. - 192 1/2
    DL: 110 x 5, 137 x 5, 165 x 3, 180 x 5, 205 x 5, 235 x 5+(did 9)
    OHP: 45 x 5, 60 x 5, 72 x 3, 81 x 5, 90 x 5, 103 x 5+(did 8)
    DB row: 35 x 10 x 2 sets
    Good morning: 45 x 10, 65 x 10
    Dips: bwt x 10 x 2 sets

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Yesterday I decided to start my hiking again...not such a good idea! We had a cold weekend and I wanted to check out the trails at a state forest not far from my parent's house. Bear Swamp state forest, 3300 acres and plenty of trails. Unfortunately, the temp was 27 deg. when I got there and they still had plenty of snow on the ground. Decided to do one of the short loops anyway, just a couple miles, and found out I really need to get back into shape. Of course, the cold didn't help, and my low back acted up a little.
    Started my second week of 5-3-1 today, triples day, and did alright. Low back made me skip my reverse hypers, though.
    Bwt.- 193 work sets only
    SQ: 175 x 3, 200 x 3, 225 x 3+ (did 8)
    BP: 130 x 3, 145 x 3, 162 x 3+ (did 7)
    Chin-up: 10 x 8, 10 x 6
    DB inc. press: 35 x 10, 45 x 10
    I'm probably going to drop the chins and go back to my rowing. The chins seem to be aggravating a strain that I've had trouble with before.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    I keep wondering when is it going to warm up myself. Of course soon we will be complaining its to hot.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by BrooklynJerry View Post
    I keep wondering when is it going to warm up myself. Of course soon we will be complaining its to hot.
    We're looking at a nice weekend coming up, supposed to hit 70 on Sunday, I'm just hoping the bitter cold will be done after that. I had to see my chiro on Tuesday, my low back was still pretty bad. It was better today, but still tender. Even so, I managed to get through all my deadlifts, and the rest of the workout went pretty well. Hope your injuries are coming around Jerry, try to keep at it!
    Bwt - 192 1/2
    3's week of 5-3-1 cycle
    DL: 195 x 3, 220 x 3, 246 x 3+ (did 7)
    OHP: 84 x 3, 96 x 3, 110 x 3+ (did 7, last rep pretty much all-out)
    DB row: 45 x 10, 55 x 10
    Dips: 20 x 8 x 2 sets
    Standing DB curl: 35 x 10, 35 x 8

  6. #46
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    Nov 2010


    I was planning on working out yesterday, but my back was still bad, so I saw my chiro instead. It was better today, but still pretty tender, and I was forced to squat more upright than usual. My shoulders also feel a little strained, I think from the chins I was doing the past couple weeks, and much as I wish I could continue them, I'm afraid they're out.
    Cycle 1, 5-3-1+ week
    Bwt - 191 1/2
    SQ: 185 x 5, 210 x 3, 240 x 1+(did 5)
    Lev. row: 105 x 8, 130 x 8
    BP: 130 x 5, 150 x 3, 170 x 1+(did 5)
    E-Z curl: 85 x 8, 100 x 5
    Pinch grip: 55 lbs x two 7-sec. holds
    Rev. hyper: 65 x 12, 85 x 10

    I'll be going to the Alzheimer's support group this afternoon, then I need to get busy with some yard work.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Decent workout today, though my low back is still a little tender, and left shoulder's still achey. That may be why my presses felt a little heavy. Other than that, things are progressing again. The deload next week will no doubt feel like a vacation!
    Cycle 1, 5-3-1+ week
    Bwt - 191 1/2
    OHP: 90 x 5, 102 x 3, 115 x 1+(did 5, missed 6th rep halfway)
    DL: 205 x 5, 235 x 3, 260 x 1+(did 6)
    CGBP: 120 x 6, 140 x 3, 160 x 5
    Rev. curl: 65 x 6, 75 x 8

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I'm lucky last week was a de-load, because my back was in bad shape most of the week, so overall the week was a bust. I had a massage mid-week which helped a little, but it didn't really start to loosen up till yesterday. I've had a lot of stress lately, gonna have to move out of my girl's house by the end of the month. Her son tried talking me into staying, but wants me to keep the mortgage up, and I can't afford that on top of my other expenses, so it's back to Mom and Dad's for awhile, at least.

    My girl was very creative and wrote a lot of poetry, along with various stories, and I just found out she left me all of her works, and a few other things we shared, in her will. A very nice keepsake I was so happy to get!

    I didn't sleep much last night, and woke up for the day at 1:30 this morning. I watched TV for a couple hours, tried and failed to get back to sleep, so had breakfast around 5 am and did my workout a couple hours later. Felt kind of dragged-out during the workout, but did alright.
    Bwt. - 190 (pretty light)
    Cycle 2 / 5-5-5+ week
    SQ: 170 x 5, 195 x 5, 220 x 5+(got 9)
    Lev. row: 105 x 8, 125 x 8, 135 x 8
    BP: 125 x 5, 145 x 5, 158 x 5+(did 8)
    E-Z curl: 85 x 5, 105 x 3
    Pinch grip: 56 1/4 x two 7-sec. holds

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    The workout seems to be going well. I am convinced stress can affect your back. One of the worse back issues I had was when things in my life were the most stressful.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Palos Hills, IL


    starting strength coach development program
    I am convinced stress can affect your back.
    I completely agree. When I am stressed my lower back becomes irritated, achy.

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