starting strength gym
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Thread: Fiftyfit - One Day At a Time

  1. #541
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I saw the new chiropractor for the second time yesterday, and he's given me a lot of relief already. He says he's optimistic now that he can help me considerably. The X-rays he took last week showed more damage than I imagined, but the improvement already has me hopeful. I do think it's probably best that I forget about heavy squatting and deadlifting in the future, so I'm considering alternatives. I was able to get a pretty decent workout in today, and though I got through halting deadlifts, chances are I'll be dropping them, perhaps for reverse hypers.
    Thu, Feb 15
    Bwt - 195.5
    DB swing: 50x10
    OHP: 45x6, 70x3, 90x6, 5, 5
    Face pull: 40x10x3
    HDL: 155x8, 175x8, 195x8
    Hammer seated leg curl: 35x12, 10
    Chin-up: bwt + 10 x 6, 4, 3
    Dips: bwt + 25 x 4, 4, 4

  2. #542
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Georgia, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by fiftyfit View Post
    I saw the chiropractor on Tuesday, felt better for a day and a half, now not so good. Been doing a lot of thinking, and decided it's a good time to let the powerlifting go. I really hate the thought of giving up squats for good, hopefully I won't have to.
    I have been catching up on some reading and noticed this. It's a shame but I have noticed several folks on here are having issues lately . I guess we are lucky to be as healthy as we are at our ages. Hopefully between your chiro and some program changes you will feel better soon.

  3. #543
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    A quick update... after having to skip Sunday's workout due to the pain, I saw the chiropractor Monday. After that visit, I was feeling considerably better. In addition, yesterday I started the low back rehab program Starr wrote about many years ago. High reps (75 - 100) of good morning and halting deadlifts with just a broomstick to start. I'm already noticing the improvement in my hip and low back, so I'm feeling more optimistic now. Planning to go to the gym tomorrow, for mainly OHP, chins and dips.

  4. #544
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    Glad to hear you feeling better.I guess when you have the will we find ways to work around our pain and injuries.

  5. #545
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    That's what it really comes down to Jerry, where there's a WILL, there's a WAY!

  6. #546
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I've had three workouts over the last week, after taking the previous two weeks off. It's been tough trying to work around the pain, while still trying to get some decent work in. I've been getting regular adjustments from the chiropractor, while also doing the exercises PT gave me. I also had my thumb x-rayed last week, after falling mid-January. No fractures, but considerable arthritis in two joints. This makes it tough on some of my exercises, but I do what I can. I'm at my mom's for a few days, and worked out in the cold (32 degrees) garage today... out of propane for my heater.
    Sun, Mar 10
    Bwt - 194
    BP: 65x6, 105x3, 140x6, 5, 5 - all strict with a pause
    Inc. press: 105x5, 95x6
    Seated row: 125x6, 165x10, 9, 8
    Decline DB pullover: 50x10x2
    Vertical leg press: 150x10, 190x10x2
    Leg extension: 55x12x2
    BB curl: 45x6, 60x3, 80x6, 75x5x2
    Hanging DB curl: 15x8

  7. #547
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Back in Vermont now, and despite the hip and back troubles, I had a good workout today. I'm gonna be rotating the rep ranges on some of my exercises for awhile, I think it will be a little easier to handle, and maybe help my progress.
    Thu, Mar 14
    Bwt - 194
    OHP: 45x6, 70x3, 93x4x3
    Power clean: 95x3, 115x3, 130x3
    Good morning: 75x8, 95x8, 115x8
    Hammer seated leg curl: 45x10x2
    Chin-up: bwt x 6, 5, 4
    supersetted with
    Dips: bwt x 8, 7, 6

  8. #548
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    Looks good. Sping is on the way!

  9. #549
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    My friend and I tried a new gym in Burlington today, on the recommendation of her ex, Crunch Fitness. It's not bad... numerous lifting platforms and and racks, and plenty of Olympic sets. Also a large number of benches, machines and cardio equipment. Best of all, it's half the price of the gym I currently go to. I still have a couple months on my current membership, but may switch after that.
    Mon, Mar 18
    Bwt - 193.5
    BP: 65x8, 105x5, 135x3, 150x2, 165x1, 145x4x3
    Incline press: 95x10x2
    Seated row: 100x6, 130x7, 130x6
    DB pullover: 50x12x2
    Matrix leg press: 167x6, 237x6, 327x10x3
    Leg extension: 60x12, 62.5x12
    BB curl: 40x6, 60x3, 80x8
    Leaning DB curl: 20x7

  10. #550
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    It's been almost two months since I last squatted, and my hip and SI joint is doing much better now, so I decided to give the squats a go today. I seemed to get through them with no aggravation, but I know I still have to be careful.
    Sun, Mar 24
    Bwt - 193.5
    DB swing: 50x10
    BP: 65x5, 95x3, 125x1, 150x6, 145x5, 140x5
    CGBP: 125x6x2
    BB row: 95x6, 115x3, 135x6x2
    Decline DB pullover: 55x10x2
    SQ: 65x5, 115x3, 155x2, 190x5
    Cybex leg ext: 65x10x2
    Note: I didn't care for the Cybex, too much friction on it. I'm gonna go back to the Hammer leg extension.

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