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Thread: Fiftyfit - One Day At a Time

  1. #641
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    We're at my mom's for the weekend, and I saw my chiropractor in Vermont before we came down on Friday. My hip and low back had been bothering me more when the weather cooled off. The gym my lady friend belongs to in Vermont has one not far from my mom's, so we went in to get a workout today. I was surprised to find that they had completely different machines, as well as different Olympic bars than I was used to. The bars were slightly thicker with different spacing of the rings. I had to fool around to get close to my normal grip. I was also surrounded by a talkative bunch of young college guys, which proved to be distracting. Threw me off, and ended up having a poor workout.
    Sun, Oct 27
    Bwt - 198
    BP: 45x8, 95x6, 135x3, 170x4, 165x4, 165x4
    Incline press: 135x4
    Dips: +30 lbs x 6
    SQ: 95x6, 145x3, 190x2, 230x3

  2. #642
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Back in Vermont today, and worked out in the storage unit, temperature about 60 degrees. Still a bit achy after two chiropractic treatments in the past week. I had a little issue with today's workout, a slight hamstring strain on my last set of deadlifts, so I cut the set short. I'll probably work on rehabbing it (Starr protocol) over the next few days. I'm pretty sure the main reason is my hydration...need to ramp it up to avoid this happening again. Still managed a couple PR'S on the OHP and PBN.
    Wed, Oct 30
    Bwt - 196.5
    DB swing: 50x11
    OHP: 65x6, 90x3, 112x4*, PBN b/o: 92x6*
    Power clean: 95x3, 125x3, 150x3
    DL: 200x6, 268x3, 335x2 - felt slight strain in hamstring on 2nd rep, stopped there.
    Chin-up: bwt x 5, 5, 4

  3. #643
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Today was my last BP workout on the 3 - week specialization program I've been following. I'll test my max next week to see where I stand. Only five weeks till my meet, so I need to stay on track.
    Fri, Nov 1
    Bwt - 197
    BP: 45x8, 103x6, 137x3, 172x4*, 167x4, 165x4 - all my work sets done with a pause
    30 deg incline press: 136x5*
    Dips: +35 lbs x 4

  4. #644
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I worked out in my storage unit today, the temp outside was in the low 30's. I recently bought a shop light and a power bank to run it, and got my propane heater from my mom's last weekend, so this was a good opportunity to try it all out. Temp in the unit was about 40 when I started, tolerable enough, and just shy of 60 when I finished.
    Sun, Nov 3
    Bwt - 197
    DB swing: 50x12
    OHP: 65x6, 95x3, 120x3*, PBN b/o: 95x5*
    BB curl: 55x6, 75x3, 95x5
    SQ: 115x6, 175x3, 235x5

  5. #645
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I'd already decided to test my max BP today, then read Rip's short election day piece last night, so I had a little more motivation for that PR today! Improved my (current) PR by 20 pounds since August.
    Tue, Nov 5
    Bwt - 198
    BP: 45x8, 95x5, 140x2, 175x1, 190x1*, 200x1*
    Note: My last three singles were all done with a good pause.

  6. #646
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Georgia, USA


    Congratulations on the PR's. I wish I could do that again but can't with the restrictions.

  7. #647
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Thanks Fred for the congrats... your own benching has motivated me to get mine back up there, and hopefully you'll be able to work back up to full strength soon. I have been doing some light rehab work for what I thought was a minor hamstring strain last week, but luckily, it seems to be fine as evidenced by today's DL workout.
    Thu, Nov 7
    Bwt - 197.5
    DB swing: 45x10
    OHP: 50x6, 75x3, 99x8*, PBN b/o: 82x8
    Power clean: 100x3, 130x3, 152x3
    DL: 225x6, 285x3, 350x2* - solid double!
    CGBP: 95x6, 125x3, 145x8*

  8. #648
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I really need to be more careful, these last few weeks leading up to my meet. I've decided to use a wave loading scheme for my BP, and that went fine today. I also did one heavy static hold following my warmup, before my work sets, and no problem there. The mistake I made was trying to add a static hold to my squat. Ten seconds into the hold, my back spasmed up on me, forcing me to forgo my work set with 250. I'll be seeing my chiropractor tomorrow, but I think I'll be okay... lesson learned!
    Sun, Nov 10
    Bwt - 197
    DB swing: 45x11
    BP: 45x10, 95x5, 135x3, 240 - 15 sec hold,
    wave 1 - 170x3, 178x2, 186x1
    wave 2 - 174x3, 182x2, 190x1
    Chest expander pulldown: 3x8 reps
    BB curl: 60x6, 80x3, 100x4
    SQ: 100x6, 150x3, 200x2, 340 - 15 sec hold

  9. #649
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I gave my back a few days rest after seeing the chiropractor on Monday, but I'm still feeling some strain in my left ribs under the shoulder blade. I don't want to lose too much ground, so I tried to adjust things a bit today. My OHP and PBN were affected, and I changed my plan on the DL, just working up to a couple heavy singles. I plan to see the chiropractor again tomorrow.
    Thu, Nov 14
    Bwt - 196
    OHP: 67x6, 91x3, 114x4*, PBN: 96x4*
    Power clean: 100x3, 130x3
    DL: 225x6, 275x2, 325x1, 365x1*
    CGBP: 100x6, 125x3, 150x6*

  10. #650
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Georgia, USA


    starting strength coach development program
    That's a good single on that 365 pull! I'm looking forward to a good peak on your current cycle.

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