starting strength gym
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Thread: Granny's Log (deb)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I am still on amlodipine and benazepril, but since lifting/diet change when I went for a checkup the nurse said, 'wait, what? so the last 2 years you havent been taking the meds we gave you?'....she expected to see 140/90 or so. I am hoping to take less or get off if I
    That's the same med I'm taking, I don't have any ill effects from it but sure would like t be off it. I know if I drop 20 lbs my BP would be fine, but I like to eat, and look too thin below 200lbs.
    Good luck with the gym issues.My daughter joined a Planet Fitness and asks me to go with her, it was a strange atmosphere .Thats the reason I train at home.Its a real no judgement zone

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by vanslix View Post
    I'd have paid to see that exchange!
    You wouldnt have wanted to be there. Maybe have been as confused as I was. Im not nice when Im feeling attacked. I had to ask them, 'you know what the safeties are FOR, right?' And what gym would buy all that equipment if they really believed you should never add weight (because you dont know if you can handle it and might have a miss).

    Today I brought my bar and bumpers. No one was there! I made a video showing how little noise and bounce. They wouldnt let me leave the stuff so the head trainer can check it out. The one trainer that I've worked with once said they wont give me a refund or a cancelled contract. So, Ive decided not to be upset since it really isnt my problem. I said, then you're stuck with all 178# of me. I told them, I put 30# on my squat over the last few months and, I am NOT stopping. YOU are the only ones who can fix your issue with the noise, it's YOUR choice. You can A) have noise (bails/lowers onto the safeties), B) hear a dull thud (if you get bumper plates in which case no safeties are required), C) have noise but muffled if you put the silly pussy pads or towelson the safeties. (my old coach used to take trainees who brought those or the mantaray things to the trash can and make them throw it in...."this is GARBAGE, understand me? Useless Garbage." lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    One of the several Vienna's in the US or the one in Austria?
    Vienna, NJ.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Jon View Post
    Wow! Impressive numbers in here - especially press and power cleans. Hope the yoga peeps can find enough flexibility to pull their panties out of a wad. Keep up the excellent work.
    LOL. My SO almost choked on his coffee when I read that to him.

    CYCLE 9, WEEK 3, DAY 3 8_6_17 Sunday
    OHP 3x5x69# (light day)
    HEAVY BENCHPRESS Do three singles.
    115# GREAT bar speed
    1x3x117# all like butter, good bar speed. I probably could/should have done 120#, no spotter. Kinda relieved that 117 didnt feel heavy.
    10x55#, 10x65#
    I'm concluding if this monthly thing is going to keep happening, I should track % of loss, and whether or not I make a gain beyond what I made before the monthly. Meaning retried over 120#? We'll see.
    Still a weakling. But if I had to thank anyone for the gains, it would be SS, Andy Baker & Adam Skillin. I wish I had stuck to SS before I started Oly weightlifting!!

    BrooklynJerry: I gained 10# - still lowered my bp.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL


    CYCLE 9, WEEK 3, DAY 4 8_9_17 Tuesday.
    Squat 3x5x150# (light day)
    1x3x240# PR - because fuck them
    Snatch Grip RDL 6x2x145#, 1x3x145# (grip)
    SHRUGS 10x2x145# (2 sets bc sore traps from pclean)

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL


    CYCLE 10, WEEK 1, DAY 1 8_10_17
    powercleans last weeks felt great, back/traps so not recovered. This session was the yang to that yin.
    OHP 77#/4 (3) repeat weight next cycle. Struggling w/taking a new breath & restart.
    CGBP 102#/5 (2), 102#/6 missed reps because - hamstring cramp??
    Found a penny! again! wth."lift your head, else..."
    TRICEP LTE 35#/15 (2), Pressdown 40#/10, 30#/5,

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Do you do press 1.0 or 2.0?

    And I've had things seemingly unrelated seize/cramp up on me in bench which goes to show how much you really can involve the whole body in the lift.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by vanslix View Post
    Do you do press 1.0 or 2.0?

    And I've had things seemingly unrelated seize/cramp up on me in bench which goes to show how much you really can involve the whole body in the lift.
    1.0. The SSC taught me 2.0. I need to get used to doing it. Also to rest and restart. Also to press from a rack (I hang pclean it now from a bench)

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL


    CYCLE 10, WEEK 1, DAY 2 8_12_17 Saturday
    Changed my session to pm to avoid yoga/class. Me, pads/towels for safeties, bumpers, & 6 guys.
    170#/5, 4, 3 (I'dve had 2nd set if every guy didnt walk over for water during it...focus x5) maybe need smaller jumps
    88#/2, 88#/2, 90#/2, 100#/2, 105#/2, 110#/2, 115/#2, 120#/2
    Easy peasy. I bet I could do 125, 130 and lower them.
    PULLUPS Gravitron 11 - 6, 5, 5
    BARBELL ROW 85#/10 (once pronated, once supinated), 90#/10
    CURLS 50#/10 (2)
    I asked all the people whether I bothered them (strange looks for pcleans). They all said no. Discussion ensued RE: what are YOU doing (guy was a bodybuilder, there are a few powerlifters.) IDK why we all can't get along.
    Last edited by granny; 08-13-2017 at 05:00 AM. Reason: Remove snark

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL


    CYCLE 10, WEEK 1, DAY 3 8_13_17 Sunday
    OHP (Light) 69#/3 (5)
    BENCHPRESS 105#/5 (3) did 103 last cycle I did 5's
    Incline Bench 65#/10 (2)

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL


    CYCLE 10, WEEK 1, DAY 4 8_15_17 Tuesday
    Not enough sleep.
    SQUAT 152#/3 (5) did 150 last cycle
    HEAVY DEADLIFT 205#/5 (3) did 200 last
    RDL 145#/6 (2)
    SHRUG 145#/10 (2)

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL

    Default S&m40+

    starting strength coach development program
    CYCLE 10, WEEK 2, DAY 1 8_17_17 Thursday
    OHP 80#/3 (3) fairly easy, repeat from last cycle when I could only get 2 reps
    CGBP 102#/6.5, 6, 6 (6.5 - lowered 7 to the bottom rack)
    STE 35#/10 (ouchie on the clavicle-resectioned shoulder!)
    LTE 40#/12
    STE 35#/7 (tried again because no ouchie on lte)
    LTE 40#/10
    Cable Pressdown 40#/10 (3)
    French Press w/17.5# Dumbbell

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