LBBS w/belt - 405 x 2, 345 x 5 x 5
Bench - 257.5 x 5 x 5
Tired and sluggish. Day off from lifting tomorrow.
LBBS w/belt - 405 x 2, 345 x 5 x 5
Bench - 257.5 x 5 x 5
Tired and sluggish. Day off from lifting tomorrow.
RDL w/belt and straps - snatch grip - 325 x 8 x 4
Press w/belt - 175 x 5, 165 x 5 x 4
Pullups - BW x 8 x 5
Good workout. I think the RDLs are helping to get my deadlift moving.
Press - beltless - 135 x 9 x 3
BW Rows - narrow grip - 20 x 3
BB curls - 90 x 10, 10, 10, 9, 10
Did a couple of extra sets of curls instead of treadmill.
SSB - beltless - ascending sets of 5 - bar, 155, 255, 3015, 325
SSB w/ 3" belt - 345 x 9
Bench - ascending 5s - bar, 145, 195, 235, 255, 270 x 6
CGBP - 225 x 10
The bad: Right shoulder pain during bench.
The good: SSB squat is probably near my all-time best, despite hardly training it.
BW - 220
DL w/belt - 440 x 6
Press w/3" belt - 180 x 5, 165 x 5 x 5
Pullups - BW x 10 x 4
SSB w/3" belt - 245 x 20 (cardio)
Everything felt good and moved well. Joints (esp right hip) was feeling unusually good. This helped with my DL.
Needed some cardio, so did a set of 20 on ssb squat. This surprisingly worked my hams more than I thought.
Gaining weight - at 220 now! This puts me at a 29.8 BMI - just another pound and the AMA will officially label me as OBESE!
nice pulling and pressing. welcome to the "obese" club. they used to make me go in the fat kid line in the military to measure my waist/neck ratio and then the officer would take one look at me when it was my turn to tape and just tell me to get out of here
12/21/24 - Solstice training
LBBS w/4" belt - 350 x 5 x 5
Bench - 260 x 5 x 5
SSB w/3" belt - 245 x 20
My wife came down and started talking to me while I was doing my 3rd set of bench. I just started laughing and had to rack it. So, technically, I did 28 reps today!
Last edited by irongeek; 12-26-2024 at 09:53 AM.