starting strength gym
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Thread: Sousa's Strength Log

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Weymouth, MA


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    Quote Originally Posted by August West View Post
    I've experienced this too, but no idea yet what the source is. Only noticeable at extension, so it's usually easy to ignore. Would definitely be good to know if this is a form problem though, before the weights get too heavy. In my case I struggle with knees that don't want to point as far out as my feet, which I'm working on - but maybe it's something else entirely. Got to be a good sign that it doesn't hurt during squats or walking, though.
    After you squat, where are you sorest? My quads right above my knee are really sore after I squat now. Used to be my adductors and hip flexors that would get the brunt of it, but I've tried to fix my chest caving and since then it's my quads that get killed.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Weymouth, MA



    Squats - 200x5x3

    Press - 125x5x3

    PC - 145x3x5

    Tonight was rough. Forgot the gym closed at 7 on Saturdays and got there at 6. Finished the whole workout by 6:55. Got every rep though. Definitely glad I have two days rest now.

    Squats actually didn't seem too bad. Hoping to get someone to come with me to video me to see if my form is why my quads seem to be getting the brunt of things.

    Presses got tough by the third set, but that'll happen when you do all 3 sets within 10 minutes I guess.

    Power Cleans were definitely not the prettiest, but again I think the time crunch had a big part in that.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Sousa View Post
    After you squat, where are you sorest? My quads right above my knee are really sore after I squat now. Used to be my adductors and hip flexors that would get the brunt of it, but I've tried to fix my chest caving and since then it's my quads that get killed.
    Lately it's been the muscles at the front of my hips that feel it most, but actually the knee issue has been getting less frequent so maybe I'm replacing one bad habit with another. Definitely still working on keeping the chest up like you mentioned. Oh well, I am sure all kinds of hurt are going to get familiar as the weight gets more serious. Might as well keep eating lots and squatting.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Weymouth, MA



    Squat - 205x5x3

    Bench - 170x5x3

    DL - 275x5x1

    Squats are definitely getting harder. Still feeling it mainly in my quads immediately after my sets. They feel better by the end of the workout though. The knee pain I experienced a few days ago seems to be gone now. I am wondering if my quads are just the weak link in my squat? Seems logical since my DL is so far ahead of it. Oh well, I'll keep eating and increasing the weight and just suck it up.

    Bench was still easy which I like. I was thinking I would start to feel a bit of a slow down at this point but I haven't. I definitely have at least afew more workouts with 5 lb. jumps in me.

    Deads were good. Wouldn't say easy, but still far from hard. Next DL day will be a PR for me for a set of 5, can't wait.

    Going to miss a day on T-Day. Playing in an annual football game with some friends and don't want to try and lift after that. I'll just take the day of rest and will continue Saturday with my next workout.

  5. #25
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    Weymouth, MA



    Squat - 210x5x3

    Press - 130x5x3

    PC - N/A

    Back after several days off from the holiday. Squats weren't too tough, but still am feeling it primarily in the quads.

    Press wasn't bad either, still not close to a stall. Definitely will hit 135 on Thursday and we'll see if I can keep going with 5 lb. jumps after that.

    Skipped the PC's today due to my wrist/forearm still being banged up from playing the line in a football game on T-Day. Had some pain with an empty bar in the rack position so figured I'd give it til Thursday to heal and then give them a go.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Weymouth, MA



    Squat - 215x5x3

    Bench - 175x5x3

    DL - 285x5x1

    Tonight was rough. I don't think I've been eating enough the past few days. Gonna make that my primary focus.

    Squats are getting tougher, but I still feel it mainly in my quads. Not sure what to do about it. I need to get my form on video, but don't have anyone to tape it for me. I am thinking I may be going a bit too deep and my knees may be sliding forward as a result? But that's just a guess. Hopefully I can get it taped soon.

    Bench was still pretty easy. Best part of the night.

    DL was tough. I felt spent by the time I got to them, I think due to the lack of calories as of late. I also used a different bar than normal. Had a thinner bar and a sharper knurling. Wasn't a big fan of either.

    Going to make sure I get at least 5k cals and enough protein between now and next workout to see what kind of difference it makes. Off to eat a half dozen eggs, some bacon and a couple big glasses of egg nog for dinner.

  7. #27
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    Squat - 220x5x2 (did not attempte third set)

    Press - 135x5x3

    PC - N/A

    Tonight sucked. Squats were very painful in my quads. I am not sure what the deal is, but it got to the point where I wasn't comfortable getting under the bar for the third set. I am thinking of resetting down to 135 to focus on form and make 20 pound jumps up to 175, then do 10 pound jumps back up to 215, then go to 5 pound jumps. The only thing I can think is I am not keeping tension in my hamstrings/glutes so I am going to make that my priority. Will my other lifts suffer if I do this though?

    Press wasn't too tough again. I think 140 will be very doable next go around and then we'll see if the 5 lb. jumps will continue.

    Started to warm up for PC's, but when I tried 95 lbs. I got the pain in my wrist that I had the other night. Not sure what I did to it, but I'm hoping it's gone by the next workout with PC's.

    I hate that I suck so bad at squatting. Pressing and DLing seem so natural, but the squat is my mortal enemy.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    When my quads are more sore than my hammies it's usually because I have introduced a new defect in my squat. I would video a set @ 200 or so and see how you look. I want some weight on the bar to know what to fix. The weight will show you your weakness...that's what you want to see. I have a checklist I run the set and check for depth first, watch a second time looking for any softness in my back (not lifting my chest, or hips and shoulders out of synch), third time focusing on knees near the bottom. If I can't find anything after watching the video three times looking for those things then I conclude that maybe it's because the weight is just really fucking heavy and it hurts to get stronger

  9. #29
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    Thanks Webbie, I think I can get a video up next Saturday. I am definitely hoping it's the latter. If my form is okay I can deal with the pain, but it's to the point that I am thinking it has to be form related.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Weymouth, MA


    starting strength coach development program
    So I decided to switch to Wendler's 5/3/1 starting tonight. The reason for the change is that I miss playing sports. Starting Strength requires (at least for me) complete dedication in order to fully recover workout to workout and I was starting to really miss playing football on Saturdays and the random soccer games I would be invited to join in. From reading about 5/3/1 it sounds like I can still make steady, albeit slower, gains while allowing for being active outside the gym. This is by no means me being dissatisfied with SS, the program works and works well.

    So tonight:


    Press - 95x5, 110x5, 125x5

    Dips - 10/10/8

    Chins - 5/5/4

    Press was very easy, but that is how the program starts from what I've read.

    The bodyweight stuff I did for accessory work was about as bad as I thought it would be. I hadn't really done any BW stuff while doing SS and 30 lbs. later my dips and chins showed for it. I was also trying to keep to the 1 minute rests between sets. I am looking forward to these improving.

    I am sure the DL and squat workouts will be a bit more taxing, but I can definitely see this letting me be active as I want and not interfering with my gains.

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