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Thread: ColoWayno's log

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertFontaine View Post
    Have you tried aleve? I find it seems to do a better job with swelling. It's good to see an old guy doing 5/3/1. Being a youthful 43 it gives me some hope that I'll still be able to lift when I get old like you.
    I've "borrowed" that from a guy at the office before. It does a good job.

    One of my favorite "age" quotes was from an oldster, Ronald Reagan, when he debated Walter Mondale in 1984. When the issue of age came up he said:

    "I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponents youth and inexperience".

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    July 8 (Thursday)
    Weighed in at 195
    (Sets x Reps x Lbs)
    Bench 1x3x160, 1x3x185, 1x7x207.5
    Press 5x10x75
    Ab Rollups 1x50
    Standing Knee Raises 1x25 (each leg)
    Grappler 4x8x35

    July 9 (Friday)
    Weighed in at 195
    Dead lift 1x3x230, 1x3x265, 1x3x300

    July 12 (Monday)
    Weighed in at 195
    Press 1x1x105, 1x1x115, 1x5x130
    Chins 3x5xBW+25, 1x3xBW+25, 1x5xBW
    Ab Rollups 50
    Standing Knee Raises 1x25 (each leg)
    Plate Choppers 4x8x25
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 07-15-2010 at 11:25 PM.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Tuesday (Week 3, Cycle 3)
    Weighed in at 197
    (Sets x Reps x Lbs)

    Squats 1x2x185, 1x1x225, 1x5x265
    Power Cleans 10x2x135

    I'm not really following 5/3/1 anymore for squats, and this will be my last week for the other lifts as well. I have two weeks to go after this and I probably won't be doing a "program"... just doing some lifts.

    In Late August or September I'll be starting over with a big reset and linear progression.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Thursday (Cycle 3, Week 3)
    Weighed in at 194lbs
    (Sets x Reps x Lbs)
    Bench 1x1x170, 1x1x195, 1x3x220 (third week in a row I couldn't get a spotter to keeps hands off the bar... Did I do these reps? I'll never know. Would have been a PR)

    Chins 1x5xBW, 1x2xBW+25, 1x1xBW+45, 1x1xBW+75 (269=PR)
    Intervals 6 x 1/4 mile @ 8min/mile pace, 2 minute rest

    Still enjoying my chins. I think my BW is only 3 lbs lighter than my last PR which was +70.
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 07-15-2010 at 11:28 PM.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Why are you stopping 5/3/1? - Personal schedule? Not Productive?

    I'm also on Cycle 3 / Wave 3 oddly enough so I've enjoyed peeking over your shoulder.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    I'm taking kind of a long vacation after a long deployment, so I'll be mostly out of the gym for 3 or 4 weeks... I'll grab a workout here and there if I can get it.

    When I get back I'm going to do short versions of linear progression and advanced novice. After that I was leaning toward using TM for a while though I'm not completely committed yet.

    I think I'm just sort of getting the hang of 5-3-1 and how assistance exercises fit in, etc. so I will most likely make use of it in the future.

    As for the next couple of weeks (before I go home) I still have to think of something.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Enjoy the vacation A little healing time is usually a good thing.

    Yes Texas Method or Starr's Intermediate 5x5 are almost certainly more efficient programs for advance novice/intermediates. I went from 18 months of SS (insanely productive), to 10 months of DC (moderately productive) to month 3 of 5/3/1 (still waiting to see how productive it will be).

    My Squat/Deadlift stalled under the DC program as it is more of a body part HIT'ish program but it's fun and I put on some muscle.

    I'm hoping that 12 months of 5/3/1 will put me solidly into the intermediate lifter categoy. I'm pretty sure TM or intermediate 5x5 would do it quicker but I like the simplicity and the short workouts.

    Another option if you like volume is sheiko. It is apparently quite productive but it takes significantly more gym time.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Friday (Cycle 3, Week 3)
    Weighed in at 194lbs
    (Sets x Reps x lbs)
    Deads 1x1x250, 1x1x280, 1x1x315

    Shortest workout ever! I hit my minimum reps in everything except squats on my 5-3-1 run. I'm sort of out of steam mentally and I have two weeks of deployment left. I'm tinkering with the idea of doing some speed work, maybe like the TM template:
    Monday: Squat Volume, OH Press Volume, Power Cleans or Deads, 1 assistance
    Wednesday: Bench (light), Chins, Ab work
    Friday: Squat DE, OH DE, Power Cleans

    I think I'll just repeat this for two weeks. If my shoulder feels better I might switch to bench press.
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 07-17-2010 at 06:46 AM.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Sunday (free wheelin' it)
    (Weighed in at 193lbs)

    Just walked 1.5 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill. Was a nice evening but there's some sort of kidnapping threat or something... so the boring treadmill had to do.

    Read a lot of good posts about DE work and decided to skip it this go around. My current plan is to do something Rip recommended to a baseball player who has to incorporate sprinting.

    Mon: Squats, Pulls, Sprinting
    Tues: Press + Chins
    Thu: Squats, Pulls, Sprinting
    Fri: Press + Chins

    Reps will be light with an emphasis on bar speed... but not like in DE.
    I've been doing a volume day and an intensity day on chins, I think I'll keep doing that.

    Sadly, my current sprinting pace is equivalent to my former distance run pace but so be it.
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 07-19-2010 at 01:23 AM.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    starting strength coach development program
    Weighed in at 194lbs
    (Sets x Reps x Lbs)
    Squats 3x5x240
    Power Cleans 3x3x135
    Interval Run: 5x10-15seconds @ 6 min/mile pace

    Felt tired and weak on squats and power cleans.
    The interval run on a treadmill is interesting. I let the treadmill accelerate the belt until it stopped accelerating, then counted the time from that point. Not too satisfying but I suppose it gets the job done, sort of.

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