Not going to whine about why I couldn't do my Friday workout on Friday.
(Sets x Reps x Lbs)
Squats: 1x3x273
Speed Bench: 10x3x140
Power Cleans: 2x3x140, 1x2x140 (FAIL!

Pullups: BW + 35# (Set of 6, Set of 4)
Today was intensity day. I'm probably going to start trying speed reps on my squats since I've backed off of my previous PR and the weight still feels extremely heavy. I've been doing speed reps on my presses for a few weeks now. Even though I'm barely passed the "untrained" status in my power cleans they were really tough today. For the first two sets I felt very dizzy and missed a rep on my third and last set. I stopped at three partly because I'm nursing some sore back discs.
I didn't think about my sore heel until just now so that's good. Still wearing gels and waiting for the postman to deliver my new shoes.
Played two Chopin Waltzes while waiting for my computer to boot, right after working out. Tell that to the people who won't lift because they can't bulk up for their sport.

The Speed Bench press actually made me a little sore. This is the second time I've tried it and must be getting a little better explosion. Decided to buy a lifting belt. I won't go cheap (like I tried to do with my shoes). Just re- read the section in SS on Shoes and Belts and feel a little foolish for not getting shoes sooner. It's time for the belt also as my lower back is chronically sore and I'm afraid to challenge myself under the bar because of that.
Probably going to try my Chuck Taylors again tomorrow, at least for some of my lifts.