starting strength gym
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Thread: tescott's log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Wednesday 14 July 2010

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Woke up REALLY sore today. I guess that's what 3 weeks off does to you...

    Squat 3x5x115kg. This was really surprisingly hard. I guess because I was still really sore.

    Bench 3x5x80kg. Took it easy, and it felt easy.

    Power Clean 5x3x60kg. Took it easy, felt easy.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Friday 16 July 2010

    Soreness subsiding now.

    General Warmup:
    High knees; butt kicks; leg swings; butt-kick leg swings; lunges; air squats; shoulder rotations.


    Back Squat 3x5x117.5kg. Better than last time. Took some video, and wasn't terribly impressed. Focusing on knees out and tight at the bottom so I don't lose too much back angle.

    Press 3x5x62.5kg. Didn't belt up for this, and felt pretty easy. I love presses :-)

    Deadlift 1x5x150kg. Ok, that felt hard. Will make 5kg jumps from now.

    Last time and this time I spent 10 minutes stretching. I normally hate stretching because I get bored. Though this time, rather than doing 2-3 stretches for a long time, I'm doing a collection of 9 for 30s each from some youtube video on a site that Gary posted []. Then I spend some time sitting seiza-style while doing something else.

    Normally I have super tight quads, and my knees pay the price. I'm already feeling much better.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Saturday 17 July 2010

    Went down the park and ran around for a bit today. Jogged, then did a few 75% efforts over 50m before doing 6 or so 50m sprints (small park). Finished off with a couple of 75% efforts. First time running in a long time, so didn't want to overdo it. Felt slow but good. Plan to do this on Saturdays for a bit of conditioning.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Tuesday 20 July 2010

    Missed yesterday. Too busy working on essay in Library and lost track of time.

    General Warmup:
    High knees; butt kicks; leg swings; butt-kick leg swings; air squats.


    Squat 3x5x120kg. Felt challenging today, but I was generally a lot happier with my technique. Didn’t video, but I could feel a difference by concentrating on my knees out at the bottom. Still looking ahead, which is helping a lot with the back angle.

    Bench Press 3x5x85kg. A bit more challenging today. Will add 5kg next time, but I suspect that will be the last.

    Power Clean 5x3x65kg. Again, fairly easy. Though, I’m always making little technique errors here and there. Technique works when I focus on: 1) tight back in first pull, 2) brush the shirt, 3) fast elbows, and 4) ‘front squat’ catching position.

    Only had time for a quick stretch. Quads and hammies, then sat seiza while I bathed my boy.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Thursday 22 July 2010

    General warmup: as above


    My right lower back felt a bit twingy today - especially as I'm belting up before sets. I'll keep a note on this. Knees feeling good as gold. I'm pretty sure that's the 'knees out' and stretching.

    Squat 3x5x122.5kg. Challenging, but felt good. Keeping knees out. Staying farily upright.

    Press 3x5x65kg. Getting challenging. Last set I concentrated on keeping everything in my lower body tight – was a breeze.

    Deadlift 1x5x155kg. Good.

    Shorter stretch routine.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Saturday 24 July 2010

    General warmup: air quats; lunges; leg swings; arm swings


    Squats 3x5x125kg.

    Bench Press 3x5x90kg.

    Power Clean 5x3x70kg.

    Back was sore after the power cleans. I think I was catching with my torso leaning back.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Wednesday 28 July 2010

    Squat 3x5x127.5kg.

    Press 3x5x67.5kg.

    Deadlift 1x5x160kg. Felt great.

    Back felt worse after the press, but better after the deads!

    Rushed off to a family get-together, so no time for stretching ☹

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Friday 30 July 2010

    Warmup: air squats, legswings, air circles, dislocates.

    Knees not feeling great today. Need to make sure I stretch tonight.

    Squats 3x5x130kg. Felt hard. Poor form. Probably not eating enough. Should do weight again.

    Bench Press 3x5x92.5kg.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Monday 2 August 2010

    Trained at USYD gym today. Bar was worn out and slippery, and the rack was too narrow for my regular grip. Floor was also a bit dodgy. So, squat was complicated by a few things.

    (Even though I chose a poor rack and my bar was crap, the gym was great. 2 platforms with bumpers etc, chalk bucket, more racks, and more bars.)

    Warmup: air squats, leg swings.

    Squat 3x5x130kg. Ok, not great. Probably had a lot to do with the different grip, floor etc.

    Press 3x5x70kg. Didn’t think I’d get these after a hard first set, but kept everything tight and got it.

    Deadlift 1x5x165kg. Wasn’t too much of a struggle. Will go 170kg next time. Must consciously think ‘big chest’ next time.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Thursday 5 August 2010

    starting strength coach development program
    Had kim’s mum’s funeral for most of the day yesterday, and felt exhausted, so I put off last night’s session until 6am this morning.

    Warmup: air squats, leg swings, lunges, arm circles

    Squat 2x5x105kg. First set felt horrible. Second was much better. Training in the morning is heaps harder than in the evening. My back felt a bit out of whack too.

    Bench Press 3x5x95kg. Surprised at how good they felt. Though, starting to let my right shoulder loosen up. Need to focus on shoulders back and tight throughout the set. Also, wore a belt for the first time and concentrated on keeping my whole body tight.

    Power Clean 5x3x72.5kg. Ok. Still not great form. Will need to do weight again.

    Ran for the train afterwards and hurt my left knee (patellar tendon). Could be from training in the morning, or perhaps also from the power cleans.

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