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Thread: tescott's log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default tescott's log

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hi all,

    thought it was time to start an online log. Motivation is a bit low at the moment. I train on my own in my garage, and I have recently found out that the two comps that I was planning to enter later this year are on when I'm at a friend's wedding, and an interstate conference. So, as I said, it's a bit hard to be motivated at the moment.

    Squat 160kg 3RM
    DL 175kg 5RM
    Bench 105kg 3RM
    Press 79.5kg 2RM
    Power Clean horrific. Last sets were 5x3x75kg, with very poor racking.

    I'm using Texas Method, and have been for the last 7-8 weeks. I'll post again after monday's volume (Squat, Bench, Pull Ups) session.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Wednesday 9 June 2010

    Ok, after missing several workouts from sickness/tiredness etc, it was good to get back into it today. Since it was first time back, and it's not the beginning of the week, I thought I'd just do some 3x5s to get back into it. I wanted to take it easy on the squats (compared to my last 5x5x140kg, a few weeks ago), since I knew I haven't been eating very well while I've been sick. I also wanted to make sure I did my power cleans and didn't cut them short, like I tend to do when workouts start to move into dinner/family time.

    Squats 3x5x135kg. These were really good. Tried looking straight ahead as a remedy to my chronic loss of back angle, and seemed to work pretty well. Lost my balance on one, but recovered ok.

    Press 3x5x70kg. Also surprisingly good. Last novice workout was 3x5x71kg, with about 10min rests between set. This was 5min, and felt really strong. I am making progress on TM after all :-)

    Power Clean 5x3x75kg. As usual, these sucked. Though, I might have had a breakthrough on the last rep of the last set. I concentrated on keeping a really tight back, and the bar just popped up really high. Perhaps my problem has been a 'soft' back, dampening power transfer...

    Chins 7-6-5. Chins. On a really rough knurled bar. If I leave these out, my deadlifting grip dies.

    Solid session. Good to get back into it.

    Oh, BW about 102kg.
    Last edited by tescott; 06-12-2010 at 03:18 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Saturday 12 June 2010

    Light day today. Would normally be intensity day, but since I had sort-of-volume on Wednesday after a lay-off, made this one active rest. Bumped up volume on squats since volume was down on Wed. All in all, felt good.

    Squats 3x5x110kg still looking ahead, also concentrating on bar over mid-foot. Felt a loss of power on a couple. Need to find the hip drive without sacrificing back angle.

    Bench Press 3x5x85kg Felt solid.

    Deadlift - warm up only (5x50kg; 3x90kg; 2x130kg; 1x150kg) Knew I wouldn't get 5RM after the lay-off and Wednesday session, and want to be fresh for Monday.

    Weighted Sit Ups 3x12x5kg Threw these in for the first time. Will try to do these weekly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Monday 14 June 2010

    Volume Day. BW 102kg

    Squat 5x5x135kg. I dropped the weight a bit since progressing 2.5kg/week for 8 weeks or so. This felt better and technique was pretty solid. Looking straight ahead, focusing on midfoot is helping a lot.

    Bench 5x5x95kg. Felt good

    Chins 7-6-6. These were hard right after bench, but felt ok.
    Last edited by tescott; 06-14-2010 at 06:01 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Wednesday 16 June 2010

    Light Day. BW 103.3. Ate a lot of salt and carbs yesterday. Been really thirsty. I guess all that water accounts for the extra weight!

    Squat 2x5x110kg.

    Press 3x5x67.5kg.

    Power Clean 5x3x75kg. Still working on these bad boys. My plan is to stay at a challenging weight until my form is good. Seems to be working, since these were pretty good. Before this, did a lot of resets over the months, to no avail.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Friday 18 June 2010

    Intensity Day. BW. - didn't weight myself this morning.

    Squat 1x5x150kg. These felt good, and was told they looked good. Was going to go for a few more kg, but wanted to make sure I nailed this. I did.

    Bench 1x2x107.5kg. With presses and benches, I picked a weight, worked up to a 3RM with it, then go up 2.5kg. This time, I managed to only drop 1 rep in the 2.5kg increase. Will go for 3 at this weight next time.

    Deadlift 1x5x177.5kg. These were hard. Lucky my pal was yelling at me, or I don't think I would have got the last rep. Hands hurt. Need to work harder on grip and hand toughness this week (dead hangs on rough bar, CoC gripper work). Looking forward to cracking 4 plates next time!

    Weighted Sit Ups 4x12x5kg.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia

    Default Tuesday 22 June 2010

    Volume Day. Normally Mon, Wed, Fri, but I have exams those days, so it’s just two days this week: Tues and Thurs.

    Squat 5x5x137.5kg. 5min rests. These felt really hard. I think me knees are drifting in. I took video, but my black trackies makes it hard to see me knees properly.

    I didn’t eat enough this weekend, and my sleep hasn’t been that great. Exams at the moment. Busy and stressed. Maybe I’ll do this weight again, or maybe I’ll just make sure I get food and sleep…

    Press 5x5x67.5kg. 5min rests. Last time I did 68.5kg, but I didn’t squat that day, and that was after missing 5x5x67.5 the time before. After squatting, these were hard enough. Though, I may have miscounted the last set and only done 4… Nonetheless, 68.5kg next time.

    Chins 8-6.5-5. 3min rests.

    Curlz 2x12x16kg. Haven’t done bicep curls since I was in high school. I get sore biceps tendons when I bench press. I read around the forums that these are good ‘prehab’.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    Quote Originally Posted by tescott View Post
    I think me knees are drifting in. I took video, but my black trackies makes it hard to see me knees properly.
    I have the same problem. I really should wear white leggings, like a ballet dancer; I would probably get laughed at, but the videos would certaily be more useful. I don't think I've got enough self-confidence to dare.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia


    Woke up with a cold this morning. That would explain the toughness of the squats yesterday.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia

    Default Monday 13 July 2010

    starting strength coach development program
    It turns out that the last workout was hard because I was getting sick. Bad cold, then Pharyngitis that just wouldn't shake. Out for three weeks. Dropping to 80% and doing SS for a few weeks to get back on top of things.

    Back Squat 3x5x110kg. Felt good to be back. Challenging, mostly on the technique front.

    Press 3x5x60kg. Again, a little challenging, but to be expected.

    Deadlift 1x5x140kg. Pretty easy.

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