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Thread: Shockwaves 5/3/1 - C3 BBB

  1. #1

    Post Shockwaves 5/3/1 - C3 BBB

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hello All,

    I will start keeping a log here of my training.

    I'm 28 years old, 85 kg and my best lifts from last weeks:

    Bench : 11 X 77.50 kg (1RM estimation ~ 106kg)
    Squat : 9 X 100kg (1RM estimation ~ 130kg)
    Press : 5 X 57.50 (1RM estimation ~ 65kg)
    Deads: 11 X 120.00 (1RM estimation ~ 165kg)

    My whole log gonna be in kg ....

    A more compact view of the whole log can be found here
    I hope it is self explaining.

    I'm now finishing the second 5/3/1 cycle and will move on to the 3rd one after a 10days break (holidays)

    I used the Big But Boring assistance template and will probably use it for the next cycle as well.

    Since its very motivating to watch other people progress and to know that somebody is reading my progress,
    All your comments are welcome!

  2. #2


    Standing Press (1+)

    5 X 25
    5 X 32.5
    3 X 37.5
    5 X 47.5
    3 x 52.5
    3 X 60

    Pull Up / Chin <> Standing BB Press
    5S X 10R X BW (87.5kg) <> 5S X 10R X 32.5kg

    4S X 12R X 25kg
    Last edited by Shockwave; 06-20-2010 at 06:17 AM.

  3. #3


    Date: 12-Jul-2010

    Squat X 5

    5 X 45.00
    5 X 55.00
    3 X 65.00
    5 X 72.50
    5 X 82.50
    6 X 95.00

    Squat <>
    3S X 10R X 60kg
    <> Leg Curl
    3S X 10R X 30/35/35kg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    glad to see someone on the same program as me.
    keep it up dude!

    may i ask what is your height?

    and may i suggest you substitute leg curl for some GM's or pullthroughs or other one's that target both insertions of the hams unlike the leg curl which only target the one's at the knee.

    hehe sorry for sounding like a know it all.

  5. #5


    Thanks for checking simonsky,
    Do you also have a log? Did not find something.

    I'm ~1.85m
    My whole Log can be found here but will write below all my trainings up to today.

  6. #6


    Date: 9-Jul-2010
    Bench X 5
    5 X 37.5
    5 X 47.5
    3 X 57.5
    5 X 62.5
    5 X 72.5
    9 X 80

    DB Row <>
    4S X 10R X 26kg
    <> BB Bench
    2S X 10R X 57.5kg
    1S X 10R X 55.0kg
    1S X 10R X 50.0kg

    14R X 10kg
    10R X 8kg

    Date: 12-Jul-2010
    Squat X 5
    5 X 45.00
    5 X 55.00
    3 X 65.00
    5 X 72.50
    5 X 82.50
    6 X 95.00

    Squat <>
    3S X 10R X 60kg
    <> Leg Curl
    3S X 10R X 30/35/35kg

    Date: 15-Jul-2010
    Strict Press X 5
    5 X 25.00
    5 X 32.50
    3 X 40.00
    5 X 42.50
    5 X 50.00
    5 X 55.00

    Pull Up <>
    3S X 10R X BW
    <> Standing BB Press
    3S X 10R X 35kg

    Date: 17-Jul-2010
    Deadlift X 5
    5 X 55.00
    5 X 67.50
    3 X 82.50
    5 X 90.00
    5 X 102.50
    11 X 117.50

    No Assistance exercises

    Date: 19-Jul-2010
    Bench X 3
    5 X 37.5
    5 X 47.5
    3 X 57.5
    3 X 67.5
    3 X 75
    7 X 85

    DB Row <>
    5S X 10R X 26kg
    <> BB Bench
    5S X 10R X 55kg
    4S X 12R X 10/8/8/8kg

    Date: 21-Jul-2010
    Squat X 3
    5 X 45
    5 X 55
    3 X 65
    3 X 77.5
    3 X 87.5
    9 X 100

    Squat <>
    5S X 10R X 65kg
    <> Leg Curl
    5S X 10R X 1*35/4*40kg

    Date: 23-Jul-2010
    Strict Press X 3
    5 X 25
    5 X 32.5
    3 X 40
    3 X 45
    3 X 52.5
    5 X 57.5

    Pull Up <>
    5S X 10R X 5*BW
    <> Standing BB Press
    3S X 10R X 35kg
    2S X 10R X 30kg

    4S X 12R X 25kg

  7. #7


    starting strength coach development program
    Date: 27-Jul-2010

    Deadlift X 3

    5 X 55
    5 X 67.5
    3 X 82.5
    3 X 95
    3 X 110
    12 X 122.5

    DeadLift <>
    5S X 10R X 65kg
    <> Abs
    5S X 12R X 5kg

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