starting strength gym
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Thread: Joose's Log

  1. #171
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    South Canada (AKA MN)

    Default Ice

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    With the weather warming a bit, the melting snow created a lake in the parking lot at my work. There was so much ice that none of the drains were open. So, I volunteered to help break up and move some (ended up being like 90%) of the ice.

    I was feeling it in my back even before I was ¼ of the way done with the job, but of course, I worked out after work anyway. My back is screaming at me now, but I'll be alright.

    I only had time to do two sets of Rows before the gym closed, but everything else was great.


    LBBS 240x5, 5, 5, 6; 245x6
    Press 142.5x5, 5 ,6 ,6 ,6
    Rows 200x5, 5, Ø

  2. #172
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    South Canada (AKA MN)


    I am still really liking the double volume DL scheme I have been running. Doing 2x5 rather than 1x5 has felt really good. Of course, I have yet to get close to the weights I was doing the last time I ran a 1x5, so we will see where that lands me, but so far, so good. I am in the same "liking more volume but not doing enough weight to know for sure" boat with squats, doing 5x5 vs. 3x5.

    My left groin area was hurting a bit during and after my workout. My knees are still in mild to moderate pain most of the time, but not as badly as it was when I took my last "break."

    Bench didn't hurt my right shoulder too much, but it still isn't 100%. Chin-ups did hurt it a bit more at the bottom. Slight twinge of left elbow pain reminiscent of recent tendinitis issues.

    Still not getting enough time in the gym to finish my chins.


    DL 2x5@350
    Bench 165x10, 10, 12
    Chins 5, 5

  3. #173
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    South Canada (AKA MN)


    I feel kinda lame. I keep wussing out on set three of 20 Rep Squats. Twice now I have hit 12 and think "I could do more, but the pain needs to stop." After doing 2 sets of 20, I feel justified since I don't want to sabotage the rest of my workout, but when I then hit +1 and +2 reps on my last two sets of Presses and NAIL my three sets of Rows in under 8 minutes, I really should be going for it. Then IF I bomb from exhaustion, let myself "justify" things. It was a great workout though, really. I feel good about it. But I shouldn't chicken out so easily on set three anymore.

    Right shoulder pain not really subsiding. Can't tell if it is getting worse, either, though.


    Squat 160x20, 20, 12
    Press 145x5, 5, 5, 6, 7
    Rows 3x5@200

  4. #174
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    South Canada (AKA MN)


    Good day. I actually got some time in the gym. I took my time, rested between sets, even did 5 sets of chins and sat in the hot tub afterward!

    DLs felt funky. My form was all over the place. I was trying a new approach to the bar, as well as trying to get my breathing down with the belt. It just felt weird and I was moving all over the place. Still got all planned reps, which shows how easy it is right now. I mean, it isn't EASY, but considering how much weight I was doing only two and a half months ago, it is "easy."

    Bench was amazing. I got ten reps on set 5! It came out of NOWHERE!

    Chins were a bit depressing. With rest and no rush, I still struggled with how many I could do. I weighed myself after the workout, thinking maybe I am just getting fat, but the scale was bouncing all over the place. I couldn't be sure, but I think it was saying I am under 230 lbs, which surprised me.

    Pain is still persisting in my right shoulder during bench and chins.


    DL 2x5@355
    Bench 195x5, 5, 6, 6, 10
    Chins 6, 6, 6, 5, 5

  5. #175
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    South Canada (AKA MN)


    I wish I had a kilt. I don't. So I wore my Boston Celtics shirt in which to workout. I only had 45 minutes, but I got everything in. It was a good day.


    LBBS 5x5@245
    Press 150x5, 5, 6, 6, 6
    Rows 3x5@205

    The sets of all exercises were all mixed together. Rows sets 2 and 3 had only a minute of rest between them. Good for the heart. Haha!

  6. #176
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    South Canada (AKA MN)


    starting strength coach development program
    I took my first day off in some time. I have enjoyed some pretty decent consistency for several weeks, now. I am coming down with something, my last workout is still making itself known via my low back (it was not 100% at the beginning, and I went with the programmed DLs anyway), and the family was home from a couple of days out of town while I stayed home and worked, so it seemed like a good day to take it easy.

    As for the aforementioned last workout, it was pretty good. I would've liked a few more minutes rest between sets of chins, but as it stood, it was a good night.


    DL 2x5@360
    Bench 185x10, 10, 12
    Chins 8, 8, 4

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