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Thread: Andy's Training Log Kabul Afghanistan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Andy's Training Log Kabul Afghanistan

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I read SS 2nd ed and started training in July. I'm 40yr ht5'10" wt228.
    Original Goals:
    All 1R Max

    BP 300
    DL 500
    sqt 400
    Last edited by astutts; 02-14-2012 at 11:46 AM. Reason: gramar & spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default First Nine Weeks- Mondays

    wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4 wk5 wk6 wk7 wk8 wk9

    SQTx5 unless otherwise noted
    225 235 245 235 240 245 250 255 265
    235 245 255 260 265 270 275 280 285
    245 255 260 270 275 280 285 295 285
    265 275 270 280 285 295 300 315 295
    315 325 2/330 320 325 335 340 345 295

    BPx5 unless otherwise noted
    155 165 170 175 185 190 195 200 225
    225 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270
    235 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280
    245 255 260 265 270 275 3/280 280 280
    255 265 270 275 1/280 290 225 3/290 245

    DLx5 unless otherwise noted
    225 235 245 250 255 265 270 275 295
    235 245 255 260 265 280 285 295 315
    245 255 265 270 275 300 305 315 355
    265 275 315 320 325 345 350 365 3/395
    315 325 335 340 345 365 370 385 3/395

    KB TGU L/Rx5
    20K 20K 20K 20K 20K 20K 20K 20K 20K
    Last edited by astutts; 02-15-2012 at 11:53 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    First Nine Weeks(wk1-wk3)-Tuesdays

    Pwr CLN- 5x155,5x160,3x5x165
    S KB CLN- 5x10x24K
    Alt KB CLN- 3x20x24K
    KB SWG- 5x10x32K

    Pwr CLN- 5x5x145
    S KB CLN- 5x10x24K
    Alt KB CLN- 3x20x24K
    KB SWG- 5x10x24K

    Pwr CLN- 5x145, 5x150, 3x5x155
    S KB CLN- 5x10x24K
    Alt KB CLN- 3x20x24K
    KB SWG- 7x10x24K
    Last edited by astutts; 02-16-2012 at 10:46 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    First Nine Weeks(wk4-wk6)-Tuesdays
    The fourth week I tweeked my program and started doing single Pwr CLN+PRS. I would do the whole program in a circuit with little rest, varying the order of exercise but allways doing the Pwr CLN+PRS as my alternating exercise until I completed 25 singles. For example: SWG-10x24K, then Pwr CLN+PRS 1x133, then S-KB-CLN- 10x24K, then Pwr CLN+PRS 1x133. I'd repeat this patern until I got all my single and the volume I wanted. I used a work sheet to help keep track.

    Pwr CLN+PRS- 25x1x133
    S KB CLN- 5x10x24K
    Alt KB CLN- 5x20x24K
    KB SWG- 7x10x24K
    Dbl KB CLN- 5x10x24K

    Pwr CLN+PRS- 25x1x133
    S KB CLN- 5x10x24K
    Alt KB CLN- 5x20x24K
    KB SWG- 7x10x24K
    Dbl KB CLN- 5x10x24K

    Pwr CLN+PRS- 5x1x133,5x1x138, 5x1x143, 5x1x153
    S KB CLN- 5x10x24K
    Alt KB CLN- 5x20x24K
    KB SWG- 7x10x24K
    Dbl KB CLN- 5x10x24K

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    First Nine Weeks(wk7-wk9)-Tuesdays
    I lowered the reps to 5 on the Dbl KB CLN to speed up the circuit. In the circuit I would also add some drills/exerices specific to the sport of Judo. I don't list them here because they are hard to explain to those unfamiliar with them. Furtermore, I was not consistent with them. Somedays I had to speed up the circuit to get back to work. I got faster and more efficient in this circuit the last 3 weeks but I did not time it.

    Pwr CLN+PRS- 25x1x138
    S KB CLN- 5x10x24K
    Alt KB CLN- 5x20x24K
    KB SWG- 7x10x24K
    Dbl KB CLN- 5x5x24K

    Pwr CLN+PRS- 25x1x138
    S KB CLN- 5x10x24K
    Alt KB CLN- 5x20x24K
    KB SWG- 7x10x24K
    Dbl KB CLN- 5x5x24K

    Pwr CLN+PRS- 15x1x143,5x1x155, 5x1x177
    S KB CLN- 5x10x24K
    Alt KB CLN- 5x20x24K
    KB SWG- 7x10x24K
    Dbl KB CLN- 5x5x24K

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Kabul huh? I got to spend a lovely summer there at ISAF HQ. I was amazed that the place actually has decent weather. Back then we could get away with drinking with the Germans on Friday nights, I hear it's gotten a lot more strict.

    If you have a chance, get out to Red Hot Sizzlin' for some steak.

    Stay safe out there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    First Nine Weeks- Wednesdays
    Wk5 is marked xxx because we were attacked that day and I could'nt make it to the gym. Wk2 I skipped TGU so it is marked *** Wk9 there was silliness going on in the SQT Rack. I did'nt want to wait so improvised. I cleaned and pressed the weight and lowered it on my shoulders for some light squating.

    wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4 wk5 wk6 wk7 wk8 wk9

    SQTx5 unless otherwise noted
    225 235 235 235 xxx 245 255 225 144
    235 245 235 240 xxx 250 255 225 144
    245 255 245 250 xxx 260 255 225 149
    245 255 265 270 xxx 280 255 225 154

    IBPx5 unless otherwise noted
    135 145 155 160 xxx 165 185 185 133
    155 165 195 200 xxx 205 210 185 133
    165 185 225 230 xxx 235 215 185 133
    205 215 235 240 xxx 235 225 185 133

    DLx5 unless otherwise noted
    225 235 235 240 xxx 250 255 275 275
    235 245 235 245 xxx 255 255 275 275
    245 255 245 250 xxx 260 255 275 275
    245 255 265 270 xxx 315 255 275 275

    Ladder Sets of S KB MPRS (1-3-5) alternated with Ladder Sets of Pull Ups (1-2-3)
    32K 32K 32K 32K xxx 32K 32K 32K 32K

    KB TGU L/Rx5
    20K 20K *** 20K xxx 20K 20K 20K 20K
    Last edited by astutts; 02-16-2012 at 12:38 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    During this nine week period I trained BB M-W-F. Mondays was Hvy BB day, Wednesdays was Lt BB day, Fridays was Med. I had to learn to not get greedy Wednesdays and keep it light. Tuesdays I did a circuit consisting of CLN type exercises with Judo sports specific exercises thrown in. Thursdays I did a circuit consisting of SN type exercises with Judo specific sports drills thrown in. Some Saturdays I would go in and do movements with a wooden bar to loosen up and then stretch. However, that did not last long. I found it was better mentally to take two days off (Sat & Sun) . I moved my joint loosening and stretching exerises to the end of my workouts, no more than 5 minutes. My lower back was constantly sore the first 5 weeks of this program. It was not an injured feeling just sore all the time. It would be fine when it warmed up during my work outs. I believe the weights especially BB traing improved my flexibility over time. I was suprised what my body was accustomed to by the end of 9 weeks. I will post Thursday and Friday Work Outs for the first 9 weeks next time. I'll then get this log current. I'm somewhat pleased at the progress I've made. BTW no cardia this whole time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Yeah, I'm at ISAF. Not anymore, no drinking. I try to get in the gym before it gets to crowded with dudes (mostly Europeans) wearing spandex, capris, or short-shorts all jockying for their favorites spots near the mirrors. Also, I don't like to wait on the Sqt Rack while folks finish up there culrls and other such silliness. I'll give the steaks a try thanks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by astutts View Post
    Yeah, I'm at ISAF. Not anymore, no drinking. I try to get in the gym before it gets to crowded with dudes (mostly Europeans) wearing spandex, capris, or short-shorts all jockying for their favorites spots near the mirrors. Also, I don't like to wait on the Sqt Rack while folks finish up there culrls and other such silliness. I'll give the steaks a try thanks.
    I remember the gym there. There used to be a really strong German dude there that worked in billeting. You might also see a friend of mine, Aaron there... Never mind he never wakes up early.

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