I second it.
I second it.
Pressing the bench today. Lame.
Self torture.
Bench requires abmat for spine support. Sets of 12. How fun.
Power cleans. Why not? More fun.
Reverse hyper to ensure continued ability to move.
Shrugs. 405 limit? Perhaps. Tbd.
Looking like all barbells should go to operation freedhamburgerfreak.
1. Awesome, a log by you is.
2. You'd spoil them. Look how far they've come with what they have?
Lame they are. As ducks with no webs.
Here comes f4
Kind of. Not a very specific or revealing log. Me tricks are me trade.
Squats tomorrow. Gonna be epicly epic. 3x20 high bar. If I can move well enough.
May even try a Super 60. Perhaps with a 315 start.