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Thread: Still on the Right Side of the Grass

  1. #1001
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    VD #14
    Squat - eb 3x5, 100lbs x5, 140lbs x4, 190lbs x3, 230lbs x2, 250lbs x1
    270lbs 5x5

    Press - eb 3x5, 70lbs x5, 90lbs x3, 100lbs x2, 110lbs x1
    120lbs 5x5

    Deadlift - 140lbs 3x5, 230lbs x2, 320lbs x1, 350lbs x1
    380lbs x5

    My reaction is starting to sound like a broken record, this shit is getting hard. I'm not close to missing reps - yet, but today was taxing mentally and physically. Most likely I'm fighting myself, not believing that I can keep this unbroken run going. Self belief is not my strong suit.

    Anyway, Squats were taxing. I took seven minutes rest per set. Press was OK, but I was still feeling the effort on the Squats. Deadlift was surprisingly strong, but again, I took a lot of time between getting into the working set. All told today's session took an hour and forty five minutes, not counting warm-up.

  2. #1002
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    RD #14
    Squat - eb 3x5, 95lbs x5, 135lbs x3, 185lbs x2, 205lbs x1
    225lbs 2x5

    Bench - eb 2x10, 95lbs x5, 135lbs x3, 145lbs x2, 155lbs x1
    165lbs 3x5

    Chins - +40lbs 5x4

    Dips - +20lbs 3x10

    Working on my attitude for ID coming up...

  3. #1003
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    ID #14
    Squat - eb 3x5, 95lbs x5, 135lbs x4, 185lbs x3, 225lbs x2, 275lbs x1
    295lbs x5 Rep PR

    Press - eb 3x5, 70lbs x5, 90lbs x3, 110lbs x2, 120lbs x1
    132.5lbs x4, x1

    PC - 95lbs 2x3, 115lbs 2x3, 135lbs x3, 142.5lbs x1
    147.5lbs 5x3

    Ahhhh, a mixed bag today. Squats were solid, everything was beltless save the work set. The Press, the f'n Press..the bar got out of the proper path after the fourth rep. Had to rack it, take a breath and pressed it out for the fifth rep. Cleans were pretty good, only one bump of the sternum. Better attitude today.

  4. #1004
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    VD #15
    Squat - eb 3x5, 95lbs x5, 135lbs x4, 185lbs x3, 225lbs x2, 255lbs x1
    275lbs 5x5

    Bench - eb 2x10, 95lbs x5, 135lbs x3, 145lbs x2, 155lbs x1
    165lbs 5x5

    Deadlift - 135lbs 2x5, 225lbs x3, 315lbs x1, 365lbs x1
    385lbs x5

    Got this session in on ZERO sleep, minimal food and spending over 6 hours at a full Ukrainian funeral service and wake. Spent about 40 minutes getting the Squats in. Bench was strong. Deads were good for the first few reps and then the last two were a little fugly, but not back snappingly bad.

  5. #1005
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    RD #15
    Squat - eb 3x5, 100lbs x5, 140lbs x3, 190lbs x2, 210lbs x1
    230lbs 2x5

    Press - eb 2x10, 70lbs x5, 90lbs x3, 100lbs x2, 110lbs x1
    122.5lbs 3x5

    Chins - +40lbs 5x5

    Dips - +25lbs 3x10

    Normal recovery work...

  6. #1006
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    ID #15
    Squat - eb 3x5, 100lbs x5, 140lbs x3, 190lbs x2, 230lbs x1, 270lbs x1
    300lbs x5

    Bench - eb 3x10, 95lbs x5, 135lbs x3, 155lbs x2, 175lbs x1
    185lbs x5

    PC's - 100lbs 2x3, 10lbs x3, 130lbs x2, 140lbs 2x1
    150lbs 5x3

    Today's Squats were a "100's" milestone, not a three plater (yet), but it wasn't that long ago that just Squatting 300 for one rep was, as Joe Biden would say, "a big fuckin' deal!". So color me happy, even if I lost form on the last rep.

    Benching 185 for five was as easy as it's ever been. Can't tell if this is the product of the 5x5 on volume day, or the the weighted Dips. Whatever it is attributable to - I'll take it!

    Cleans were hard. A couple of sternum bumps here and there. On the other hand, a few of the reps racked quite nicely.

    With the holiday weekend approaching the gym is closing. Additionally, I have to attend a wedding on Saturday, I'm concerned how I'm going to get the next cycle started in a timely fashion. Might have to go to a Friday volume day again...oye, these days are long and hard now. I'd really like the extra day of rest.
    Last edited by Browndog; 05-25-2016 at 05:03 PM.

  7. #1007
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    VD #16
    Squat - eb 3x5, 100lbs x5, 140lbs x4, 190lbs x3, 230lbs x2, 260lbs x1
    280lbs 5x5

    Press - eb 1x10, 70lbs x5, 90lbs x3, 100lbs x2, 110lbs x1
    122.5lbs 5x5

    Deadlift - 140lbs 2x5, 230lbs x3, 320lbs x1, 360lbs x1
    390lbs x1

    Well, well, well...nights of no sleep and a short recovery from ID took its toll. The Squats were great, best set of 5's to date. Unfortunately they took a lot out of me. The Press got better as the sets went on, but again the effort was draining. I went into the Deads on fumes and I was happy to get one at 390.

    There will be no RD as the gym is closed on Monday. I'll go straight into ID on Wednesday.

  8. #1008
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    RD #16
    Squat - eb 3x5, 95lbs x5, 135lbs x3, 185lbs x1, 225lb x1
    235lbs 2x5

    Bench - eb 2x10, 100lbs x5, 140lbs x3, 150lbs x2, 160lbs x1
    170lbs 3x5

    Chins - +45lbs 3x5

    Dips - +30lbs 3x5

    Nice to be back in the gym - couldn't stay away.

  9. #1009
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    ID #16
    Squat - eb 3x5, 95lbs x5, 135lbs x3, 185lbs x2, 225lbs x1, 275lbs x1
    305lbs x5

    Press - eb 1x10, 70lbs x5, 90lbs x3, 110lbs x2, 125lbs x1
    132.5lbs x4

    PC - 95lbs 2x3, 115lbs x3, 135lbs x2, 145lbs x1
    152.5lbs x3, x3, X, X

    Mixed bag today. Got the through the Squats, though the last one was high. Missed the Press by a hair at lock out, that makes two attempts now. By the time I got to the Cleans, I was tired. First two sets were OK, missed the pull badly to start the third set, waited a minute and tried again and pooched that as well. I called it a day right there. Food and sleep have been good, so I'll write this one off to doing RD yesterday and being at a max on the Squat.

  10. #1010
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest


    starting strength coach development program
    Oh yeah, the 'dog' is still gettin' it!

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