Seems to be something going around . Hope it clears up fast.
Posting this 'cause I can't watch the Bills ... too nerve wracking.
Week Four -
Squat Monday
335lbs *2, Paused 285lbs 1*3. Back and Shoulders for successories.
Maybe not to depth, but I haven't doubled 335lbs in a coon's age.
The biggest problem was just believing I could actually get under the bar and move the weight. My confidence has taken such a hit over these past five years.
Bench Wednesday
Larsen 215lbs *1, Bench 215lbs *1 / *1 / X. Lot's of Chest dumbbell work, as well as BI's and Tri's.
Regular Bench was supposed to be for doubles ... was close on the first attempt.
Hey, that matches a competition max using a Larsen Bench movement.
Deadlift Thursday
SBD Saturday
Still Sick
Ahhh, this sucks. I came down with a "head cold" Wednesday night and it's just grabbed hold of me and will not let go. Not the way I wanted to end my 69th trip around the sun.
New cycle starts Monday (fingers crossed) ... as a Masters 4 competitor.
Seems to be something going around . Hope it clears up fast.
Bills by 2! Happy Birthday!
New Cycle / Week One
Squat Monday
Birthday Single at 305lbs, 6*3 at 215lbs. Upper and Lower back for successories.
Good single, sets of six were ... interesting.
Bench Wednesday
Close Grip set of 5 at 155lbs, 5 Singles at 190lbs. Dumbbell bench 60lbs 8*, Overhead Tri Extn 18kg 8*4 ... more Bi's / Tri's, and Planks for successories.
Nice start to the Bench portion of this cycle.
Deadlift Thursday
Big Wheel Pull at 415lbs, Deadlifts 6*3 at 300lbs. Belt Squat 115lbs 7*4, more Planks, along with mobility work for successories.
First Pull sessions in the last two weeks ... finally.
New Belt Squat machine on premises ... I approve!!!
SBD Saturday
Tempo Down SSB 185lbs 6*3; One Board / 3 Count Close Grip 165lbs 2*3; Speed Deadlifts 275lbs 2*6; Pendlay Rows 1855lbs 4*5; Press 66lbs 3*3
Light weight sets this cycle ... grease the groove recovery.
On the backside of this head / chest cold. I've had worse in terms of coughing, but those first few days of not being able to breath though my nose at night were rough.
Had my consult with Dr. Nichols on Friday. Once again, he likes where my bloodwork is on all fronts. I was especially excited to see my PSA drop back into the normal "post treatment range". It had jumped up by a factor of 2x due to going on TRT, and while this was expected as I still have my prostate, it was a little unsettling. Now that my body has adjusted to the dosage, things area back to "normal".
Next up is to get my yearly physical with my PCP, and then later in the spring go back to the folks at my cancer center and throw these results back at them and laugh ...
Sounds like things are going well.
NY needs a win!
normal is a win my friend
Week Two
Squat Monday
320lbs for a single, 230lbs 6*3. Shoulders front and back for successories.
Pretty breezy single ... surprised me, the spotters and coach. Haven't felt that type of ease under the bar at that weight ... maybe ever.
Bench Wednesday
Close Grip at 165lbs *5, followed by 5 singles at 195lbs. Dumbbell Bench 65lbs 8*4, Cable Press 22kg 7*4. Tri's and Bi's for successories.
Just punching the clock here ... though the Dumbbell work felt strong.
Deadlift Thursday
Big Wheel Pull at 4435lbs *1, Deads at 320lbs 66*3, Belt Squat at 130lbs 7*4. Cable work, Leg Extn, Cossack Squats for successories.
Really fast BWP, likewise on the Deads
SBD Saturday
Tempo Down SSB 205lbs 6*3; One Board / 3 Count Close Grip 175lbs 2*3; Speed Deads 305lbs 2*6; Pendlay Rows 195lbs 4*5; Press 77.5lbs 3*3
Fast work today, not a lot of rest between sets. I liked the way the day went.
Not much else to say, just keeping my head down and putting in the work.
Week Three
Squat Tuesday
Single at 335lbs, downs sets at 245lbs 6*3. Back and Shoulders for successories
For having been down wirh a re-lapse of the lung rot on Monday, this single was *** chef's kiss***
Deadlift Thursday -
Big Wheel Pull at 45lbs, Deadlifts at 335lbs 6*3. Belt Squats and Leg Extns for successories
BWP moved like the wind which was nice.
SBD Saturday -
Tempo Down SSB21lbs 6*3; 1 Board / 3 Count Close Grip 18lbs 2*3; Speed Deadlifts 315lbs 2*6; Pendlay Rows 185lbs 4*5; Press 119lbs 3*3
Great session. Makes up for a less than optimal week.
Missed bench day with a forearm flexor issue ... sigh.
Not much else to report, other than I'm rally tired of winter ... where's that fuqing Groundhog???
Be Good...Do Good...God Bless...Go Bills