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Thread: Still on the Right Side of the Grass

  1. #2811
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    kick ass brother!

  2. #2812
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    New Cycle / Week One

    Squat Monday
    120kg *4, Paused Squats 110kg 2*2, Pendulum Squat 25lbs 5*3
    Carrying a little fatigue from week four.

    Bench Wednesday
    Larsen 81kg *2, Bench 81kg 3*2, Single Arm Bench 55lbs 8*3, Single Arm Incline Bench 50lbs 8*3. Lot's of Bi's and Tri's for successories.
    Not a bad start to the Bench cycle

    Deadlift Thursday
    Big Wheel Pulls 178kg *3, Deadlift 165lbs 2*2
    Perfunctory Deadlift session

    SBD Saturday
    Paused SSB w/chains 120kg 1*4; 3 Board / 4 Count Close Grip Bench 75kg 1*3; Explosive Trap Bar Deadlift 143kg 3*6; Pendlay Rows 80kg 7*3
    Fun day with these variations. Haven't picked up the Trap Bar in literally years ... sets on the minute.

    Nice opening week to this cycle. Fatigue dissipated towards the end of the week.

    Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday.

  3. #2813
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Week Two

    Squat Monday -
    130kg *4, Paused 120kg 2*2. Chest and Back for successories.
    Knees were a little cranky.

    Bench Wednesday -
    Larsen 85kg *2, Bench 85kg 3*2, Single Arm Bench 60lbs 8*3, Single Arm Incline 55lbs 8*3. Bi's and Tri's for successories.
    Cold day outside and inside as well.

    Deadlift Thursday -
    Big Wheel Pulls 193kg *3, Deadlift 180kg 2*2; Spanish Squats 12kg 10*. Chest and Back for successories.
    Knees were still cranky; pulled with a lot of Back.

    SBD Sunday -
    Paused SSB w/chains 144kg 1*4; 3 Board / 4 Count Close Grip 80kg 1*3; Trap Bar 153kg 3*6; Pendlay Row 85kg 7*3.
    My plate / chain math has been less than stellar. I've had an extra 4kg on the bar when I've had chains on ... and I might have been off on the previous Banded work too. My pauses on the Bench were a bit longer than normal ... I couldn't get in the groove to press on the 4th count. Trap Bar is requiring a bit more leg drive than I'm used to ... no complaints, it's just different. The rows were done at a deficit as I was using the 15kg plate ... it never dawned on me that I was making things difficult by using the 15kg plate until I got down to Row.

    Nice weeks work.

    I'm gonna step on the Squash court for the 1st time in a long time this coming Tuesday ... hoping that I don't gimp around the court, that would be depressing.

  4. #2814
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Week Three

    Squat Monday
    140kg *4, Paused Squats 130kg 2*2. Back / Shoulders / Legs for successories.
    Not bad for doing back to back sessions, SBD into Squats with no day off is sub-optimal.

    Bench Wednesday
    Larsen 89kg *2, Bench 89kg 3*2, Single Arm Bench 5lbs 8*3, Single Arm Incline 60lbs 8*3. Bi's and Tri's for successories.
    Not bad for having played Squash the night before. My right arm was a tad tired, but it held up to today's session.

    Deadlift Thursday
    Big Wheel Pulls 203kg *3, Deadlift 190kg 2*2. Chest and Back for successories.
    I was a little in my head about today's session coming into the gym ... don't know why?!?! Good pulls all around.
    Damn was it cold today. That I wasn't ready for.

    SBD Saturday
    Paused SSB w/chains 146kg 1*4; 3 Board / 4 Count / Close Grip 85kg 1*3; Trap Bar on the minute 163kg 3*6; Pendlay Rows 90kg 7*3
    Squats were work, Bench was smooth, Trap Bar was surprisingly easy, Rows were in the pocket. Fairly stout work at these weights.

    I did get out and play some Doubles Squash on Tuesday night. Not gonna lie, I was really worried: would I be able to move comfortably / would I be able to decelerate without pain / would I have the "wind" to be able to play a long point. The answer to all questions was: YES !!!
    I had no issues, and my knee(s) felt fine the next day. I haven't been able to be on the court for a couple of years now, and the last time I was out playing, I was a cripple. I'm so happy to be back ...

    Big Week Four coming up: Squats at 150kg *4/ Bench at 92.5kg *2 / BWPs at 213kg *3 / Deads at 200kg *2 ...
    I think I can hit these.

  5. #2815
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Week Four

    Squat Monday
    120kg *4, Paused Squats 110kg 2*2. Back and Chest for successories.
    Well that was less than optimal ... I had no legs, none.

    Bench Wednesday
    Larsen 92kg *2, Bench 92kg *1. Single Arm Chest / Bi's / Tri's for successories.
    Tired and cranky right arm from Squash.

    Deadlift Thursday
    Big Wheel Pulls 213kg *2, Deadlift 200kg / 170kg *2. Chest and Back for succesories.
    Redemption of a sort, considering the previous two sessions. I forgot that the BWP was supposed to be for three ... but a third was easily there. Backed off the last Deadlift set just to be careful.

    SBD Saturday
    SSB w/Chains 126/136/146/156kg *1; 3 Board 4 Count Close Grip 90kg 1*3; Trap Bar 143kg 3*6; Pendlay Row 95kg 7*3
    After Mondays shit show, I committed to working up to one (1) heavy single, and 156kg was that number ... and that's as good a Squat as I've mustered in a years.
    The Bench work was so much better than Tuesday. The bar moved smoothly, and pain free ... yay!
    Backed off the Tarp Bar, and 143kg was just right for the day. Rows I pushed ...

    Not the week I wanted, but it did improve as the "fatigue" wore off. Coach and I think it was the Squash playing that took my legs away. Considering that I haven't been on the court in years, it's as good a call as any. I was thinking it was due to the heavy Trap Bar sets last Saturday, but 163kg for high handle triples wasn't that taxing. And the court time definitely hurt my Bench, I tweaked my forearm hitting a backhand shot (poorly I might add).

    So I / we learned a couple of things:

    1) I'm definitely not able to handle week four intensity and play Squash. I'm seventy ... not seventeen.
    2) I'm pushing SBD day too hard on weeks 3 and 4 when I'm at this type of intensity during the week, and my coach would rather have me hitting the individual days, and recover on SBD day.

    I'm not sure how to handle the Squash playing as I really want to use this play as my cardio component. As to SBD day, we agreed to dial weeks 3 and 4 back to bleed off fatigue.

    Big picture: things are in a good, if not great place. I'm getting my strength back, along with some explosiveness, and and ability to run / play Squash again.

    We'll be starting a new cycle next week - Christmas or not.

  6. #2816
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    Sounds like the coach has a good plan. Nice to see your having fun playing squash. Have a Merry Chistmas .

  7. #2817
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    sounds great overall BD!!

  8. #2818
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    New Cycle

    Squat Monday
    275lbs *2, Paused Squat 245lbs 1*3, Tempo Down BSS bw 8*3. Shoulders and back for successories.

    Bench Wednesday
    Larsen 80kg *1, Bench 80kg 2*3. Incline sets of Bench and Fly, Triceps for successories.

    Deadlift Thursday
    Big Wheel Pulls 183kg *2, Deadlift 170kg 1*3. Chest and Core work for successories.

    SBD Saturday
    Banded SSB 80kg 4*4; 2 Board / 2 Count Bench 70kg 3*3; Big Wheel Pulls 123kg 8*2; Pendlay Row 70kg 5*3; Press 40kg 5*3
    The Core work from Thursday included Banded Clamshells for time ... I'M DYING.
    Seriously, my Adductors and Abductors, along with anything within the vicinity of my hips is screaming at me.
    Thankfully this cycle's SBD day is supposed to start and stay light.
    Those are the first Presses I've had programmed in a year. Last time I performed them my shoulders blew a gasket...along with the rest of my body.

    Yes it's been one full year since my body basically shut down. My how things change !?!?

    Hope everyone had a merry Christmas. Best wishes for a Happy New Year.

  9. #2819
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY



    Week Two

    Squat Monday
    295lbs *1, Paused Squats 255lbs 2*3
    I forgot the top set was supposed to be a double, so I added an extra paused set. Otherwise a comfortable session.

    Bench Tuesday
    Larsen 195lbs *1, Bench 19lbs 2*3, Dumbbell Incline Bench 50lbs 8*, Incline Fly 30lbs 10*4
    I'm screwing up the weight one the bar, should have been at 185lbs ... senior moments are so special.

    Deadlift Thursday
    Big Wheel Pulls 35lbs *2, Deadlift 405lbs 1*3, Tempo Down Pendulum Squats 8*3
    More math issues getting to the right weights ... we'll get there ***face palm***

    SBD Saturday
    Banded SSB 200lbs 4*4; 2 Count / 2 Board Bench 165lbs 3*3; Big Wheel Pulls 295lbs 8*2; Pendlay Rows 165lbs 5*3; Press 100lbs 5*3
    Lots of work, lots of fun. Training with some of my favorite people too ... even better.

    I find out I'm due for my renewal with Dr. Nichols, so I have a set of blood work to go get taken. I'm interested to see what some of the markers are. Obviously things are going well, and my body is definitely dropping fat across the belly area (all without dropping weight). My sleep had really improved over the past couple of months as well.

    The days, they be getting longer ...

  10. #2820
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Western NY


    starting strength coach development program

    Week Three

    Squat Monday
    315lbs *2, Paused Squats at 275lbs 1*3. Back and Shoulders for successories.
    Really good double at 315lbs - Three White Lights
    I had forgotten how pretty 3 plates aside looks.

    Bench Wednesday
    Larsen 205lbs *1, Bench 205lbs 2*3. Dumbbell Chest work, along with some Cable for the Tri's.
    Not great Bench reps ... all the low bar Squats are starting to fatigue my shoulders / it happens.

    Deadlift Thursday
    Down with the plague ...

    SBD Saturday
    Banded SSB 210lbs 4*4; 2 Board / 2 Count Bench 175lbs 3*3; Big Wheel Pulls 325lbs 8*2; Pendlay Rows 175lbs 5*3; Press 105lbs 5*3.
    Some Backwards Sled walks and Assault Bike for cardio.

    Came down with some nasty plague Wednesday night ... full body workout along with chills that jacked up my lower back and hips, along with my shoulders. I have never felt so miserable, so intensely. Thursday was spent on the couch, and Friday didn't get better until later into the evening.

    I had no expectations about today's session other than I knew I wasn't doing Thursday's pull session. I definitely felt the drop in weight (5 lbs).

    I should be (fingers crossed) back in business for Monday's Week Four.

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