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Thread: Mike'S Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Philadelphia PA

    Default Mike'S Training Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Ok this log is mainly to help me remember what I've done, but hopefully somebody else will get some good info from my results too. My training history revolves mainly around bodyweight only upper body strength work and some random squatting but after reading Starting Strength I have starting squatting much more and with more focus.

    Here are my results from the past school term to give a background on my current numbers

    August 2012 December 2012
    Squat 255 330
    Deadlift 320 375
    Push Press 155x5 195x5
    Bench Press 250 275

    Age 22
    Weight 175
    Height 5'7"

    Goals by June
    Squat 400
    Deadlift 450
    Push Press 230 x 5
    Bench Press 300

    Comments/feedback welcome!
    Last edited by themoneybadger; 01-14-2013 at 05:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Philadelphia PA



    After Day 4 I go back to day 1, sometimes an extra rest day if I feel really beat.

    Day 1 Squat + Abs

    Day 2 Hamstrings + Abs

    Day 3 Shoulders + Leg Strength Endurance

    Day 4 Front Lever + GHRs

    Squat Workout
    Squat 3 Sets of 5 Ramped to 5rm
    2-4 Sets light leg extension, ghr, rdl, etc. (hamstring move)

    Hamstrings Workout
    RDLs Heavy 5's 3 to 5 sets
    Glute Ham Raise
    Hip Thrusts

    Handstand Pushups OR
    Military Press - Ramp to 5rm
    + Chest Move (pushups, db press, bench, etc)

    Leg Strength Endurance
    One Legged Squats
    Isometric Holds

    L Sit/Hang
    Leg raises
    Ice Cream Maker
    Last edited by themoneybadger; 01-22-2013 at 10:31 PM. Reason: New Program

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Philadelphia PA


    12/17 First workout since starting training log.
    Monday - Squat Day
    1. Warm ups 135x5 185x5 225x3 250 x 3, 275 x 1

    2. Work Sets 315 x 1, 300 x 5, 315 x 1 , 275x5

    3. Pause Squats 225x5 225x5 225x5 , 3 second pause at bottom

    4. RDLs 135 x 8, 135 x 8

    5. Farmers Carries 190 ~50 yards, 120 lbs ~200 yards

    Good workout today. 315 felt good, although my warmup was not very good. 300x5 is a new PR for 5s. Next Squat workout im going to warm up differntly, no heavy singles. hopefully something like 135x5, 185x3 225x3 240x5, 270x5 300x5 . gonna up pause squats to 230.

    Tomorrow is gonna be a push press workout. I am going to go for 135 x 5, 155 x 3, 170x5, 185x5 200x5 . After posting my workout to the programming section, i think I may need to simply/ give myself some more rest days on squatting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Philadelphia PA

    Default 12/18 workout

    Hamstrings Day

    RDLs 160x5 160x5 180x5 210x5 230x5
    Trap Bar Deadlift(Squat Style, High Handles) 160x10 160x10 160x10
    Trap Bar Deadlifts(Squat Style, Low Handles) 160x5 160x5 160x5 160x10
    Trap Bar Lockout Holds (40s, 30s, 30s, 30s)

    Good Workout. Lower back really really feeling it during and after workout. Forearms are very pumped. From now on I am only using my trap bar from the low handles. There is a way better hip stretch, and quad pump.
    Last edited by themoneybadger; 12-18-2012 at 08:30 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Philadelphia PA


    Upper Body Light Pulling Workout
    Pullups 5, 5, 5,
    Ice Cream Makers 5 5 5
    Front Lever Negatives from inverted hang with 10lbs total ankle weights - 5 5 5
    Straight Arm Pull to Front Lever 5 5 5 8

    Front Lever feeling good. Lats were extremely tight/painful during my first few reps, but were fine after about 10.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Philadelphia PA


    Upper Body Heavy Push Workout
    Barbell Push Press from the front. I have been doing almost 90% of my pressing work off the back of my neck recently, so I decided to mix it up and go from the front today. Weights are lower, but thats to be expected.
    Warmup 45 x5
    135 x 5 (no leg drive)
    135 x 5 (no leg drive)
    155 x 4
    165 x 5
    175 x 5
    180 x 4
    165 x 5

    Weights felt heavy today. 180 x 4 from the front isn't bad, but I think I can hit 185 x 5, given another good week or two of training.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Philadelphia PA


    Supplemental Leg Work
    1. Farmers Carries w/ 190
    250 Meters
    2. Trap Bar Squat/Deadlift from low handle
    190 x 5
    190 x 5
    190 x 8
    190 x 20
    190 x 5
    190 x 5

    Squat Jumps
    Great Leg Pump
    Last edited by themoneybadger; 12-19-2012 at 12:41 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Philadelphia PA


    12/19 Workout 3 (lolz) Bag work
    Heavy Bag Work 30 Mins
    Mitt Work 15 mins

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Philadelphia PA

    Default 12/20 Workout

    Today is scheduled as Heavy Pull, Supplemental Legs

    Went a little heavy on supplemental, Lats were NOT feeling very good today, tight and painful. Im thinking the weighted front lever negatives are starting to take their toll. That pure eccentric soreness. Im really liking the trap bar, farmers carries are a good finisher to a workout.

    Pullups (BW Only)
    5 5 5
    L Sits 30s 30s 30s

    Trap Bar Deadlift (low handles)
    160 x 5
    160 x 5
    230 x 5
    280 x 5
    300 x 3
    320 x 3
    340 x 3
    340 x 3

    Farmers Walks
    50 meters with 210 lbs x 5 trips

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Philadelphia PA


    starting strength coach development program
    12/21/12 The Apocalypse Workout
    New Wrinkle on the squat program today. For Pullups I have been doing a sort of rest pause / cluster sets, whatever you want to call them. I decided to try it today for back squats, to see how it felt. For my working weight , 300, I only did singles, re- racking between every rep. I maybe took 15-30 seconds between every rep. I was able to do 10 singles with 300. Felt good. While my total reppage isn't as good as say a 5x5 workout, I can keep my intensity relatively high, keep my form good, and try not to burn out too fast. My plan is to do each workout for 2 cycles (8-10 days) and then increase weight by 5 lbs. Since this was my 2nd workout with 300 as my working weight, I plan on hitting 305 for ten next workout.

    1. Squats
    135 x 5
    185 x 3
    225 x 3
    255 x 3
    275 x 3
    285 x 1
    290 x 1
    300 x (1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1) 10 Total

    Pause Squats (3 Second Pause at Bottom)
    230 x 5
    230 x 5

    185 x 8
    185 x 8

    Push Press
    135 x 5
    135 x 5

    Grip Work / Trap Bar
    230 x 30s
    230 x 30s
    230 x 30s
    230 x 30s
    230 x 30s
    Last edited by themoneybadger; 12-21-2012 at 02:10 PM.

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