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Thread: Travis's Log

  1. #1001
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Your squats always look tight as hell. I am always impressed and slightly jealous after watching them... Doing this on no sleep just makes it even more impressive.

    Are you going to add some BW in order to accommodate strength gains? Fall/Winter time is bulking time!

  2. #1002
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by DV View Post
    Your squats always look tight as hell. I am always impressed and slightly jealous after watching them... Doing this on no sleep just makes it even more impressive.

    Are you going to add some BW in order to accommodate strength gains? Fall/Winter time is bulking time!
    I'll trade your tight deadlift for my tight squat :-)

  3. #1003
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by DV View Post
    Are you going to add some BW in order to accommodate strength gains? Fall/Winter time is bulking time!
    Haha. We'll see. I'll have a better idea on what I'm doing once I return from my 3-week road trip in October.

  4. #1004
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    fri 11 sep 201 @fulcrum
    7h sleep
    macros 530c 225p 112f

    a1. tgbp x5@9: 242x5, 265x5, 275x5
    b1. conv. dl x5@9: 396x5, 418x5, 445x4
    c1. wide grip bp x7@9: 190x7, 220x7, 242x7


    i was pretty wrecked today. i got off work yesterday morning, and immediately went to work at the state fire academy for 8 hours. i managed the fires in the burn tower rooms, which is pretty taxing. vid below (not video but the same rooms and very similar conditions). basically have to load pallets and stoke the fire. gets very hot. if crews encounter difficulties i have to go in several times to add fuel to give them a challenging attack. eventually the rooms get saturated with heat, and towards the end of the day my gear is so soaked with sweat, it's literally dripping down my pants and onto the ground. i drank a LOT of water (1.5-2gal) yesterday, but probably not enough.

    bench: these were good. wide grip was fun; looking forward to ramping up the weight and getting some more of these worked in.

    dead: dead was good, i lifted my hips up too much on the final rep at 445, which would have been a 5RM PR. these continue to be a work in progress; the feedback today was my knees are still too soft and i could do a much better job of standing up with the bar. i guess the good way to look at it is as this continues to improve, my poundage should go up quite a bit. my next goal for dl is 600. i know i can get there.

  5. #1005
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Travis Rask View Post
    530c 225p 112f
    Do you ever get bored of this? I'm at 515/235/93, and it's pretty much the same kinds of foods every day. We can't truly do the IIFYM thing if we wanna be precise, cake and pie will cover 80% of fat, but maybe 40% of carbs for the day leaving you to suffer through endless amounts of rice and egg whites just to make up carbs and protein without going over fat! What's your bodyweight like at the moment, what have the gains been like on a monthly average?

    c1. wide grip bp x7@9: 190x7, 220x7, 242x7
    Nice! Do you find it easier with a shorter ROM, despite less Tricep involvement?

  6. #1006
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    Quote Originally Posted by Travis Rask View Post
    Haha. We'll see. I'll have a better idea on what I'm doing once I return from my 3-week road trip in October.
    That sounds awesome! Where are you headed? Going with friends or solo? I often bring my workout stuff when I go on trips. It is a weird but fun way of experiencing a new place. I have worked out everywhere from crappy gyms with rusty bars in the Bolivian jungle over posh health spas in central Europe to the gyms at my current post in Estonia, with lots of archetypical Eastern European bodybuilders. It's always interesting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Travis Rask View Post
    my next goal for dl is 600. i know i can get there.
    I agree. You will hit that eventually if you keep up the commitment and effort you've shown over the last years.

  7. #1007
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    Seattle, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by Strength_Power_Progress View Post
    Do you ever get bored of this? I'm at 515/235/93, and it's pretty much the same kinds of foods every day. We can't truly do the IIFYM thing if we wanna be precise, cake and pie will cover 80% of fat, but maybe 40% of carbs for the day leaving you to suffer through endless amounts of rice and egg whites just to make up carbs and protein without going over fat! What's your bodyweight like at the moment, what have the gains been like on a monthly average?
    How would I get bored of it?

  8. #1008
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    mon 14 sep 2015 @fulcrum
    7h sleep
    macros 530c 225p 112f

    a1. tgbp 4x6@8: 242x6, 265x6, 265x6, 265x6, 265x5 (e1rm 339)
    b1. hbbs x6@9+3 drop sets: 355x6, 375x6, 385x6@8.5 (PR+10 e1rm 484), 375x6, 355x6, 355x6


    previous bench x6 PR was 265 for one set. nice progress here.

    PRx6 on HBBS. tendo mps was .32. larger drops on final two to hustle up due to time.

    pleased with today; last week was very busy with work and side work. i was up late on 9/11, turned around and had a long day of extrication training on 3h sleep (1hr drive each way) and another long day yesterday.

    this week is going to be pretty brutal, volume/tonnage wise.

  9. #1009
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by DV View Post
    That sounds awesome! Where are you headed? Going with friends or solo? I often bring my workout stuff when I go on trips. It is a weird but fun way of experiencing a new place. I have worked out everywhere from crappy gyms with rusty bars in the Bolivian jungle over posh health spas in central Europe to the gyms at my current post in Estonia, with lots of archetypical Eastern European bodybuilders. It's always interesting.

    I agree. You will hit that eventually if you keep up the commitment and effort you've shown over the last years.
    I'm headed to the southern US for a ~3 week work/play trip. going to fly into dallas and spend some time with friends for a few days, and hopefully catch the texas/tcu game in fort worth. then, i'm going to catch a train over to shreveport for a work/training convention for the FOOLS (fraternal order of leatherhead society - benevolent/fellowship organization for firemen) for a few days. from there i'm headed to charlotte for another week of training on firefighter survival techniques (video below). i'm hoping to duck into tuscaloosa on the way to catch alabama vs. arkansas. we'll see; i was going to rent a one way car, but it's prohibitively expensive (almost $2k USD!). so, i'm at the mercy of trains/buses. after we wrap up in charlotte, we're headed to columbia for south carolina vs. vanderbilt. then, i finish my trip in charleston for a few days. planning on chilling in the city and seeing some civil war stuff. i've heard charleston is beautiful.

    i plan on bringing my training gear; jordan has training written out. if i can swing it, i'll head up to WFAC for a day, and catch some good training venues as well. the next month or so will be tough, training-wise. hoping to get it all in with everything. when i get back from the south my life will settle down for a bit, and i'm really going to tighten things up, minimize superfluous events and work on improving recovery and self-care. this past year of training has been pretty amazing, but the last few months or so have been rough even en lieu of continued PRs. i'm pretty run down.

    video - breathing equipment school

    Last edited by Travis Rask; 09-14-2015 at 02:57 PM.

  10. #1010
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    starting strength coach development program 5


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