starting strength gym
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Thread: Travis's Log

  1. #1201
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    Resuming training this week; switched over to the SS Online Coaching, mainly because I wanted to try out the new app. I'll be working with Austin this go-round.

    Have trained intermittently since September. Bodyweight is sitting around 220, roughly the same. Slightly fluffy composition-wise, but considering the lack of training and the surplus of calories, not too bad and easily fixable once I return to regular training and conditioning.

    Recently I tripled 440 on HBBS, singled 315 on TGBP, and pulled a very, very easy 405x5 on CDL (no belt). I've also been using my CPAP every night for two months now. I'm feeling much, much better.

    I'll be logging on the SSOC forum, and will likely just copy and paste. Hope everyone's training and holiday's are going well.

  2. #1202
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    Been awhile.

    Haven't been training consistently since February, due to life stuff. Back at it this past week.

    Going to do an LP for awhile to come out of detraining and get back into the groove. Will transition to block, likely Jordan/Austin's "Bridge" program for a round or two before looking at my old 4-day/week routine.

    i've found a GEM of a black-iron gym in my neighborhood. 24/7 key-card access. low traffic and pretty much everything i need (including a prowler track and airlines for conditioning).

    This past week below. deadlifting for 1x5 every session for now. I won't be doing power cleans. Once deadlift starts to get tough, will likely transition to traditional alternating a/b scheme and spell out with rows or RDL.

    my current process goals are to complete all my sessions and lifts. my performance goals, in the near term are to return to 405 work-sets for squat and deadlift, 275 for bench, and 135+ for press. my longer term outcome goals are 500 squat, 500 dead, 335 bench, 185 press. i have loftier ideals (600 sq/dl, 365 bench, 225 press), but these are good for the next 6-9 months. i'm considering competing as another fun idea, more so than before. my current bodyweight is around 210; i haven't weighed myself recently. i'm definitely not fat, but i have some muscle mass to re-gain.


    a1. paused bench: 185x5, 185x5, 185x5
    b1. hbbs: 315x5, 315x5
    c1. deadlift: 315x5


    a1. hbbs: 320x5, 320x5, 320x5
    b1. deadlift: 325x5
    c1. press: 115x5, 115x5, 115x5


    a1. paused bench: 195x5, 195x5, 195x5
    b1. hbbs: 325x5, 325x5, 325x5
    c1. deadlift: 335x5


    squat is feeling pretty ok, just trying to find my old sweet spots.

    bench is pretty weak, which is understandable. i'll add 10lbs for another session or two, then transition to 5lb jumps. i know volume will be the long term answer here.

    press is OK. starting conservative with the weights to delay a stall.

    deadlifts feel fine. all belt-less and hook-gripped.

  3. #1203
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Seattle, WA


    starting strength coach development program
    tuesday 21 nov 2017

    a1. TGBP - 205x5, 205x5, 205x5
    b1. HBBS - 330x5, 330x5, 330x5
    c1. DL - 345x5 (hook-grip, no belt)


    bench - fine.

    squat - good. a little deeper today. felt snappy.

    deadlift - good.

    sessions are fast paced, with rapid warm up sets and very brief breaks. in and out of the gym in <1hr. will pace this way to ramp up work capacity until the weights get heavier.

    probably should start eating more soon. currently ~2 meals/day+ice cream and/or peanut m&ms at night.


    Last edited by Travis Rask; 11-21-2017 at 08:37 PM.

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