250m Row / Barbell WU / 15min
A1. Squat / 150kg / 3x5 / Good
B1. Press / 56kg / 3x5 / Good
C1. DL / 130kg / 4x3 / Good
Squat: Went well. Focused more on pushing legs out and developing tension in the descent. Also worked on limiting breaths between reps to one. Finally, was coached on developing a better “shelf” on the spine of the scapula by pushing elbows back and up, as opposed to simply pushing elbows up.
Press: Went well. Starting to get the hang of the new SS technique.
DL: Went really well. Got some serious coaching assistance. Worked on setting tension in the beginning of the concentric phase, and holding it throughout the rep. Chin down, hold breath thru concentric and eccentric phases. Coach had me work with a lighter weight to establish better movement. Hopefully we can do 4x3 for a couple weeks, before moving back to 1x5. Felt really good.
Regarding my training plan, coach (Michael) Street is going to have me do linear progression for as long as I possibly can. Considering I’ve never truly worked through the entire reset process while being coached, this is OK by me.
I’m going to try to make 10AM classes as often as possible from here on out. More coaching attention, more time to fuck off the rest of the day.
BW / #225
Sleep / 8h / On duty
Body / Good / Neck a little tweaked
Food / Good / Mostly Paleo / 5 guys post WOD / 1L milk