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Thread: Jeremy's Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Jeremy's Training Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Finally was inspired enough to do this.

    I've been keeping a training notebook since I started Starting Strength a year ago, and I've been using Fitocracy. I've also kept a more detailed log going back the last couple weeks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    Default A little background

    For context I started all this stuff around the Fall of 2011. I made some solid progress on the normal Starting Strength program for the first 6 months or so.
    I had a bit of a dip in the Spring of 2012, then over the summer I started experimenting with leangains using a Revert Pyramid program described here:
    Initially I made some good progress and got my squat up to ~250. Toward the end of the summer I had some injuries (strained adductor) and did a bit of travelling that knocked me out and caused me to deload. I picked things up in the fall and through the winter, trying to focus on proper form.

    Lately I've given up on the RPT model and am back at a 3-day / week linear progression. It looks something like this:
    Monday: light squat, heavy deadlift (5x1)
    Wednesday: heavy squat (5x3), press (5x3)
    Friday: heavy squat (5x3), heavy chinups and dips.

    I generally don't do bench because of a SLAP tear in my shoulder, but I'm experimenting with them again. I'm going to the SS Seminar in Baltimore in two weeks, so I want to have a better sense where I am with all these lifts.

    And I'm planning on moving to Shanghai sometime in June. When I visited in March I had a hell of a time finding a proper squat rack. Here's hoping I find a good one when I get there.
    Last edited by jlw; 03-20-2013 at 05:49 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Workout log 2013-03-06

    Sleep: check
    Nutrition: check
    Creatine: check
    Wt 188
    Still generally off from week in China. Fat. Timeshifted

    drink: xtend

    Warmup: walked briskly to gym. it was cold

    Squat: (PR=245x6) 45x5, 45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 172x2, 205x1, 205x5, 210x5, 220x5x2
    vid of final set:
    * feel like my knees are coming too far forward
    * bar isn't strictly over top of feet
    * is that okay??

    Press: (PR=120x4) 45x5, 45x5, 65x5, 85x3, 105x2, 117x5, 120x5, 122x5
    vid of final set:
    * have a moment arm at the start of the movement. i need to get my hips forward.
    * should figure out the new "press 2.0" as desrived in this vid: (starting at 5:45)
    lead forward with hips (don't bend in knee!) first, then push up
    if i did this i could probably take my rests at the bottom (not the top)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Workout log 2013-03-08

    Sleep: check
    Nutrition: check
    Creatine: check
    Wt: 188?

    Drink: Xtend

    Warmup: brisk walk to gym??

    Squat: (PR=245x6) 45x5, 45x5, 95x5x2, 135x3, 172x2, 205x1, 205x5, 225x5, 220x5x2
    vid of final set:
    * 225 was a bit messy
    * I feel like my back is weak and my upper body is lurching forward, but I don't see that in the video. Maybe that's how it should feel?
    * my knees are coming forward way too late. this is evident in the video.
    * my right knee is also somewhat wiggling a lot

    Bench (PR=175x5) 45x5, 45x5, 85x5, 115x3, 145x2, 155x1, 165x5x3
    * This is my first time doing bench press in many months. I decided to replace dips with it so I could be ready for the SS Seminar in a few weeks
    * My right inner thigh (adductor?) gets really sore here when I stiffen up. Even at light weights. Foam rolling it helped a bit. Maybe this is my IT band in need of more stretching
    * Otherwise I was able to manage the weight fairly easily
    * Still having weird behavior in shoulder after this. Popping. Not painful though

    Chinups: (PR=XXX) 0x5x2, 45x7, 30x6
    * First time doing these in awhile. Not as strong as I'd hoped.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Workout log 2013-03-10

    Sleep: check
    Nutrition: check
    Creatine: check
    Weight: 188?
    Drink: Xtend

    Warmup: none, really

    Squat (PR=245x6): 45x5x2, 95x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x5x2
    * light day here. about ~80%

    Deadlift (PR=265): 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 255x1, 270x5
    * new PR. that actually felt easier than i imagined
    * a bit hunched / kyphotic during the lift
    * vid of PR:

    went with kate. helping her
    * kate’s 105 DL:


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Workout log 2013-03-12

    Sleep: lacking
    Nutrition: lacking
    Creating: check
    Weight 185

    Drink: Xtend

    Warmup: none

    Squat (PR=245x6): 45x5x2, 95x5, 135x3, 175x2, 185x5

    Press (PR=122x5): 65x5x2, 85x3, 95x5

    * generally feeling like absolute shit today. lightheaded, feverish, a bit nauseous. i’d had a mild stomach bug since yesterday afternoon and I think it’s triggered some of these other symptoms
    * I also realized that this is my 4th workout in 8 days. I haven’t ever gotten more than a single day’s rest lately. I’m probably a bit overtrained
    * Just got my first lifting shoes (Nike Romaleo 2) and was excited to use them. Also going on vacation for half a week and was hoping to get a last workout in before I left. I should have just waited.
    * The shoes are interesting. Seem to fit well. I’m surprised how much they really make my feet stick to the floor, more than anything.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Workout log 2013-03-18

    Sleep: check
    Nutrition: decent
    Creatine: haven’t taken in 5 days
    Weight: 188?

    Drink: Xtend

    Warmup: none

    Squat (PR=245x6): 45x5x2, 95x5, 135x3, 155x2, 185x5
    * light day

    Deadlift (PR=270): 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 255x1, 270x5
    * Decent. Didn’t feel as good as a week ago, but still managed to pull it.
    * My old boss randomly walked up and wanted to chat w/me mid-way through the work set.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Workout log 2013-03-20

    Sleep: check
    Nutrition: check
    Creatine: 3rds day of reloading phase
    Weight: 188?
    Drink: Xtend

    Warmup: none

    Squat (PR=245x6): 45x5x2, 95x5, 135x3, 175x2, 205x1, 225x5x3
    * Knees were coming in. You can’t see this in the video, but it’s really happening. In fact I’d say shoving my right knee out is the sticking point of my lift.
    * Bar also seems too far forward. Is this maybe because of my new shoes that I’m not used to yet. They tilt my feet forward
    * Seemed to have a bit of a butt wink on that first set.
    * Lower/mid back is the sorest after this
    * Videos
    - set 1:
    - set 2:
    - set 3:

    Press (PR=122x5): 65x5x2, 85x3, 105x2, 120x1, 120x2, 117x5x3
    * Failed hard on the first two
    * was trying those 120's with the new style "press 2.0" starting at the bottom. wasn't getting them so i reverted to my normal style: starting at the top then down-up. much easier.
    * Video of failed 120s:


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Workout Log 2013-03-23

    Sleep: check
    Nutrition: check
    Creatine: check
    Weight: 188?
    Drink: Xtend

    Warmup: none

    Squat (PR=245x6): 45x5x2, 95x5, 135x3, 175x2, 205x1, 225x5x3
    * Exactly the same thing I did Wednesday, but I suspect it was slightly better.
    * Knees still coming in. Adductors may be my weakest link here, as evidenced by their soreness the day after. My glutes too.
    * Other weak part may be my back angle on the way up. My hips come up first then my lower back has to work to keep up with it. If I focus on remaining more vertical on the way down--by keeping my chest up more--this doesn't happen, but I'm not sure that's what I should be doing.
    * Final set:

    Bench Press (PR=???): 45x5x2, 85x5, 115x3, 145x2, 155x1, 170x5x2, 170x3
    * Don't normally do these due to a SLAP tear I had in my shoulder. I've been doing dips more frequently, but switched back to these prior to the seminar next week.
    * Generally felt good. My biggest issue is probably keeping my shoulder packed. And I think my triceps are my weakest link.
    * Failed that third work set, I think because I gripped the bar wider than normal.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Workout Log 2013-03-25

    starting strength coach development program
    Sleep: decent
    Nutrition: check
    Creatine: check
    Weight: 188?
    Drink: Xtend

    Warmup: none, really

    Squat (PR=245x6): 45x5x2, 95x5, 135x5, 175x3, 185x5x2
    * light day here. about ~80%

    Deadlift (PR=270x5): 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 255x1, 275x5
    * 255x1 vid:
    * 275x5 vid:
    * lower back still a bit sore from squats two days ago
    * on both my 255 and 275 sets, I felt a bit dizzy. more than normal at least
    * the work set (a new PR) looks like it has really bad form. again, i'm seriously kyphotic
    * the downtime between reps starts out w/good posture, but toward the end i'm really rounded while just getting my rest.


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