starting strength gym
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Thread: caveman goes for 5/3/1 for 300/400/500

  1. #891
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Looks like I missed a bunch of days of logging. I haven't missed any gym days, though some have been at home due to work commits.
    Monday 5/6/19
    Bodyweight 215.4 (jeezus, maybe I have a reverse tapeworm...)

    Squats - 405 for 2. First rep was a bit forward, 2nd rep just felt weird in my hamstrings, so I shut it down. My buddy says I should have done a 3rd one because I had it for sure.

    sumo deads - 410 for 3.

    Inverted rows - 12

    Wasn't feeling that into today. Elbows felt tender during squats, and it took a long time for squats to loosen up and feel right. Had an uncomfortable low back pump for the better part of yesterday after working rebuilding my subie's alternator. Might even skip heavy pulls on Thursday.

  2. #892
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Missed Tuesdays log.
    Worked out at home because my gym partner didn't want to go and the bench safeties at the globo are not safe at all. Plus I made new pins so that I can bench heavy at home without the need for a liftoff or shimming the bench higher.

    Bench - 290 for 2. Yes! While these felt kind of slow, I didn't have any elbow pain at all. New pins worked great. I did sniff some Nose Torq for this. Not sure what it is supposed to do, but I've watched a bunch of strong m'fers on YouTube use it before a big lift.

    OHP - 170 for 3. Wow! Last one was an epic grind, but I pressed it out!

    upper body deload begins
    Tricep rope - 40 for 30
    Handstand pushup - 1 Just curious and surprised that I got any after a workout, being heavier than ever, and haven't done any of these for a long time!

  3. #893
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Thursday 5/9/19
    Bodyweight 214.4

    Deads - 405 for 1 Double overhand grip! YES! FINALLY! Did this on a texas deadlift bar with some chalk and it was solid AF. Then pulled 435 for 3 with straps. these didn't feel that great, and certainly no where near as good as 405 did. Probably had 1-2 left in the tank.

    Lower body deload begins
    I found an axle on the barbell rack and decided to try my hand. I was able to get up to 275 for a double with DOH grip. 275 was the weight at which I could start to feel the bar slipping repositioning during the pull. I was able to hold it up for a solid 2 count, but I doubt that 315 would have gone.

    No squats, maybe some light squats on Saturday. Looks doubtful though as I'm already triple booked for most of the day...

  4. #894
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Just took the rest of the week off as deload and started back on the rotation yesterday as normal.
    Monday 5/13/19
    Bodyweight 215.5 (all of the summer shorts I bought last year no longer fit and that was the last straw for me. It'll be a tough couple of days to adjust, but now that my mind is right, I'll be able to make it through. Just need to cut back on portions, eliminate snacks between meals, and reduce alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks per week or less). Cutting out the snacks and large dessert portions is probably 500-750 calories per day, so I don't really need to do much more than that. going to shoot for 1-2 pounds per week, but won't mind if the first week or two is 2-3 pounds. No sense in doing an extended cut and fitting in my shorts in time for fall...

    Squats - 335 for 8. I could have gotten to 10 but the bar was sliding down my back a little and I kept pitching forward out of the hole and I didn't want to do that near exhaustion.

    Sumo deads - 350 for 10. These were fawking easy. I actually paused slightly after the first rep, because I thought we might have forgot to load up the bar after 315.

    Lunges - to the red pole and back.

  5. #895
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Tuesday 5/14/19
    Bodyweight 213.8, goal this week 213.5

    Bench - 245 for 10. Oh yeah, bench just kept feeling better and better during warmups. 135 felt awful, but after that it was getting better with every set. that ties my globo gym PR.

    OHP - 145 for 8. Pretty worried about these because my arms were dead after bench. Last one was a grind, but not epic. solid.

    hammer curls - 20 for 20
    dumbbell inclines - 50 for 5 and then 65 for 15. Wow, the reps just kept coming!
    lat pulldowns - 135 for 12. Definitely moving some weight today, usually I can't touch my chest after rep 9 and all 12 did this time.
    Tricep rope - 90 for 30. Feel the burn.
    hanging knee raises - 20 unbroken.

    pretty good day in the gym. No aches or pains, my forearms feel tired maybe still from the axle work last week, but in general I feel ready to go!

  6. #896
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Thursday 5/16/19
    Bodyweight 213.3, goal this week 213.5. Doing good. Successfully navigated a business lunch and a takeout dinner. A few more challenges ahead in the next couple of days. I'm still feeling pretty motivated, which I guess is a good thing, seeing that it's only been 3 days so far! haha

    Deads - 365 for 8. Had a few more in the tank, but my low back was already feeling a pump from warmups and my hamstrings were burning on the 7th and 8th reps and I didn't feel like pushing it today. Plus, volume 8's for squats is absolutely my least favorite thing to do in my program.

    Squats - 305 for 8, 8, and 8. Awful. So glad to be done with these.

    Lunges - to the red pole and back. Feel the burn!

    Got off to a late start, and I never feel like doing much after volume 8's day. it sucks!

  7. #897
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Friday was done at home. Bodyweight was 213.05 I think. Can't remember definitely.

    Bench - 225 for 8, 8, and 8.
    OHP - 130 for 8, 8, and 10.

    Hammer curls - 19 for 20
    Tricep rope - 40 for 30

    I want to say I did one more thing, maybe hanging knee raises?

  8. #898
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Monday 5/20/19
    Bodyweight 213.8, New goal is 212.0. I gave back a little bit over the weekend which was planned to aid in compliance and partially due to the fact that my kids and wife can't seem to get ready in any sort of predictable manner. I'm expecting tomorrow to be way down because last night's dinner hasn't agreed with me too much...

    Squats - 370 for 5. Crushed these. Form hadn't started to break down yet and I felt like I could have done 2-3 more.
    sumo deads - 385 for 8. These were done in the crossfit room, but not on the deadlift bar or the platform. Everyone and their brother was deadlifting today. It was kinda cool that one of the crossfit coaches heard the commotion and started yelling out cues and encouragement mid set. Probably would have stopped at 6 otherwise.

    Ring pull ups - 7. form started to break down and my elbows have been feeling weird and didn't want to push it.

    Pretty good day in the end.

    Thinking about getting a rolling thunder to work on some grip challenges...

  9. #899
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Tuesday 5/21/19
    Bodyweight 213.2, Weekly goal is 212.0

    Worked out at home because gym partner wasn't going and I don't like asking strangers for a bench spot.

    Bench - 270 for 5. pretty solid. After the 4th rep, I was thinking maybe to go after 6, but 5 moved slow and so that was that. Ironically, I forgot to adjust the safeties, so this was essentially done without a spot. Oopsie!

    OHP - 160 for 5. got it! Booyah.

    Hammer curls - 19 for 20
    Tricep rope - 40 for 30

    No more time after that.

  10. #900
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Thursday, 5/23/19
    Bodyweight 212.85, Weekly goal of 212.0 Doing well in terms of motivation. Just need to stay strict in terms of diet choices and I think things will start becoming automatic.

    Deads - 405 for 5. These moved pretty well, although I didn't feel like my start position was as good as it could be. Definitely had a few more reps in the tank, but wanted to save some energy for squats and was thinking about doubling up today because tomorrow is busy.

    Squats - 335 for 5, 5, and 5. No issues here. pretty easy throughout. But with all of the warm up sets, decided during warmups that there would not be time for bench or OHP, and I will just squeeze those in it at home on Friday evening or Saturday sometime.

    Farmers walk - 110's to the HIIT room and back. No issues. Really didn't even start losing them this time. Paused for a decent length static home after returning the start spot.

    Lunges - to the red pole and back. Probably time to start holding some dumbbells or something. Besides the burn, these are relatively easy.

    Hanging knee raises - 20. No issues, will go for 25 next time. Getting 20 consecutive toes to bar is a goal of mine.

    Elbows are feeling a little creaky, but I seem to be stressing them just enough that they can recover before they are needed again. it's taken a long time to find where that balance is... I think....

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