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Thread: Samuel Clark, Intermediate Training Log

  1. #591
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Monday, 6-May 2019
    Weighout: 219.6lbs, Time: 1140 (00:45)

    Jog 8.8mph 0.875mi
    Face Pull 4x15 70#
    RDL 315 3x7
    BB Row 245 3x9
    Rollout 6-min x50 @10lbs

  2. #592
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Tuesday, 7-May 2019

    1x400m warmup jog

    3x400m 01:27, 01:29, 01:34

    1x400m light 02:13

    2x400m 01:36, 01:33

    1x400m light 02:08

    1x400m 01:23

    1x400m cooldown

    Wednesday, 08-May 2019
    Weighout: 220.2lbs, Time: 11:35 (01:09)

    Front Squat (no sleeves) 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 365x3,3,3@3-min
    Paused Bench 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, 275x3, 315x3, 365x2, 330x4x4@3-4min
    Flat DB Bench 110x12,8 @2min
    BW Chin-up 6min x40
    Inc DB Curl 30x12,10, 25x10, 20x11 superset w/ Inc French Press 100x15, 110x15,12,12

  3. #593
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    North Dakota


    Thursday, 09-May 2019
    Weighout: 218.6lbs, Time: 1000 (00:25)

    Jog 0.25mi @6mph, 0.25mi @6.5mph, 1.0mi @7mph, 0.25mi @6.5mph, 0.25mi @6mph, cool down walk 4mph-2mph

    Total distance: 2.15mi

    Friday, 10-May 2019
    Weighout: 219.3lbs, Time: 1000 (01:09)

    Paused Squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, belt: 405x2, 495x1, 445x5@8.5, 425x5,5@7.5,8 @3-4min

    Deadlift 315x1, 405x1 belt: 495x1, straps 545x5@9, 515x5 @8

    Incline Bench (Index finger on rings) 45x5, 135x5, 185x5, belt: 235x4x4 @2-3min RPE7-8

    Incline DB Bench 85x12@8.5, 90x12@9 @2min

  4. #594
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Sunday, 12-May 2019
    Weighout: 220lbs, Time: 1430 (01:20)

    Squat Superset w/Strict Press 45/45x10, 135/135x5, 225/185x4, 315/205x3, belt 405/225x2, 495x1, 545x1, alternate: squat 475 4x5, press: 205 3x5 @2min b/t
    Seated DB Press 75x12,11,9 @2min
    Dip 105 5x8@2min
    1-Arm DB Side Lateral 30x12,35x12,35x10,30x10,25x10

    Notes: felt a terrific pain in my left elbow during my final set of squat. I've been ignoring a nagging left elbow and just adding extra reps of chins or low weight biceps curls before squatting to warm the area up. The pain typically subsides to a dull throb as the training session goes along. However, on this final set, I pushed my elbows up a little too high (rather than squeezing them inward). The result was a lovely velcro-like ripping sound. No immediate pain, swelling, or bruising. Although, moving furniture or picking things up with elbows approximating full extension can be rather alarming at times. We'll see how benching goes on Wednesday and Friday. The good news is I'll be taking vacation time for the next two weeks - so I am forced to lay off a bit. Closing thought: not using Starr rehab protocol for this as it is not a muscle belly tear, rather it is a tendon/ligament issue.

    Monday, 13-May 2019
    Weighout: 218.3lbs, Time: 1145 (01:00)

    400m warmup
    800m @ race pace 00:03:33
    200m walk
    2x400m @ 00:01:45

    BB Row 245 4x8@2min
    RDL 315 3x10@2min
    Bent Lateral 35 superset w/ facepull 70# 12/12, 10/10, 8/8 @1min
    1-Arm Db Preacher Curl 30x12, 35x12,10,8,30x8,25x10
    Last edited by SClark08; 05-14-2019 at 01:45 PM.

  5. #595
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Tuesday, 14-May 2019
    Weighin: 219.5lbs, Time: 1630

    x11 Court sprints

    3.27K @29min (although, 3miles at 27:12...)

    Wednesday, 15-May 2019
    Weighout: 217.5lbs, Time: 1130 (01:10)

    Front Squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, belt: 315x3, 365x3, 370x3,3,3@2-3min

    Paused Bench 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, 275x3, belt: 315x3, 365x1, 330x5,4+1,3+2+1 @3min

    DB Bench 110x12+6+5+4+3, rest 2min 100x10+3+3 (46)

    7-Min D-Handle Pulldown 50x15,12,10,8,5, 60x5,5,10 (70)

    Inc LTE 110x20+6+5+4+3, no rest,100x8+3+3 (44)

    Notes: lightly pulled my right hamstring yesterday during the sprints. I tried accelerating too sharply with inadequate warm-up/poor hydration/anterior hip tightness/all of the above. It didn't seem to impact front squatting much, however, on video, I had more forward lean/hip rise than I normally do. For assistance work I adopted more of a "myo" rep style scheme (8-10 breaths between bouts). I got a lot of work in, "felt" everything firing, and didn't waste a whole lot of time. Overall the result was a better pump at the end and a hell of a time getting my shirt over my head to shower. neat. I have also been including 2-mins (cumulative) ab-vacuums in the morning, before breakfast, but after taking a dump. Right now I feel like my strength is fairly decent and my body weight is about where it should be. My conditioning is steadily progressing but my abdominal region still looks like a fucking turtle (nerds might call it "distended"). I am working to tighten up the internal-whats-its as well as slightly reducing my fat intake. And weening off of gatorade. shit is just sugar water any how.
    Last edited by SClark08; 05-15-2019 at 12:33 PM.

  6. #596
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota

    Default Samuel Clark, Intermediate Training Log

    Friday, 17-May 2019
    Weighout: 218.7lbs, Time: 1530 (01:00)

    Paused squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, belt: 405x2, 495x1, 425 4x5@3min

    Rackpull 585x1, 635x1, 585x4, 545x6

    Paused Incline bench 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x1, 235 3x5@2min

    Incline DB Bench 90x10,10,8,6+3

  7. #597
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    UK Trip: 19-May through 1-Jun 2019

    Wakefield Rugby Pitch:
    0.7mi jog
    0.7mi jog

    28min jog

    Wakefield Rugby Pitch:
    0.7mi jog
    0.7mi jog

    2.75 mi hill run (to Sandal Castle and Castle Grove Park)

    Sunday, 2-Jun 2019
    Weighout: 218.4lbs, Time: 2000 (01:14)

    Squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, belt: 405x5, 455x5@9, 435x5,5 @8.5,9 @3-4min
    Bench 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, 275x3, 315x3,4,5 superset w/DB Row 120x8,8,8 @3-4min
    T-shirt bench (Myo-reps) 255x10-245x3+3 (total: 16)
    3-Way Shoulder Raise (rear 35, side 35, incline front 25): 3x10@2min
    Treadmill: 4x400m @10mph 1:1 (work:rest)

    Notes: feel fat, weak, and uncoordinated

    Monday, 3-Jun 2019
    Weighout: 215.4lbs, Time: 1125 (00:42)

    RDL 45x10, 135x6, 225x6, 275x6, 295x6, 300x6 @2-3min
    Closegrip Bench 45x10, 135x8, 225x3x10 @8,9,9.5 Superset w/ Hammer curl 65x3x10 @2min
    Low Cable Fly 20 3x10 @2min
    Cable Facepull 50 3x12 @90sec
    Cable Wood Chop 30x3x12/side @60sec
    Cable Side Bend 30x3x12/side @30sec

    Notes: I have cut out the garbage food (e.g., Gatorade and kid cereal). I am mostly getting my carbohydrates from lactose sugar (milk), bananas, oats, and white rice. I swapped out 80/20 beef for skinless chicken breast. I went back to eating all of my egg yolks. I ditched the nightly plain Greek yogurt as its $1 per 18-20 grams of protein vs. having a scoop of protein (19g for $0.27). I plan on keeping my intake fairly low Sun-Fri, and then "refeeding" on Saturdays. THis also allows me to enjoy barbecues and whiskey like a normal human. At this point, I am about the same weight I was when I left, but significantly more squish. That means I've lost muscle and gained fat. In addition, I have de-trained significantly. Based on the reduced calories over the past two weeks while traveling, I am not at all concerned with 2700 calories per day at this point. If I start getting weaker, excessively sore/fatigued, and do not see any significant improvements in the mirror, then I will reassess.

    Average Daily Nutrition:
    Calories: 2700-2800
    Fats: 70-80g (~25%)
    Carbohydrates: 250-270g (~40%)
    Protein: 230-245g (~35%)
    Last edited by SClark08; 06-03-2019 at 02:35 PM.

  8. #598
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Tuesday, 4-Jun 2019

    2 mile run; 1st mi split 00:07:50, 2nd mi split 00:16:23
    brief walk
    0.5mi run; 00:04:05
    brief walk
    0.5mi run; 00:03:55
    brief walk
    cool down jog ~0.15mi

    Total time: 00:30:05

    Wednesday, 5-Jun-2019
    Weighout: 213.5lbs, Time: 1245 (00:56)

    Squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, 315x3,3,3

    Pullup bwx10, 25x5, 45x4x5 superset w/
    Press 45x10, 135x5, 180x4, 195x5,3+2,3+1+1

    Cable side lateral 3x12 superset w/ BB upright row 135 3x8

    High Cable Wood Chop 3x12/side

    Notes: Press went well until the third set, then I just couldn't seem to dial in the correct bar path. Squatting went very poorly. I had originally intended to do some banded dynamic effort squatting as my light variant. However, not training for the past two weeks and doing a fair amount of sitting around, I had anticipated soreness to play a role. I intentionally limped into Sunday to ensure that I hit a decent weight with okay-ish form, then backed off to get a little volume in. I didn't want to go to gung-ho and debilitate or injure. My right hamstring is still pulling tight during sprinting and squatting - I had hoped it would have mended by now; more hip stretching is in my future. At any rate, I opted to get a little volume in at roughly 60% of an estimated max of 550 and call it there. Friday will be either a tempo or a pause squat - more than likely it'll be a pause. I seem to be dropping weight alarmingly fast, I don't know if that is the product of cutting my carbohydrates in half or I am simply not eating enough. I have a carb load on Saturday, so we'll take a look at the weekly average and where I am at Sunday before and after training, then adjust from there.

  9. #599
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    Friday, 7-Jun 2019
    Weighout: 214lbs, Time: 1145 (01:18)

    Paused Squat* 45x10, 132x5, 220x4, 310x3, belt: 395x2, 485x1, 395 3x5 @2-3min
    Barbell Row 105kg 4x6 Superset w/
    Incline Bench 45x10, 132x5, 185x4, 232x3, 227x5,5, 178.5lbs x10+3+2 @2-3min
    2" Deficit Deadlift 310x1, 395x1, 485x3,3

    Treadmill Sprint: 4x400m @10mph 1:1 work/rest

    Notes: plate math was all in kg. Carbing up tomorrow; we'll see where I am at Sunday and how that training session goes... Pot roast. Its what's for dinner.

  10. #600
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Dakota


    starting strength coach development program
    Sunday, 9-Jun 2019
    Weighout: 215.2lbs, Time: 1430 (01:25)

    Squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, belt: 405x2, 495x1, 455 x5,5,5 @3min
    Bench 45x10, 135x5, 225x4, 275x3, belt: 315x6,6,5 superset w/DB Row 120x8,8,8 @3-4min
    3-way shoulder raise (35lbs rear & side, 25lbs incline front) 12/12/12, 12/12/12, 12/9+3/12

    4x400m: 00:01:21, 00:01:24, 00:01:28, 00:01:33

    Notes: I vaguely remember running 400's in high school mid-to-low 60-seconds range; 90 seconds seems like a snails pace. However, that was 20 pounds and nearly 15 years ago... The first one felt pretty challenging but faster than 10mph (treadmill work). The second one left my glutes on fire; I thought I wouldn't be able to get another sub-90 second round in. I rested twice as long as the previous - 3-4 minutes and squeaked out a 1:28. I almost didn't even attempt number four; I was disappointed in the outcome yet satisfied that I had the stones to make the attempt. I'll say this about running an outdoor track vs. a treadmill, its much more fatiguing to generate your own power and combat wind.

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