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Thread: Lifting to Live

  1. #1041
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default Singles Week

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Notes —
    - Christmas Week (Wednesday). For the first time since the gym opened under another name over three years ago, the gym closed for a few days for the holiday. It was closed Tue-Thu, which was supported by the clients. But I still got in on Tuesday and Thursday to keep my training going, dropping everything but the focused lift for that day. It made for quick workouts. We'll see next cycle if the extra recovery was beneficial (how can it not be?).
    - I had planned on running a Mock Meet week next week to close out the year. But I realized that I'm still not even back to where I was in the Spring, so the Mock Meet isn't a real measure of how the year has gone. So I'll just resume the 4-Day Heavy/Light Split cycle.

    12/23/24 - Monday
    RP H @ 8' 415x5
    PS L @ 2' 30kgx2x5

    Notes —
    RP - Heavy set. Smooth and steady. All good.
    PS - Light doubles across. Introducing these Snatches as the 4x/week Cleans are getting heavy enough that it's beating me up by week's end. So I'll be alternating Snatches/Cleans during each 4-Day Split. All good.

    12/24/24 - Tuesday
    OP I @ 5' 167.5x1x5

    Notes —
    OP - Intensity Singles. Like last week's Triples, I focused on getting extremely tight from the grip to the floor and all went well.

    12/26/24 - Thursday
    SQ I @ 5' 355x1x5

    Notes —
    SQ - Intensity Singles. All good.

    12/27/24 - Friday
    BP I @ 5' 250x1x5

    Notes —
    BP - Intensity Singles. All good.

  2. #1042
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Note — I could have sworn that I submitted this last Friday. I remember typing it up. Perhaps I didn't hit submit. Either that or it was a fever dream Friday evening, which is a distinct possibility. So this will be a quick re-creation.

    12/30/24 - Monday
    SS L @ 3' 31kgx2x5
    DL H @ 7' 360x5
    SQ L @ 5' 275x5x2

    12/31/24 - Tuesday
    PC H @ 3' 61kgx2x5
    OP H @ 5' 150x5x4
    BP L @ 5' 220x5x2

    1/2/25 - Thursday
    SS L @ 3' 32kgx2x5
    SQ H @ 5' 320x5x4

    1/3/25 - Friday
    PC H @ 3' 62kgx2x5
    BP H @ 5' 232.5x5x4
    OP L @ 5' 130x5x2

    Overall Note — Lifts went well. Friday I realized that I was coming down with something, as I helped coach the noon class and was fading by the end, even after a good night's sleep. I had a 2.75hr break until the late afternoon/evening sessions, which is when I get my workout in. The Cleans felt brutal, with bilateral aches in the inner elbow. The aches started spreading to other joints through the Bench, which felt much heavier than it should have. I was taking longer and longer breaks during between those sets. I scrubbed the Presses, cleaned up a bit, and waited for Chase to show up. I waved off the rest of the evening. After a 2hr nap, I checked and confirmed a fever. That's when I typed up this entry the first time. Soon, I was asleep for the next 12+ hours, which everything seemed to break. Saturday was good, until mid-afternoon, when I crashed again. By Monday, when I'm typing this, I'm still dragging a bit, cutting back on my workout today, which I'll log at the end of the week.

  3. #1043
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default Triples + Arctic Blast & Snow Week

    1/6/25 - Monday
    SS L @ 3' 33kgx2x5
    HDL H @ 8' 350x8
    SQ L @ 5' 275x5x2

    Notes— Still feeling the effect of Friday's fever. Ran out of time, too, so I focused on the primary lift for the day.
    HDL - Heavy set. Tough, slowing at rep #5, struggling to keep the bar on the legs for #6-8, but got them done.

    1/7/25 - Tuesday
    PC Heavy @ 3' 63kgx2x5
    OP Heavy @ 5' 160x3x5
    BP Light @ 5' 220x5x2

    Notes —
    PC - Heavy Doubles across. Back in the groove with these, which was nice after Friday's struggle fest. All good.
    OP - Heavy Triples across. Overall good, but set #3 was a wild ride; on the unrack, I stepped back with my left foot and apparently swayed that way, bouncing the right plates off the rack hard enough that I had to re-rack to get it steady, which I did for the second unrack and set, then, while walking it back into the pins, I bounced the left plates off the front of the rack hard enough that I had to fight to keep it under control. I did. Very odd, as I never do that. Last set went fine.

    1/8/25 - Wednesday
    SS Light @ 3' 33kgx2x5
    SQ Heavy @ 5' 340x3x4

    Notes — This was Thursday's (1/9/25) workout, but with a forecast 2-4" coming in during the day, I planned on a snow day, which did happen.
    SS - Light doubles across. Overall good, with one correction by SSC Phoebe - "shrug hard before the bar touches the belly/jump point."
    SQ - Heavy Triples across. I have to focus on getting the knees forward earlier than I have been, then keeping the chest down on the way up.

    1/11/25 - Saturday
    PC H @ 3' 64kgx2x5
    BP H @ 5' 242.5x3x4
    OP L @ 5' 130x5x2

    Notes — This was Friday's (1/10/25) workout, but the gym was closed for all but two mid-day sessions while the roads were wet and good. Friday morning, the roads were deep in snow in a city where very few know how to actually drive in it. Friday evening, the temps dropped rapidly, turning everything to ice. So we cancel to keep folks off the road. After Saturday morning's sessions and the weekly deep clean, I made sure to get my bench workout in.
    BP - Heavy Triples across. All good.

  4. #1044
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    1/13/25 - Monday
    SS L @ 3' 34kgx2x5
    RP I @ 8' 420x52
    SQ L @ 5' 275x5x2

    Notes —
    SS - Light Doubles across. Minor arm pull evident, so worked on locking the elbows (turn elbows in; show the watch), plus smoothing out the lunge for the split. All good.
    RP - Heavy set. Focused on very tight lats, rocking back at the setup. All good.

    1/16/25 - Thursday
    SS L @ 3' 35kgx2x5
    OP I @ 4' 170x1x5
    SQ I @ 5' 360x1x5

    Notes — A blend of Tuesday's programmed workout and Thursday's. The combo of Intensity Singles for Press and Squat during the same workout had me hobbling a bit during the after-workout Costco run, but no issues after that.
    SS - Light Doubles across. Still some minor arm pull on some reps, so kept focusing on that. All good.
    OP - Intensity Singles. Kept focus on staying extremely tight from the unrack to the quick press. All good.
    SQ - Intensity Singles. Same, extremely tight, quick bounce. All good.

    1/17/25 - Friday
    PC H @ 3' 64kgx2x5 64kgx2x2 + 60kgx2x2
    BP I @ 5' 252.5x1x5
    OP L @ 5' 130x5x2

    PC - Heavy Doubles across. As has been the trend the last few weeks, but Friday Cleans are feeling very heavy. So much so that I was arm-pulling most of the first two doubles. Chase had me drop weight to see if it would resolve, which it didn't at 4kg lighter. So we talked programming, and from this point on, of my 2x/week Cleans, one day will be lighter Hang Cleans.
    BP - Intensity Singles. Just like Thursday's Singles, I focused on staying extremely tight for each rep. All good.
    OP - Light Sets. After the Intensity Singles the day prior, these didn't feel as light as they should have, but all good.

  5. #1045
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default Volume Week

    1/20/25 - Monday
    SS L @ 3' 36kgx2x5
    DL H @ 8' 375x5
    SQ L @ 5' 280x5x2

    Notes —
    SS - Light Doubles across. Some arm pull, focusing on "bend the bar" and delaying jump. All good.
    DL - Heavy set. Kept dropping hips during warmups. Focused on stretching the hamstrings & getting away from the bar in the setup, fixed in workset. All good. Even with this being a +10lb jump, I felt like I could have lifted quite a bit more. Will adjust programming the next couple of weeks to see if I can get this to run up close to my 400x4 PR set last April. All good.
    SQ - Light sets. Ran out of time, skipped.

    1/21/25 - Tuesday
    PC L @ 3' 60kgx2x5
    OP H @ 5' 152.5x5x4
    BP L @ 5' 227.5x5x2

    Notes —
    PC - Light Doubles across. Kept confusing warmup reps with Split Snatch—the downside of alternating these lifts every day—but fixed it by the work sets. More focus on stopping the arm bend. All good.
    OP - Heavy sets across. First set ended up way on toes, had to completely stop and get the bar under control before the last rep (I almost had to rack it, it was that bad). Got mid-foot and fixed the issue. All good.
    BP - Light sets. All good.

    1/23/25 - Thursday
    SS L @ 3' 37kgx2x5
    SQ H @ 5' 325x5x4

    Notes —
    SS - Light Doubles across. Good warmups. Very first work set rep, I got the bar to lockout, which immediately caused my left shoulder to pop with a bit of pain. I completed the work sets without any issues, but the pain referred through the upper arm the rest of the day.
    SQ - Heavy sets across. Must like Monday's DL worksets, this weight felt like I could jump up quite a bit more. However, I won't, instead focusing on driving the DL up, knowing how these two lifts interact and/or interfere with each other.

    1/24/25 - Friday
    HC L @ 2' 45kgx2x5
    BP H @ 5' 235x5x4

    Notes —
    HC (Hang Clean) - Light Doubles across. These are a part of the quickly evolving Clean programming. I rapidly went from 4x/week @ +2kg/day to 4x/week to +1kg/day to alternating Cleans with Snatches (each @ +1kg/day) to this, with a Light Clean variation one day per week. Focus for these is the mid- and upper-part of the lift, which means that I have to focus on staying over the bar longer, since I don't have the acceleration off the floor of the standard Clean. Some cues from Chase - "If the traps aren't sore after this workout, you aren't shrugging enough" and "slowing to feel the jump point forces arm pull." All good.
    BP - Heavy Sets across. All good, which was good, considering the left shoulder issues introduced during Thursday's Split Snatches. Unlike this week's DL and SQ, this is the right weight for where I am right now. All good.

    Overall note —
    When I am in the gym helping coach the morning sessions (0530/0700/0900/1200), I have to squeeze the workout into a 90-minute period between 1030-1200. That's a tight window on the best of days. But if a client is working through a heavy workout during the 0900 session, they might run long, cutting that window shorter, which means that the light lift that day usually gets cut. I don't sweat it, as those lifts aren't meant to be stressful enough to drive progress. But it does impact lifts like the Press and Bench, which rely on keeping that neuromuscular efficiency fresh to get the heavy days moving. That shows on days like the Press, where my first set was very unbalanced. But that's what it is. I can't wait until 1330 to start a 2-hour workout after what is usually not fantastic sleep anticipating that 0400 alarm.

  6. #1046
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default Triples Week

    1/27/25 - Monday
    SS L @ 3' 38kgx2x5
    DL H @ 8' 380x5
    SQ L @ 5' 280x5x2

    Notes —
    SS - Light Doubles across. More work on arm pull with "push" and "bend" the bar, the timing of the rack with "wait a second longer for the rack", all good.
    DL - Heavy set. Last week's DL belt like I had another 20lbs in the tank, so I'm running these out instead of sticking to my DL/RP/HDL rotation. Keeping it sensible, so this was only +5lbs over last week. It felt like it weighed a ton. No surprise, after talking to Chase last week, he said that he never programs someone to chase a DL wave more than two weeks. But I also need to see things for myself, so I will program another +5lbs next week.
    SQ - Light sets. All good.

    1/28/25 - Tuesday
    PC H @ 3' 61kgx2x5
    OP H @ 5' 162.5x3x4
    BP L @ 5' 227.5x5x2

    Notes —
    PC - Heavy Doubles across. Arm pull in the early work weight reps, fixed with a hyper-focus on shrugging up the bar, all good.
    OP - Heavy Triples across. Overall, good, although there was some right knee bend on rep #2 of set #2 (2/2). Not that it felt particularly heavy, but that's just what happened for some odd reason.
    BP - Light sets. All good.

    1/30/25 - Thursday
    SS L @ 3' 39kgx2x5
    SQ H @ 5' 345x3x4

    Notes —
    SS - Light Doubles across. Heavy focus on the shrug & rack. Apparently that worked, because my lats were smoked the rest of the day.
    SQ - Heavy Triples across. A few reps with the knees shooting back out of the hole, so my focus was on keeping the knees forward and out. All good.

    1/31/25 - Friday
    HC L @ 3' 46kgx2x5
    BP H @ 5' 245x3x4
    OP L @ 5' 137.5x5x2

    Notes —
    HC - Light Doubles across. More heavy focus on the shrug & rack. Chase cued me to stay over the bar a bit longer on the jump. All good.
    BP - Heavy Triples across. A couple of reps slacking on the knee drive, plus one where my left foot shot out from under me. Too much dog hair on the platform. Otherwise, all good.
    OP - Light sets. Skipped as I ran out of time before the next session, which was my last for the day.

  7. #1047
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default Intensity Week - Vertigo Edition

    2/3/25 - Monday
    SS L @ 3' 40kgx2x5
    DL H @ 8' 385x5 385x2
    SQ L @ 5' 280x5x2

    Notes —
    SS - Light Doubles across. It's getting heavier, so the focus now is dialing it up faster off the floor. All good.
    DL - Heavy set. Week three of chasing DL x5s. As mentioned previously, Chase recommended going only two weeks, but I had to run the experiment myself. It held true. The first rep was heavy, but manageable. The second rep was heavier, with a bit of drift off the legs from the start, meaning that I dropped my hips right before the push, but locked out fine. Third rep broke the floor smoothly, but stalled a few inches up the shin. No go. Back to the RP/HDL/DL cycle.
    SQ - Light sets. All good.

    2/4/25 - Tuesday
    PC H @ 3' 62kgx2x5
    OP I @ 5' 172.5x1x5
    BP L @ 5' 227.5x5x2

    Notes —
    PC - Heavy Doubles across. Worked on the tall extension to the ceiling, plus a big shrug. All good. But I did get woozy during the setup a few times (more to come).
    OP - Intensity Singles across. A manageable weight. On rep #3, I locked it out, then the room started dimming quickly, so I fell into the pins, where the bar settled. On rep #4, all was good, but then I had to grab and hang onto the bar immediately after it settled in the pins. I was at the gym lifting solo, so I moved everything inside the rack and set the safeties for about nipple height. Rep #5 locked out, immediately followed by the quick dimming and my left arm dropping quickly; I leaned into it and slid the bar down the rack and into the pins. I didn't need the safeties, but it was good to know that the bar wouldn't chase me to the floor had I lost it completely. Pretty typical vasovagal syncope symptoms, but I did have more vertigo through the day and the days following.
    BP - Light sets. All good. The vertigo getting up off the bench was not fun. But that happened all last spring here in OK. So it wasn't out of the ordinary.

    2/7/25 - Friday
    SS L @ 3' 41kgx2x5
    BP I @ 5' 255x1x5
    SQ I @ 4' 365x1x5

    Notes — Combination of Thursday's programmed workout (SS/SQ/) and Friday's programmed workout (HC/BP/OP). The vertigo caught me in most orientations on Thursday, so I didn't even go in to help coach sessions. That was very, very odd and I didn't want to experience it while driving to/fro.
    SS - Light Doubles across. Focus on keeping the arms straight and delaying the rack. All good.
    BP - Intensity Singles across. No issues with these, even as I worked in the warmups for the SQ Intensity singles. All good.
    SQ - Intensity Singles across. I was running out of time, finishing the last reps as the racks around me filled with the next session's clients. The first rep, I broke the knees late, which got me out over my toes, yet I recovered. Reps 2-4 were good, focusing on hips/knees at the same time. Last rep was good in that regard, although Chase called it too high. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to do another to proper depth as the last client of the session was already in his shoes, ready to lift.

  8. #1048
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Georgia, USA


    Syncope symptoms are not fun. When I was having my heart problems back in Aug/Sept/Oct that is what was happening to me. Be careful as you do not want to bust that noggin. That would take the fun right out of things.

  9. #1049
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Anders View Post

    DL - The second rep was heavier, with a bit of drift off the legs from the start, meaning that I dropped my hips right before the push, but locked out fine.
    thats a great way to describe what i have a bad tendancy to do on the first rep of my DL sets. it makes my first rep slower than the 5th!

  10. #1050
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Cole Gorton View Post
    thats a great way to describe what i have a bad tendancy to do on the first rep of my DL sets. it makes my first rep slower than the 5th!
    The cue we use for that, which is also hard to internalize at times, is "get away (from the bar)!", meaning hips go up and back, then shoulders go up as part of the hard thoracic extension. It's also during that extension that I apparently dropped my hips, as do a lot of folks. So each piece has to be deliberate, which is also easy to say when the panic sets in.

    Remember, the first rep is always a lie!!!

    Keep at it, Cole!

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