3/18/24 - Monday
DL H @ 8' 390x5
SQ L @ 3' 295x5x3
Notes —
DL - Heavy set. Progress continues, which is good. Since the beginning of the year I've schedule these so that I have 10 or 11 days recovery instead of a standard 7 and that seems to have done the trick. This 390x5 cruised up as if it was 50lbs lighter and I didn't feel like I had to grab anything upright to stay upright as soon as the set was done. The "downside" to that recovery period is that I only pull heavy twice in a three week period, but I've also put 25lbs on this lift since the new year. Considering that I often hit a wall on this lift once I reached 365lbs, the fact that I'm progressing means that this was the right programming move.
SQ - Light sets across. I ran my warmup to 225x1, then did the deadlifts. I resumed the warmup with another 225x1 and moved up to these worksets. All good.
3/19/24 - Tuesday
OP H @ 5' 162.5x5x4
BP L @ 3' 217.5x5x3
Notes —
OP - Heavy sets across. All good.
BP - Light sets across. All good.
3/21/24 - Thursday
SQ H @ 5' 315x5x4
PC L @ 2' 43kgx3x5
Notes —
SQ - Heavy sets across. Minor corrections to form, as apparently I picked this day to shoot my hips back while coming out of the hole. All good.
PC - Still re-working this lift. Form getting better overall.
3/22/24 - Friday
BP H @ 5' 232.5x5x4
OP V @ 2' 157.5x2x12
Notes —
BP - Heavy sets across. All good.
OP - Volume doubles across. All good.