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Thread: Tad fighting the Reaper.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Friday, 17 January 2025
    Workout # 47

    BW: 238


    - 145 x5
    - 180 x5
    - 217.5 x5
    - 255 x5
    - 297.5 x3
    - 217.5 x8

    Bench - 187.5x5x3

    Bent Row - 225x5x3

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.


    I had to shift my schedule due to a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.

    Tuesday, 21 January 2025
    Workout # 48

    BW: 239
    Waist: 41 3/4”


    - 150 x5
    - 185 x5
    - 222.5 x5
    - 260 x5
    - 297.5 x5

    Press - 127.5x5x3

    Bent Row - 230x5x3

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.


    Thursday, 23 January 2025
    Workout # 49

    BW: 240


    - 150 x5
    - 185 x5
    - 222.5 x5
    - 222.5 x5

    Bench - 190 x5x3


    - 210 x5
    - 252.5 x5
    - 295 x5
    - 335 x5

    Chinup - BW x 2,1,1,1,1,1,1

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.


    Monday, 27 January 2025
    Workout # 50

    BW: 241
    Waist: 41 3/4”


    - 152.5 x5
    - 190 x5
    - 230 x5
    - 267.5 x5
    - 305 x5

    Press - 130 x5x3

    Bent Row - 235 x5x3

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.


    Wednesday, 29 January 2025
    Workout # 51

    BW: 238


    - 152.5 x5
    - 190 x5
    - 230 x5
    - 230 x5

    Bench - 192.5 x5x3


    - 215 x5
    - 260 x5
    - 302.5 x5
    - 345 x5

    Chinup - BW x 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.


    Friday, 31 January 2025
    Workout # 52

    BW: 238


    - 152.5 x5
    - 190 x5
    - 230 x5
    - 267.5 x5
    - 310 x3
    - 230 x8

    Press - 132.5 x5x3

    Bent Row - 240 x5x3

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.


    Monday, 3 February 2025
    Workout # 53

    BW: 238
    Waist 41 1/4"


    - 155 x5
    - 195 x5
    - 232.5 x5
    - 270 x5
    - 310 x5

    Bench - 195 x5x3

    Bent Row - 245 x5x3

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.


    Wednesday, 5 February 2025
    Workout # 54

    BW: 235


    - 155 x5
    - 195 x5
    - 232.5 x5
    - 232.5 x5


    - 135 x5x2

    - 135 x4 <— Fail
    - 135 x1


    - 350 x4 <— Fail
    - 350 x1

    Chinups - BW x 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (11 total)

    I am pretty sure that this was a “Three Questions” workout. My nutrition and sleep were not the best the last couple of days, rest periods were good. Will repeat these weights.

    I have an appointment next Saturday to get some coaching at Starting Strength Memphis and then will be attending the Seminar at WFAC in April.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.


    Saturday, 8 February 2025
    Workout # 55

    BW: 237


    - 155 x5
    - 195 x5
    - 232.5 x5
    - 270 x5
    - 315 x3
    - 232.5 x8

    Bench - 197.5 x5x3

    Bent Row - 250 x5x3

    Yesterday was a shitshow with the contractors that are doing some remodeling at my house. Then I had to do some other stuff in the afternoon and meet my wife at the bank when she got off of work. I have to pickup my disabled stepson on M-F from adult daycare by 4:00 pm. He is autistic, nonverbal, and developmentally delayed. Basically a three year old in a 28 year old body.

    Since my schedule will be altered next week due to having a session to get coaching on Saturday at Starting Strength Memphis, I decided that I would train today instead of yesterday. The contractor shitshow will resume on Monday. Next week I will train Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
    Last edited by Tad_T; 02-08-2025 at 05:09 PM. Reason: Correction

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Jena, LA.

    Default Thoughts on programming

    starting strength coach development program
    ​So, one of the things that I have noticed during this run is that I can’t recover like I used to. Not like in my 40’s or even my 50’s. Go figure. It sure does suck though.

    That being said, training in what Sully calls my seventh decade, thanks dawg, is a new journey. When I read that chapter in Sully’s book, I realized that I had never thought of it in quite that way. I also realized that I didn’t want to think of it in that way. That doesn’t change the reality of things.

    I definitely don’t have the work capacity that I used to have. I know that some of that is due to being so badly detrained from having been sick for so long. I almost died a couple of times. Losing a lobe of my right lung probably didn’t help any either.

    And then just as I was getting over most of that stuff and was starting to train again, I was injured badly in a wreck. That really screwed my shoulders up, especially my left shoulder, which was already my “bad” one. The wreck also screwed up my legs. Particularly my right leg, which was also already my “bad” one.

    I’m not trying to whine or make any excuses just laying it out there and being honest with myself about what I am working with. I am just trying to keep moving forward and overcome these challenges.

    I’m trying to work my way through the programming adjustments that I need to make to be able to keep putting weight on the bar. I’m trying to be methodical about that and make small changes and treat each lift individually. I am not going to try to grind my way through the late stages of NLP like I did in previous runs. I have had to face that I am not able to recover from that anymore.

    That was why I changed my squat and deadlift programming a few weeks ago and moved them to Starr type ascending sets with a weekly progression of +5 pounds. Ascending sets are mentioned in both PP and the BBRx as being appropriate for older lifters. I changed the squat and the deadlift together because of the interplay between them as is discussed in Dr. Santana’s article. It made a lot of sense to me.

    After deloading and switching my programming for squat and deadlift, I have worked my way back up on both lifts to about where I was on NLP. I think that the Madcow style of deadlift programming is a little too much volume for me nowadays. It worked good for me before and got me up to five plates. I thought that I could handle the volume, but it does not appear that I can anymore. I am going to adjust that some next week and see how it works out. I think that I can keep pushing the squat for a while. I’m going to see if that works out like I hope.

    I do bent rows from the floor, what some call Pendlay rows. I learned them that way before they were ever called Pendlay rows. As they have gotten heavier for me, I believe that going sets across on bent rows has recently been having a negative effect on recovery for my lower back. This may be impeding progress on my deadlift and could potentially impact my squats. I have been programming the bent row as a main lift, but the squat and deadlift are more important to me. I adjusted the programming and progression on my rows this week.

    I film all my sets and on the last workout that I rowed, previous to today, my form was breaking down on my last set. That was the first time that had happened. Today I moved the bent rows to ascending sets and changed the increment to 2.5 pounds. I maintained good form on my heavier sets today.

    Learning the 2.0 press on my own has been not as smooth as I would have hoped. I never pressed that way before this run. I hope that a little coaching will get me fixed up on the press. I know that the shoulder injuries have had a negative effect on both my bench and my press. I believe that having to microload early on my bench has made progression on my press more difficult. I plan on changing programming for my press to five sets of three instead of three sets of five so that I can keep adding weight to the bar. This is discussed in Scott Acosta’s Smooth NLP article. I hope that I have a chance to speak with him about that on Saturday.

    Hopefully these changes will enable me to keep progressing and adding weight to the bar. Either way I will have data.

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