Hi, I've read on SS that it's reasonably common for people to have a partial / semi herniated spinal disk ( I don't know the exact term) and they don't know it. This must mean that it causes no pain or discomfort, else they'd obviously know about it!
My question is - are these partial / semi herniated disks a ticking time bomb for future trouble or can they be there for years and never fully slip? Or even just pop back into place?
I'm not a Dr, but I'm guessing an answer will sound something like "Everybody's different, depends on form/training/recovery other actives........ " etc....
Thanks for the reply Will, are you quoting an opinion or are you trained medically in any way?
I'm not bitchin' or looking for a war or words, just interested as I've had a definite lumpy/bulge type sensation right hand side mid lumbar for a few weeks which subsides from time to time then reappears with no pain or numbness or anything.
Yeah Will Morris is a PT, DPT, OCS & SSC and He saved my broken ass when I herniated 4 discs in my spine.
Thanks for the replys guys, I may not be the best at describing medical ailments Mr Rippappreciated nevertheless
Big-Green-Mud-Machine: you needn't worry about herniating a disc into the adjacent paraspinal musculature. In order for that to have happened, the disc would have blown through your spinal canal and would have to move with the velocity of a bullet.
It's far more likely you have a small amount of hypertonic muscle tissue in your paraspinals that needs to be massaged out. I just simply isn't possible for you to be able to palpate discs, even herniated discs.