Hi All,

I am frustrated from multiple injures occurring close together as a novice. I am sorry if that frustration is coming through.

First, I failed the dead lift at 325 lbs and felt something stretch in the glute area, followed by moderate-severe soreness. Form was good and I didn't yank the weight off the floor. This was after the normal course of squats and whatever push/pull exercise I was doing. The only thing that was different from any other set of Deadlifts I've ever done is that I enjoyed longer rest periods between the last two warmup sets, and between the final warm up set and the work set. In terms of warm up routine, I do whatever the Starting Strength App tells me to.

Then, I took a week off from dead lifts and squats and felt pretty good. I bumped weight down 10% on the dead lift upon returning. I completed the pulls but now the same muscle feel moderately sore after. I feel that I should have allowed longer recovery.

Now, while waiting for that glute muscle to heal I was just doing some squats with just the bar to warm up for some other lifts. I immediately pulled my hamstring on the first or second rep. The only thing different from any other time I've gone right into warm up squats is the temperature. The garage is a little more cold than usual today.

I am 38 y/o 5'3", 155 lbs, 255 squat, 315 DL, 165 BP, 110 OP.

1. Why are these happening and what can I do to avoid them?
2. How long am I supposed to rest after a strain-type injury?