I'm a 39 year old guy and I've posted a few times on this thread about my fight with severe respiratory issues. The ongoing battle and conversation with my doctors has led to recent CT scans and ultrasounds of the heart, which have revealed mild hypertrophy of the left ventricle, as well as a small, non obstructive plaque buildup in the LAD artery. This is also accompanied by quite frequent chest pain. According to the last conversation with the doc, whatever is going on in there is likely caused by the stress imposed by my breathing problems, however, the plaque may be a different issue entirely (hereditary). I meet with the doc in a week to discuss the findings and where we go from here.

I'm anticipating being prescribed some kind of statin for the plaque buildup, and who knows what else. For those of you guys who have to be on statins, what can I expect from a training perspective? Also, are there alternatives for plaque buildup that have been suggested or recommended by doctors? And yes, I've heard the SS podcast about cholesterol.

Thanks, and I hope this thread is in the right place.