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I just had an absolutely shitty physical at my parents' G.P.. The nurse practitioner who examined me offered the usual bullshit diet/cholesterol advice (no fatty foods, no red meat), weight/BMI chiding (I'm 207 at 5'-10"), and the obligatory "did your clinic physician explain the risks of increased prostate cancer with testosterone supplementation?"
And before you ask, the only reason I went was for a separate medical issue that's developed over the past couple of months which was the reason I went in in the first place. But of course, they have to get you when you tell them you haven't had a physical in longer than you can remember.
Also, the nurse/aide that took my information and did the EKG was so awkward and seemingly dimwitted that I wanted nothing to do with the practice. I have no intention of going to the follow-up.
Jason, can you ask your DO if he's got any half-way not stupid colleagues in New Jersey?