Why not just do a biceps tenotomy and be done with it?
I have finally seen the surgeon and he states my impegment is being caused by the high in the groove proxmal biceps tenodesis I had with my previous shoulder surgery. The revision would be a subpec fixation. Would this be worth a try? I still can't squat or do upperbody with out major pain and my bicep muscle has mild muscle spams. I watched some videos on arthex and it seems there's much diversity on the topic, so It hard to make a educated choice. From the data it does seem low is better tho. Has anyone had experance with this? Been trying to so called rehab it doing 90 degree curls for sets of 15.
Why not just do a biceps tenotomy and be done with it?
What about bicep cramping and left over weakness from it? Like every surgeon on arthex does it diffrent. I've seen data from some surgeons that state it only causes a popeye look while some say they only do teotomy for older guys due to cramping. I have looked at the article you guys have on here about the Swedish surgeon with achilles tendonitis who thought he needed surgery and tryed to rupture it and ended up healing himself. I fear I will not be as lucky.
Issue is, it's both shoulders as well. Why is it things like this can't be rehabed? My guess is poor blood supply.