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Thread: ME Black Box to Starting Strength

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


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    Dissertation, eh? OK, you're way beyond me, then, in terms of knowing what Ludwig would have made of Starting Strength and/or the advisability of spending time reading as opposed to doing when it comes to addressing Life's larger questions. Any ideas what his habits were when it comes to physical health and his thoughts on it's connection to clear thinking? (I in no way mean to suggest that the reading/staring at a blank computer screen/expressing your thoughts side of the ledger is unimportant, but clearly if the physical constitution contributes, that would be the side most often neglected by most of our contemporaries.)

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Clarification, I have a dissert. committee and topic but have not been passed forward to candidacy. A little issue with my German examination namely that I have yet to take it.
    But since I took money from them (fellowship) I am expected to put out. Next German course is in July, and until then I am expected to provide a strong disert. proposal.

    Anyway, about Ludwig. Ludwig would say "Read if you want, it changes nothing." He liked philosophy, but he viewed it as a optional vocation, something one does because one want; not something that changes the world. So he would be inclined to say that philosophers don't answer the world's problems instead they answer philosopher's problems.

    Aside from his philosophy, I do know he liked to hike and work hard. He built his own cabin in Norway.

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