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Thread: Pain in inner thigh

  1. #11
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    i wonder how many of these adductor "injuries" are really just because (a) the damn things are weak in a lot of the (sedentary) population that begins squatting in the style advocated in the book, and (b) they have 'shortened' from disuse.

    Because of (a) it's relatively easy to overload the adductors if you're NDTFP, and don't give them time to catch up with the rest of the leg. And because of (b) they gripe when exposed to a larger range of motion than they are accustomed to operating in.

    Foam rolling and so on might help out with (b), but will obviously do fuck all for (a).


  2. #12
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    North Texas


    For most people, even the people who have been previously training, this squat and deadlift technique is the first time the adductors have ever been asked to do anything. They will usually get sore. They don't usually get injured. But some people may not know the difference.

  3. #13
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    Tuscaloosa, AL


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    How heavy were the work sets when you "injured" the groin, and how long had it taken to get to that weight?
    65 lbs when it happened. And it took me 6 days or so to get from the bar to the 65. Tonight I did 60 and I think I'm fine to keep moving forward. I've been watching myself from the side in a mirror to see if the bar goes straight up and down or not... it's really hard to get it perfectly straight.

    It's hard to believe I'm deadlifting 120 lbs and can only squat 65 or so.

  4. #14
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    I wanted to also note that in my case, the groin was weakened years ago when I first started running cross country at the age of 15. I hurt it once and it's always been a little weird. Like sometimes I'll put weight on the right side and turn at an angle and there'll be a slight pain and it feels like it wants to give out, though it doesn't. It's just some old injury that's never quite healed properly I think.

    I wouldn't say mine "hurt" really, just pulled and felt odd. Like really strained, pulled taut kind of feeling... not true pain.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    For most people, even the people who have been previously training, this squat and deadlift technique is the first time the adductors have ever been asked to do anything. They will usually get sore. They don't usually get injured. But some people may not know the difference.
    This is me all the way. I felt mine when I got above the 275lbs plane. Now that I'm more used to it, it doesn't bother me. Minus the 285lbs I deloaded to and DOMS really made it show it's head.

    That was so last week and the 295lbs was easy.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennieK View Post
    It's hard to believe I'm deadlifting 120 lbs and can only squat 65 or so.
    That is a typical presentation for a novice female.

    Quote Originally Posted by JennieK View Post
    I wanted to also note that in my case, the groin was weakened years ago when I first started running cross country at the age of 15. I hurt it once and it's always been a little weird. Like sometimes I'll put weight on the right side and turn at an angle and there'll be a slight pain and it feels like it wants to give out, though it doesn't. It's just some old injury that's never quite healed properly I think.

    I wouldn't say mine "hurt" really, just pulled and felt odd. Like really strained, pulled taut kind of feeling... not true pain.
    This is what happens when a muscle belly tears and heals with a scar during the layoff they told you to take, instead of during the correct training that would have caused the injury to remodel into functional muscle. It will probably happen again, so be prepared.
    Last edited by Mark Rippetoe; 02-20-2012 at 02:55 PM.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    It will probably happen again, so be prepared.
    I was wondering if it would. *big sigh*

    Is this something that's going to plague me from now on? Will my squats progress normally? I have good thigh muscles and leg muscles in general, strong for my smallish frame.

  8. #18
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    You might try having a therapist do a myofascial release on the inner thigh. Have some bourbon first. If this doesn't work and you keep injuring the thing, you may have to adjust your stance in a little.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennieK View Post
    I've been watching myself from the side in a mirror to see if the bar goes straight up and down or not... it's really hard to get it perfectly straight.
    Oh, don't do that. Not unless you want a neck/upper back strain to cope with as well. A video recording gives you a much more accurate picture than what you see in a mirror while lifting, anyway.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by spar View Post
    Oh, don't do that. Not unless you want a neck/upper back strain to cope with as well. A video recording gives you a much more accurate picture than what you see in a mirror while lifting, anyway.
    I figured that wasn't the smartest thing to do... curiosity got the best of me.

    I'll have my husband video me once I finally finish the book... almost finished! Everything feels a bit awkward right now still. I want to give myself time for all this stuff to sink in. I haven't even started my log here yet. I'm really studying the deadlift section of the book right now because I'm lifting more than my body weight tomorrow for the first time... It's just a little scary that I'm lifting that weight at 3 weeks in and not even sure about my form.

    Anyway... I guess you'll soon see some form check vids from me!

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