Quote Originally Posted by Travis Rask View Post
I think I'm going to wait another year and get my squat above 500 before diving in.
If your squat is already above 400 you are already plenty strong for your general intentions. But despite my earlier post on this thread, some others who are more interested in the competition aspect of this make a fair point about not being a dick and using strength when rolling. That was a hard thing for me to type because I don't particularly care about BJJ or "rolling," but to each their own. I said this elsewhere recently and you may find it useful.

It's a tough line to gauge. I don't actually intentionally muscle people, I'm just hard to deal with and my arms and shoulders being as tight as they are. I'd suggest going through the moves in partnership with those you are working with to get the techniques refined. Because if you rely too much on strength, you may not be executing them well enough to overcome the strength of some stronger than you with the offbalancing, twists, and torques used in most techniques.
I might add that techniques that attack or are intended to weaken the mid and lower back to break down the structural integrity of the body don't work unless executed properly and powerfully with me. This was not so much the case 3-4 years ago for me on the mat, and I have no doubt it was the result of having a stronger posterior chain from squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses.