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Thread: Gym Etiquette?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    But you fucked up when you asked him for instruction. Never ask a question that you may not be prepared to have answered.
    Lesson learned. And never expect that the person in charge actually knows shit until you've witnessed evidence of shit known. I'm starting to think I might actually know a little more than I'd previously thought. But then Dave's last paragraph should probably be used to spank me with.

    [QUOTE]It's profoundly unhealthy to be walking around thinking you're the only one who knows shit.[QUOTE]

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    starting strength coach development program
    I normally go to the gym (local public facility) with my sister, but I work away from home. She does not like to go to the gym alone because too many of the guys there seem to think she is there to flirt, when she is there to train, and I have been unable to train her to tell people to fuck off.

    I have done a lot of reading on gym Etiquette on T-Nation, and at the suggestion of one of the forums there I am going to have the following printed on a T-shirt for her next birthday:

    Weight Room Etiquette
    1 Do NOT talk to me while I am lifting
    2 If I need a spot or want your advice I will ask you
    3 No grunting or screaming unless it's really your 1RM
    4 No cell phones. STFU
    5a Squat racks are for squatting
    5b Curls are not squats
    6 Do not stare at my ass while I am squatting, deadlifting or rowing
    7 Deodorant: YES. Cologne/Perfume: NO
    8 Spandex and UnderArmour may not be for you
    9 Wipe off your stanky sweat
    10 Finished? Rack your weights

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