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Thread: sports hernia?

  1. #1

    Question sports hernia?

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    So I restarted SS last week after maybe a one year hiatus from that particular program (I've been Xfitting the last 4 months), things were going great. I started all of my lifts so I would hit my current pr's in week 3 (next week), got some lifting shoes, form is great, going real deep on squats, load feeling more bearable every workout, AND THEN two days ago as I came out of the hole in the squat, I got this burning, stretching (tearing) sensation right in that crease where the thigh meets the groin. Not terribly painful, but it felt like something was trying to give way. After the pain manifested itself in the first set of squats, I told myself I'd back off if I felt it the same in the following sets, but I didn't (except for the lingering hot dullness). I finished up and took it easy and the soreness went away, until today. Today, WO A; I add on 5# to my squat (265) bust out 4 reps (no pain), and on the fifth I get nice and deep and BANG there it is again. I called it a day cuz I didn't know what else to do... And now it's still pretty sore, more sore than it was day before yesterday.

    Now I've actually felt this pain on two separate isolated occasions over a year ago and it was both times minor and never repeated itself in subsequent workouts... I hoped it would be the same this time, but here I am.

    My form is good, I won't say perfect, but I do what you say in SS: shoulder width stance (feels/looks wider), bar remains over midfoot on descent, hammies stay active, knees stay over my toes and don't drift forward or inside, Hip extension brings me out from the bottom (when the pain manifests), shoulders follow, etc, etc... I warm up, I'm extremely flexible, I maneuver my friggin Valsalva, and shun all mirors, and yada, yada, yada...

    I hope you'll either tell me that I just need to reduce the weight on my squats (and deadlifts? and everything?) and work my way up or that it's nothing and to cowboy up and take the pain, or that's it a pulled groin or something... yet my gut says "sports hernia," but then of course my gut has shit for brains... so...

    But seriously, if it's not going to hurt me (read that: kill me), I can suck up the pain... it's not thaaat bad, I just don't want to screw myself in the long term. (I mean... I can always do SS again later. Sheesh.)

    So if it is a sperts hernia, can a doctor help me (ie. mesh implant)? Am I confusing inguinal hernia with a sports hernia? Can I somehow strengthen the surrounding tissue? What exercises can I still do? Gawd fawbid, do I need to rest? Is holding my breath contributing to this? Am I going too deep? Is my stance too wide? Should I just swim and do yoga and prance around like a preening lightweight?

    Well, I'm going to research this a bit more now on my own, but I needed to hear from someone who's motive lies in getting me back up and training as soon as humanly possible, and that man is you. But I'll go ahead and call the doc too, whose motive lies in playing more golf.

    Anyhow, thanks Coach. Sucks to not live in Witchita Falls.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I'd bet lots of money that you have an inguinal hernia. Go have it checked, and then have it fixed ASAP. Make sure they fix both sides with mesh. Mine was done 2 years ago after dealing with it for about 5 years, and its been absolutely solid since then. It has absolutely nothing to do with your form, and you can't train around or through it. Go get it looked at now, and quit taking a chance on making things worse.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I'd just go see a general surgeon, since that's who will be diagnosing it and fixing it too. Saves time. I was training 10 days post-op, back to strong in a month. Squats will come before deadlifts, and you can squat heavy fairly soon with a belt; pulling off the floor was the last thing that felt okay. Wear your belt for quite a while, and for sure until the surgery. Don't do anything crazy, but you can train hard with light weights right up until the surgery. Obviously, the better shape your in before the surgery the faster the recovery.

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