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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #13171
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by David A. Rowe View Post
    No it doesn't. Because it didn't start with the Israelis. Go ask the Zoroastrians when the militant march of Islam ceases. Well, they can't because they're all fucking dead so I will: it stops when everyone is muslim (and the right sect) or dead.

    Love or hate Israel... it doesn't matter. Islam is the dragon that will either be slain or consume the world. Because it is an idea, and like the malformed children of Marx... it will never end on its own.
    I don't necessarily disagree with you on the intentions of the Islamists. I do, however, disagree that Israel cares about us beyond what we can offer in arms or intel. I'm also not sure it's wise to rely on them in this fight or any other. There's a lot to admire, objectively, about how self-interested the Israelis are and how they go about security. Mossad can be a valuable ally but I have no doubt they'd knock us out of the way if it served them. I think Americans need to get their head around the idea that the Islamists want a caliphate and all that entails. I think that's where the battle lies. But I've been wrong before.

    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    It really is one state that does not not belong to the rest of mainland USA anyway, when the fault line lets go it will fall of the edge. So don't by property there.
    I don't recommend buying in Cali but not for that reason. That's not how those plates are gonna work. Though, I too, share that dream.

    Quote Originally Posted by wal View Post
    Most of your financial and banking interests are controlled by Jewish folk, without them the US would not have access to all that lovey money that Biden is currently burning up.
    I'm not sure how this relates to my point. The Jews are not preventing the government from taking the fruits of my labor. And it's not "my" banking. I don't amass wealth in fiat currency not backed by anything. I would strongly discourage others from doing so, as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Logan1 View Post
    Although NY now "allows" vaccinated individuals to avoid wearing masks in most settings, I was surprised how few people stopped wearing masks inside.
    Here too. In fact, I even saw a couple people loading groceries up wearing the whole shebang- mask, goggles, gloves. And it was hot today so that took commitment.

    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    The problem with this view, which is perfectly acceptable for everyday purpose, is that it masks the fact that Science, the real one, is first of all a process (not an institution) that encourages and thrives only through the relentless expression of doubts and the challenge to received wisdom. And this is especially true in idiographic sciences, like anything medicine-related, which don't deal with natural laws (like nomothetic sciences do, e.g. physics). ... IPB
    Excellent post! You nailed it.

  2. #13172
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  3. #13173
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    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    Not sure what warranted all that capital case aggression, but hey, whatever makes you happy.
    I would like to focus on this bit:

    There are two sides that concern the decision to force people to wear a mask, and the two side don't have the same weight (imho, of course). The obvious side of the issue is the scientific merit of the decision itself.
    The less obvious side, and imho way more interesting, is the method used to arrive at such a decision. In a few words, I think this is a case of government by (poisoned) science.
    It starts by presenting TheScience as an abstract, monolithic, unquestioning and unquestionable institution, a body of conclusions about which there is no dissent. This is the view of science that dovetails pretty well with the instinctive, popular view of Science as a realm of very educated people impartially evaluating the Truth via carefully collected empirical evidence; as such, it's easy to get it accepted.

    The problem with this view, which is perfectly acceptable for everyday purpose, is that it masks the fact that Science, the real one, is first of all a process (not an institution) that encourages and thrives only through the relentless expression of doubts and the challenge to received wisdom. And this is especially true in idiographic sciences, like anything medicine-related, which don't deal with natural laws (like nomothetic sciences do, e.g. physics).
    This idea of one single TheScience, infallible and with no doubts, is then used as justification to assume decisions that trample over the most basic rights. It's a very effective mechanism, because if the majority of people think that TheScience is infallible, then when TheScience says that a mask is mandatory, there is no point in raising objections.
    Side note: this used to be the role of TheMarket, a social construct that was elevated to the rank of self-evident principle of all human interactions. The grossest abuses could, and have, been perpetrated in the name of TheMarket and its assumption that maximum personal profit results into the highest social benefit. But later TheMarket has lost a bit of its lustre, a lot of people are beginning to see the aberrations it leads to. So, something stronger was needed, something with a reputation for impartiality and competence; that something is TheScience.
    What has happened is therefore that the good name of Science, the real one, has been transposed and applied to a very partial and twisted version of it; a version where dissenting scientists are silenced, doctors who ask questions are struck off, and experts can only offer 'the right' opinion, because if they offered the wrong one, their career would suffer. People think what they see is Science, the true one, but they are seeing a travesty of it. And this is doubly tragic, because not only it leads to massive abuses and loss of freedom, but it also destroys any trust one can have in true Science.
    So, people making a fuss about having to wear a mask are not dong so just because it's inconvenient, and it makes little medical sense. They are also raising the alarm about the method that lead to this situation, because once this method is established unchallenged, it can, and I think it will, be used to justify any sort of monstrosity. Because method is always superior to merit, so a critique of the former is way more important than one of the latter.
    Church of TheScience. If you don’t follow it, you are a heretic.

  4. #13174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Harlin View Post
    Church of TheScience. If you don’t follow it, you are a heretic.
    This one is fantastic
    Oh, You Want Employees? Stop Being *******s in [Market-Ticker]

  5. #13175
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    Jun 2013


    How do we know this virus causes the pathology we call "covid19".

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post

    And, Ellison explains that we answer that question using Koch's Postulates.

    Koch’s Postulates:
    1. Every case of the disease has to be actively infected with the virus.
    2. You must be able to isolate the virus.
    3. You must manifest the pathology in an animal with the isolated virus
    4. (If #3 fails,) Neutralize the disease in a human using the antibodies for the virus.
    This question is kinda addressed at 18:00 in this interview of Dr Richard Fleming, PHD, MD, JD: The Highwire: IS COVID-19 A BIO-WEAPON?

    Good interview for anyone digging deeply into this topic themselves rather than depending on the WHO/CDC/CNN "experts".

    TL;DNR: Flemming says...It is a nasty bioweapon created with US taxpayer money by NIH, DOD and CCP. If not treated early, it has potential to do real, permanent harm including a prion disease as the spike protein can cross the blood-brain barrier. The vaccines should be avoided; they are dangerous all by themselves.

  6. #13176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Harlin View Post
    He's kicking asses today:

    It's a year later. The mask mandates -- and all the abuse heaped on the employees and the public did nothing. The places with them had the same epidemic curves as those that did not. The CDC is still lying and so are a whole bunch of other people, but the attitude has changed and people have figured it out. Oh sure, there are still plenty people very scared of Covid, but they're not everyone and what's worse is that those who are still scared are, to a large degree, now psychotic about it which means they're the very last people who are going to be pleasant on the customer side of the counter whether employees are masked or not. People try to claim this divide is political, and maybe some of it is. But whether it is or not doesn't really matter; do you want to******off not only half your customers but half your employees too?

    Now you have companies claiming "take the shot or keep the masks on." That's stupid, and anyone with half a brain knows it. Not even the manufacturers claim that the shots keep you from getting or spreading Covid; there is simply no science on that. Their entire claim under the EUAs was that they stop you from going to the hospital and dying. That's it. What's that got to do with anyone else? Nothing! Never mind all the people who had Covid -- there is exactly zero scientific reason for them to take the shots; they already have as good of immunity as they're going to get and the data is that if you've had the disease the shots are much more dangerous.

    So why are employers telling those who don't want the shot -- even those who had Covid -- to wear a mask? Punishment.

    But wait -- was that part of your negotiation when you took the job? I don't think so.

    What if some governor or mayor mandates it? So what -- is he or she paying you?

    And what about the dude who's been tossing beer cans out his window next door for the entire the last year and the pile is now 6' high, smoke still rolls out the window at 5:00 AM in the summer months too, while you had to go to work the entire time?

    I am hearing repeated reports from all over about people just saying "**** it" and not showing up to work, or quitting. I heard it again just recently at Kroger; the employee monitoring the self check-outs (all that was open, and only half of them) was asked directly by a customer why the other half and none of the manned checkouts were open. The answer: People just didn't show up to work today, we don't have the staff. There's a Help Wanted sign on the door, like so many other places.

    Oh wait -- not like "so many" other places, like damn near everywhere I go!

  7. #13177
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    Fighting solves everything. Israel and Palestine need to fight, and not stop until one or the other no longer exists, or agrees to assimilate. They have been fighting since David and Goliath. I just prefer it not be with our money. Our money shouldn’t go to Israel, the Middle East, or any other country for that matter.

    I understand the history of the caliphates. But after researching Islam a little, I don’t think it is what we’ve been told. As with many things, we’re being and have been lied to.

    Ron DeSantis seems pretty good, but I don’t know how he does in a national election, assuming it’s legitimate. Don’t forget that he only beat a homosexual meth addict by less than half a percent in his last race.

  8. #13178
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan1 View Post
    Although NY now "allows" vaccinated individuals to avoid wearing masks in most settings, I was surprised how few people stopped wearing masks inside. I believe there were only a couple of other people in my gym without them. The person next to me was benching for reps in the 3 plate range and singles in the upper 3's with a mask on. When I went to Costco, I saw one employee and a couple of people shopping together not wearing masks.

    Other than curiosity, I don't care if someone else chooses to wear a mask. On the other hand, I hope to never again notice whether or not an unarmed person is wearing one.
    Hell I'm capitalizing on it. First workout without even bringing a mask in was today. Me and my girlfriend are totally vaccinated if anyone asks. Shame we lost those handy vaccine cards in the same tragic boating accident.

  9. #13179
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    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Jenni View Post
    I don't necessarily disagree with you on the intentions of the Islamists. I do, however, disagree that Israel cares about us beyond what we can offer in arms or intel. I'm also not sure it's wise to rely on them in this fight or any other. There's a lot to admire, objectively, about how self-interested the Israelis are and how they go about security. Mossad can be a valuable ally but I have no doubt they'd knock us out of the way if it served them. I think Americans need to get their head around the idea that the Islamists want a caliphate and all that entails. I think that's where the battle lies. But I've been wrong before.
    How Zionists and the all-powerful Israel lobby view their pawns, I mean, allies:
    Benjamin Netanyahu: 'America is easily moved' (unaware camera) - video Dailymotion

    Love the thought of Israeli intelligence as being a 'valuable ally' in helping the US to pursue its national interests.

  10. #13180
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    starting strength coach development program
    2 new ones from Anthony Colpo

    Last year, an exiled Chinese scientist told Tucker Carlson that the CCP created and deliberately released COVID-19. In response, the Gates- and Soros-funded PolitiFact posted a mocking fact check describing the claim as "inaccurate and ridiculous" and a “debunked conspiracy theory." Turns out it wasn't so inaccurate, ridiculous and debunked after all - PolitiFact has recently retracted the fact check article.

    PolitiFact Quietly Retracts Fact Check Labeling COVID-19 Lab Origin Theory as ‘Debunked Conspiracy’ – Anthony Colpo

    Peter Daszak runs EcoHealth, a NY-based 'non-profit' that funneled millions of taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan lab suspected of creating the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Despite the glaring conflict-of-interest, Daszak was the only US member appointed to the WHO panel that absolved the Wuhan lab of any COVID-19 leak. EcoHealth also secretly authored a bizarre Lancet "statement of support" attacking "conspiracy theorists," and received at least $123 million in US taxpayer grants from the Pentagon, USAID and other Federal agencies.

    A Closer Look at the Dubious Peter Daszak and His Role in the COVID-19 Sham – Anthony Colpo

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