Agreed about Jordan Peterson but since day 1 he has always shown his true colours and in the middle of his strained-faced sermons about green-haired feminists and trannies and "the importance of telling the truth", he has always advocated against group think, group behaviour and group action by Western men. He has always offered disenfranchised Western men a place to powerlessly gather & wallow in the political dead-end of individualism and multiethnic anti-collectivism. This latest J.P diarrhea makes perfect sense.
I have been trying to think about how to refute your other point, about the protests and elites, without sounding black-pilling myself. The reason this isn't yet it, is because these guys aren't protesting Trudeau's government or Covid-19 restrictions- they are going up against globalism and, as relatable, white, working-class Western men, they represent an impediment to globalism's existential obsession with efficiency. They won't let these people threaten their legitimacy. They don't even need to crack their skulls or put them in the gas chamber - they have plenty of ways of economically snuffing them out.
The three stores of power are:
Political power - government force, the military, etc.
Social power - your word, free speech, someone like Greta.
Economic power - the power of corporations.
What is left open to us if we want to institute change? They/we don't have $100 Billion or financial organisation. The truckers aren't even allowed to receive donations from private citizens. Bitcoin isn't going anywhere. So, economic power is off the table. They don't have control of, and can't compete with, the power of Big Tech and corporate media, so the same goes for social power.
Ironically, it is democracy. Democracy is the only game in town, but things will have to get much, much worse and affect many more minds before people wake up. In your lifetime, 100 million migrants (or more) will arrive in the West. Globalism will continue to seek to dissolve the idea of nation states further. Efficiency will be pursued at all cost, think the proliferation of the thinking behind Amazon's robots. When sportsball and Pornhub no longer cut it for the people, then we'll have a chance.