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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #19871
    Join Date
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    Los Alamos, NM


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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilead View Post
    Are these procedures Nuclear explosion related, or are they advising covid related policies even in such an event?
    Nuclear Explosion |
    It’s funny (or sad).

    It looks like old school nuclear bomb response with a modern COVID update. My guess is it was someone’s keep busy work to make sure the many decades old Cold War advice was in compliance with masks and social distancing. It says that some of your pre planning for shelter might be a closed building because of COVID. They don’t mention it might be nighttime and the building is locked.

    Social distancing and masks won’t help reduce blast effects in my opinion. Everything else being equal, people make ok shielding and dust masks would be good for fall out,

  2. #19872
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    San Diego


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I took this as a suggestion to read the article, so I did. It seems more of a vehicle to drive viewership to the author's twitter account than anything. However, here are two things that stood out to me:

    This week, he (Putin) said Ukraine is Russia's land, steeped in its religion, culture, and history, so Russia is taking it.
    Is that so? The Ukrainians must not have gotten the memo.

    If they (the "elite class") listen, a few might learn why so many are more interested in our enemies within, than their enemies abroad.
    Sounds like he's half-heartedly conceding that Putin is indeed our enemy, just not the enemy we should focus our attention on.

    My question is - why not both? Can we not condemn autocracy and tyranny wherever it occurs?

  3. #19873
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    You get these groups every thirty to fifty years, the Fabian Society, the Communist International, the Club of Rome, the WEF. They pretend to be influencing the major powers to re-neg on their national interest and set a sinister global agenda. The truth is that there are no national interests, a sinister global agenda was completed at least 5000 years ago, it is just that the people running the world do not want you and me thinking about it, so they come up with these over the top fascists like Malthus or Marx or Schwab. They are not real people, they are literally characters in a story. Why do you think Schwab talks exactly like a cartoon Nazi?
    While I don't necessarily believe in a global agenda conspiracy, because it's not necessary to generate these characters, I don't discount it.
    I think technology itself is causing these issues. The number of and ideas of globalists aren't changing, it's just the technology is giving them more and more impact. Like giving a child a larger and larger stick, eventually they're going to do more damage. Jacques Ellul and Ted Kazcyinski set it out very well.
    In a nutshell, before technology you could really only control/enforce what you could see, Basically a village. Then as technology improved you could control/enforce up to how far you could move as dictated by geography, basically a country. Now with the internet it's allowed you to control/enforce where your message can go. The amount of control these people have is increasing as they are taking over governments as enforcement arms of their messages.
    Schwab already refers to Canada as a constituency.

  4. #19874
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    When I saw this video, I couldn't help but think of the expression, "crazy as a shit house rat." Or maybe more coof-friendly, "bat shit crazy."

    This stupid drunk bitch is insane.

    Pelosi drinking on the job again - YouTube

  5. #19875
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  6. #19876
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    Looks like the Zelensky regime's Molotov cocktail training isn't going very well.

  7. #19877
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    Got this message from a supporter today:

    Not going to do anything crazy. But I am an American expat currently in Kiev. Just FYI - it's been absolutely quiet here for 3 days. Took my daughter outside to the park and bought coffee today. All infrastructure intact, Internet, etc. Although I'm sure you didn't believe everything the MSM said anyway.

  8. #19878
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Jackson View Post
    Everyone at my work (after initially ignoring the early news from China, of course) who swallowed the Covid BS and then gradually became more intolerant towards those who didn't echo the official covid narrative, is already fully on-board with the Western portrayal of Putin as the "bad man" and Zelenskiy's Ukraine as a cartoonish rebel stronghold of good guys and democracy. They don't know anything about the region since the media's headlines of 2014, and they're not remotey interested in learning about it. They are only interested in the disgusting, putrid information fed to them through the establishment pipe.

    I remember feeling a kind of visceral pang of panic/horror/disgust back when I first realised people were not paying attention to reality with Covid and and the vaccinations. This uneasy feeling just hit me again this morning when discussing these recent events. After just 5 days of this war, they have already aligned themselves and have taken on the narrative at an unquestioning and emotional level. They aren't just ambivalent about Putin (like they are about what's occurring in Yemen for example) - they hate him. I tend to think they will be encouraged to similarly hate anyone who contradicts the West's official stance.

    Are these people the idiots, or am I actually the idiot for constantly failing to notice that these people would happily go along with anything asked of them, and would enforce progressive values at gunpoint?
    Same here. Within the past year I've come to the realization that about 90% of people are NPC's with no agency, no inner voice, no capacity for critical thought. They exist as thoughtless cogs who simply respond to stimuli in whatever way the authorities direct them to. It's sad and terrifying but does provide for certain exploitative options for the less scrupulous

  9. #19879
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Got this message from a supporter today:
    You have gone full 9/11 conspiracy theorist.

  10. #19880
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesAmaro View Post
    BTW, those dastardly liberals in California are lifting school mask mandates on March 12th. Are you still ready to engage in those wars, or can we just wait the week and a half?.
    Yes, these wars should still be waged so that this evil should not be repeated again when they decide to create the next emergency. These policies are corrosive, dangerous and unhealthy. Indeed, there needs to be a recompense for the damage that these policies have wrought.

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