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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #19991
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    A short discussion on the possible opportunities and pitfalls of Bitcoin in the current and future environment.
    Thoughts anybody?
    Vladimir Putin Has Been BOOTED From World Economic Forum Website

  2. #19992
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    Mar 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas Laureys View Post
    That's right Satch, and thank you IPB for the insightful piece. Now apply this thinking not just to muh Russia, but to the myriad social defects in our culture, and you'll find that stereotyping and name-calling are the ONLY way these issues become features of our society. Since when, and why, did we become so afraid of being labeled BAD? Guess we really are herd creatures dressed up with larger craniums to make it seem we're capable of analytical, future-oriented thinking.
    It's because a modern society of conveniences and complete loss of basic skills has completely violated the "strong shall survive" methodology. 500 years ago, there was maybe one town idiot per 100 people. I believe we may have surpassed 50 per 100 now.

  3. #19993
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesAmaro View Post
    First, your sentence structure is quite confusing. You appear to be saying that Russia (The invading country) prefers themselves (the invaders) as opposed to their sovereigns (Both Russia and Ukraine are sovereign, so who knows what you are talking about). I am assuming you mean that "many" (quite an ambiguous word as you never specify percentages or sources) Ukrainians prefer Russia over Ukraine. Why don't you ask the people of Ukraine who democratically elected their president and ousted their previous Russian puppet who they prefer? Can you point us towards these pro-Russian Ukrainians and why haven't they taking up arms against their own government now that the savior Russians have come to free them? You appear to be making the same miscalculation that Putin made. The only people in the entire world that are Pro-Russia at the moment are Putin and the republican party. That is who you are aligning yourselves with.
    Hey buddy, I voted Conservative up here in Canada because I hate Trudeau more, but I, and many other Canadians, would welcome the US if they invaded and made us the 51st state.

  4. #19994
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    We can’t do anything but follow it and see how many he’s killed that will eventually come out

    I hope I’m wrong and Putin hasn’t killed any, but how many Zelensky has killed is immaterial and doesn’t excuse even one innocent life taken (by either side)

    I didn’t know Ukraine was crossing into Russia shelling civilians

    The media is claiming the Russians has shelled the biggest atomic energy plant in Europe

    Yep the media lies about everything so maybe it’s not true

  5. #19995
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    Quote Originally Posted by od1 View Post
    It reads like you have me confused with the person that posted the original question. I was just following up to see if you would actually substantiate your assertions, or at least explain your viewpoint. I'm genuinely curious and open to hearing good reasoning.

    I don't know that anyone wrote that they "support Putin"; at best I saw people state that they can understand his reasoning for his actions (this of course contrary to what Western media has been feeding it's citizens). Not calling Putin a "tyrant" does not imply one supports him.

    Is this a real threat, and if so, how do you know that? Saying that some other "fella" did the same and "look what happened" is not enough to make decisions off of. Putin's motivations may be much different than the other "fella".

    What about those people that wanted to tear down statues in the US back in 2020? That's what the Marxists did before they tried taking over the world, committing genocide, etc. Were you belligerent enough to get after those people too?

    Perhaps this "madman" is just playing a game of poker, common in negotiations? If his enemies see him as a madman (and in reality he's just putting on an act), wouldn't that give him some leverage? It's clearly worked on you.

    I suspect you don't care to "convince" because you can't really make solid arguments.

    Like you did to people here when you posted on this thread? :-)

    You didn't have the guts to stand up for the freedom of your own children, yet you are going to cry for the children of Ukraine.... that are thousands of miles away in another country where you bear no risk to stand up for? Hmmm.....think about this.

    We better get after North Korea then, too. Also, China. Damn, there's also Iran. Do we really trust Israel? Those Indians don't seem very loyal. We better go after all of the threats, right? Wait..... isn't this what Putin is doing??

    I never stated that I support Putin, and I'm not sure anyone else here who is questioning this Ukraine narrative has either. You're pretty good at making loaded questions, but that's about it.
    My apologies, I later noticed you were not the poster who I was quoting. As you stated, you were following up with those questions so my reply still stands. The posts that you were following up on were posts that denied the Putin/Russia was invading Ukraine or at least were attempting to minimize the war that has been launched. There isn't much wiggle room here to say that they weren't. It was not you making those specific assertions so there is no need to defend others words. However, you will need to acknowledge how others were attempting to deny/minimize what was actually happening if this is to be an honest conversation. An interesting development has happened since your previous post regarding others posts. The justification that was provided by another poster and cheered on by several more for Putin's/Russia's invasion seems eerily similar to a campaign of ethnic cleansing that was used by that "other fella" I was talking about. You don't need to defend yourself against this justification, as you never said it, but it certainly draws an interesting parallel to the point I was making.

    If you are complaining about people wanting to tear down certain statues, I will say that some of that was stupid. But most of those statues were erected during the Jim Crowe era and celebrated leaders of the confederacy. Why would people want to celebrate leaders of the confederacy? Personally, I never thought much about those statues and probably would not recognize most of the individuals those statues depicted without more of a history lesson. I wasn't personally tearing down those statues, but I can understand why certain groups may find them problematic. However, this is not simply a "Marxist" activity as you imply. How many statues of Sadam Hussein, Hitler or Mussolini are left standing, celebrating their legacy? Should those countries keep those statues around to celebrate their legacy and important contribution to history? If you were German, would you not be appalled if you walked by a Hitler statue in a public square celebrating his legacy?

    Nuclear threats need to be taken seriously. It's not a card to play at a poker table. Yes, other countries have nukes. Also yes, the presence of these weapons is concerning and should be dealt with. The difference is that those other countries did not invade another country and directly threaten to use them. The active threat substantially raises the concern. This does not mean other concerns don't exist.

    Also, I never equated masks to tyranny. I found them to be more of a mild inconvenience. Feel free to argue about their effectiveness all you want. However, many were so concerned regarding how masks were negatively impacting the children and claiming that they represented tyranny. If you care about the children so deeply there is an entire country whose children are currently witnessing horrific and grotesque acts of war. A war that seems to be justified by members on this board for reasons bordering ethnic cleansing (I am giving the benefit of the doubt here so I am softening the language a bit, although I am pretty certain what was being referred to). Would you rather have your child exposed to a mask, or a war?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Nice try, Bob. AGAIN: how many civilians has Putin killed? How many has Zelensky killed? How do you know this?
    You seem to think you have the answer to this, so why don't you just come out and tell us.

  6. #19996
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsuma View Post
    John Kennedy Drops Bombshell Reveals Biden Just Gave Putin $18 Billion via The IMF
    Reconcile, please.

    Russian special forces appeal to the Ukrainian people. (English Sub)
    What do you think? Legit or fake?
    You guys get the feeling we're being redirected away from all the Vaccine / Covid bombs that have been dropping non-stop the last week? ;-)

    Andrew Torba (GAB Founder)]GAB infested with anti-Russian Propaganda Bots all from 12 IP addresses
    I think so.

    But the first video appears to be from Aug ‘21, and the uniforms in the second video appear unused. And one guys looks to be wearing tuxedo gloves.

  7. #19997
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesAmaro View Post
    You seem to think you have the answer to this, so why don't you just come out and tell us.
    You ignorant fucker, my point is that NOBODY has the numbers because nobody wants the real numbers made public, and nobody actually knows the real numbers. I'm getting tired of you. Please go away.

  8. #19998
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    "Young man of Russian heritage is heckled by everyone while asking his question, then ejected from the show by the host"

    The kid has some balls for going against the mob on national TV in 2022 Australia.

  9. #19999
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesAmaro View Post

    If you are complaining about people wanting to tear down certain statues, I will say that some of that was stupid. But most of those statues were erected during the Jim Crowe era and celebrated leaders of the confederacy. Why would people want to celebrate leaders of the confederacy? Personally, I never thought much about those statues and probably would not recognize most of the individuals those statues depicted without more of a history lesson. I wasn't personally tearing down those statues, but I can understand why certain groups may find them problematic. However, this is not simply a "Marxist" activity as you imply. How many statues of Sadam Hussein, Hitler or Mussolini are left standing, celebrating their legacy? Should those countries keep those statues around to celebrate their legacy and important contribution to history? If you were German, would you not be appalled if you walked by a Hitler statue in a public square celebrating his legacy?

    Charles, you rhetorically made the mistake of letting yourself get drawn into an unrelated debate.

    But thanks for unintentionally demonstrating why cultures like Russia's and Japan's will probably succeed, while the White West is masochistically destroying itself from within. WTH is it with constantly apologizing for past historical events, which in the context of that time may or may not have even been "bad"!? Yes there are still statues of Stalin and Lenin throughout Russia, and by NOT tearing them down and rioting, Democrat-style, I think the current leaders are demonstrating that their country's history and culture are more important than trashing past leaders' "mistakes" to satisfy today's political partisans.
    And BTW I say these as a person who grew up near southern MD, where some people in the nineties still flew Confederate flags, and I, back then, had been successfully brainwashed to think that this was bass-ackwards, raycist, inbred behavior. So it's quite significant for me to admit now that no, those people were simply honoring a strong, meaningful, necessary part of our country's history. It does no person who loves his country any good to judge the past actions of the country through the current lense of what is acceptable behavior (Gotta do more thinking about how this theory of mine applies to the moves by FDR to lay the foundation for the current nanny state, but my initial thought is that FDR's decisions were OK but the subsequent leaders in the 50s needed to have the balls to scale back or eliminate these programs, as they were no longer so desperately necessary, yet didn't). Thank goodness I broke free from those mental shackles of the repentant, self-hating White Liberal!

  10. #20000
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    You ignorant fucker, my point is that NOBODY has the numbers because nobody wants the real numbers made public, and nobody actually knows the real numbers. I'm getting tired of you. Please go away.
    I believe I stated previously that no one knows the actual numbers yet. Who has killed "more" civilians, Putin or Zelensky? Who has caused "more" citizens to become refugees, Putin or Zelensky? Who has destroyed "more" homes, Putin or Zelensky? I believe we can answer those questions here and now. The only thing the exact number of civilian deaths will tell us is where do you draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable? Care to answer that for us so when the rubble is cleared and the bodies are counted you can tell us if it was worth it?

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