From what I can see, many of the people that fled who are ethnically Russian support Putin, but they are careful not to say anything good about him in English. I can understand why they behave this way when ethnic Russians in some countries are being denied medical treatment or are having their property seized simply for being Russian.
I would not be surprised to see some countries start jailing ethnic Russians for no reason.
From what I have read, a global nuclear war is very survivable, however there will be one or two years of nuclear winter with much lower than normal average temperatures.
I believe I have read about Japanese survivors from as close as 500 ft away from ground zero, who lived into their mid eighties.
If the Russians can handle the decreased temperatures, they will be much better off in that scenario than any western nation; they may even become the unquestionably dominant world military power.
Western nations will face civil wars and a Mad Max scenario if the power structure of government weakens.
Many of the boomers, propagandists and politicians seem to envision a WWII scenario where everybody comes together to fight the enemy who is evil, because he is not us.
Well, we are not us.
At least half of migrants, even 2nd or 3rd generation I have known have zero loyalty to their adopted homeland.
More than half of them openly express hatred towards their adopted countries and all white people who reside there.
Of the ones who are loyal to their new country, half are too dumb or weak to contribute to any war effort.
In the event of war, Russian combatants will be less of a concern than the soft invasion armies already within our borders.
Street battles will be common and widespread.
I tried to post a music video from Zelensky, President of Ukraine, which might not have made it through moderation.
I can understand why it would not.
However, if you are to look up the video, the translated lyrics and the response of many ethnic slavs to the video, I believe it is a very good indicator of who this puppet is, what he stands for and who is pulling his strings.
Accidentally right. The people who wrote it are marxists, these are a series of quotes from it that start past the 2nd paragraph:
"hierarchical power structures" - Red flag phrase.
"they have long laid claim to being guardians of truth and the moral conscience of society." - nobody says this about universities except people who work in them.
"But in the face of inadequate government funding" - So the problem is that they just need more money. But not from corporations, the government instead.
"trust in academic institutions is weakened" - The fact that they are producing garbage isn't the problem, it's the fact that they might lose trust.
"and the vision of an open society is betrayed" - This is meant to be somehow a bad thing.
"While universities fail to correct misrepresentations of the science" - The science being referred to as a noun.
"liberation of regulators" - liberation is an odd word to use here.
"taxation imposed on pharmaceutical companies" - naturally.
I'm all for Marxists deconstructing evidence based medicine, but whilst the author is correct in his claims, they are not your friend.
Jeff Snider LIVE (SWIFT Deep Dive. How It Does And Doesn't Impact Russia) - YouTube
CDC Tells New York Times It Hid Covid Data For Political Reasons
After “several inquiries from The New York Times,” CDC unexpectedly decided to publish its data on the risks of hospitalization and death from both unvaccinated and vaccinated Americans, with or without booster dosing. But it did so in a manner that obscures younger individuals’ overall Covid risks, which is very low, instead attempting to force a comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals’ hospitalization. The exact data about Covid risks by specific age has not been released in any graphical or easily viewable form anywhere.
This rationale for deliberately hiding government-collected effectiveness data was even confirmed by the CDC’s spokeswoman, Kristen Nordlund. This taxpayer-funded agency didn’t want to give taxpayers the full picture of vaccine effectiveness—for their own good.
It also feels confident enough to publicly admit this, but only after many Americans were fired from their jobs and suffered from serious adverse events and deaths after they were forced to take shots they didn’t want based precisely on false narratives fueled by CDC duplicity.
For whatever reason, these guys assign far too much weight to the Federal Reserve.
John Tamny cuts through all this bullshit in about 2 minutes:
Dr. Diane Hamilton John Tamny Controversy of the Fed - YouTube
Or you can watch his longer presentation in 45:00:
John Tamny "Who Needs the Fed?: Why We Should Abolish America’s Central Bank" - YouTube
Or read his book of the same title which goes into even more detail. His message is, both sides are wrong (and also modern libertarians are wrong), and the original Austrian economists were right.
Frankly, you shouldn't be. If medicine were a house, then it has structural issues with the foundation and rot in the frame. It's a house that can't be torn down on our heads, though. It needs to be saved and repaired. Some deconstruction may be necessary, but it should be planned. Nuance. Knowledge. Hard work.
Neo-Marxists are just going to huck a few Molotovs through the windows and gloat about it. While your grandmother's cancer progresses and your wife dies of hemorrhage from childbirth.
More from the CDC story: CDC Tells New York Times It Hid Covid Data For Political Reasons
That rationale from the CDC hardly justifies the fact that the selective omission of public health information is more than clinical malpractice; it is scientific fraud.
Right thinking Americans have suspected for about two years now that the CDC, and especially Anthony Fauci, have not been honest with the American people about Covid. Americans don’t have to be experts in vaccine epidemiology to understand the dynamics of what is happening vaccine effectiveness and safety, they just have to use their own eyes.
Every time these federal employees uttered the phrase “follow the science,” they actually meant, “Do what we say and don’t question it, or we’ll punish you.” True scientists don’t release partial data or hide their data. Yet after severe damage is done to government credibility and the country’s social fabric, now even The New York Times can’t deny that the CDC hid the truth about booster efficacy from Americans because it would contradict this administration’s political goals.
It is not the duty of America’s putatively “non-partisan” CDC or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to mindlessly echo support for White House talking points or to protect failed, poorly thought-through policies. Many Americans trust these agencies to objectively give Americans a full scientific disclosure and state the unvarnished facts on vaccine effectiveness and safety. Anything less is clinically, scientifically, and ethically contemptible.