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Thread: COVID19 Factors We Should Consider/Current Events

  1. #20551
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkjohns1 View Post
    You say you're not a fan of Putin, yet you use his lines of propaganda in your argument. There has never been a treaty regarding NATO expansion, and if the Ukraine government was truly a puppet government unrepresentative of the Ukrainian people, I doubt you would see this kind of resistance.
    The US government isn't very representative of its people either, but if Russia invaded the US, you'd see greater resistance than anything Ukraine is putting up, even in the storybook "Russia is barely hanging on and totally about to lose" version we're getting from the news.

  2. #20552
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by rkjohns1 View Post
    if the Ukraine government was truly a puppet government unrepresentative of the Ukrainian people, I doubt you would see this kind of resistance.
    Are you referring to the old lady who shut down Russian air superiority with a pickle jar?

  3. #20553
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkjohns1 View Post

    Out of curiosity, when you say "we", who are you talking about?
    Out of experience here, usually “we” means some of us. Don’t take it so literally. I’ve asked who we are at war with with respect to COVID dozens of times and never got very far.

    Us, them, we, you, everyone, all, etc. are just figures of speech, and not rigorous declarations. It’s confusing because the arguments are more speculative than factual, but presented as factual anyway.

  4. #20554
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkjohns1 View Post
    You say you're not a fan of Putin, yet you use his lines of propaganda in your argument. There has never been a treaty regarding NATO expansion, and if the Ukraine government was truly a puppet government unrepresentative of the Ukrainian people, I doubt you would see this kind of resistance.

    Out of curiosity, when you say "we", who are you talking about?
    Fair no treaty. The US has been screwing around in Russia's front yard since Clinton and in Ukraine for 10. It is all propaganda and you picked yours.

  5. #20555
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    Here's an interesting excerpt from a recent Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill) rant. Transcript starts at 29:36:

    The Russians, when they started their invasion, the Americans hit them with all kinds of sanctions. And the Russians were prepared for it. What they weren't prepared for was for the Americans to steal 300 billion dollars that belongs to the Russians. They weren't prepared for that. And that's what the Americans did. And don't give me bullshit that it's legal and this and that. Na, na, they stole it. Ok? And in fact, the Russians view it as an American default. And actually, they technically are correct, and I'll explain why.

    You see the Russians, part of their preparation for future sanctions, that they started in 2014, is that they started to build up huge foreign currency positions, ok. Because Russia, unlike most other economies in the world--the only other economy that does this is China--Russia sells more than it consumes. So they have extra. The only other countries that do this on the up and up are the Netherlands and Norway. All the other countries in the west, every single one, they all run deficits, ok. And sometimes pretty big deficits. You know, the American deficit is extraordinarily large. And that's just the federal deficit, when you start looking at the states, the municipal debt, and agency debt, you're like "Good God, I can't believe it", your eyes start to bleed, I'm not shitting you, it's horrifying. But that's for another video, another stream.

    So the Americans, they hit the Russians with all these sanctions, right? And then they go and grab the Russian's money. Now, I have to say that sometimes the Russians are very, very clever, and sometimes for all their cynicism and sophistication and brains, they can be remarkably naive. They never thought the Americans would steal their money. They never thought that the United States of America would take 300 billion dollars, roughly half their excess reserves that they had on deposit at the Federal reserve, and steal it. Which is basically what the Americans did. They stole it. And don't give me this shit that "Oh it's sanctions package", and like "oh we'll circle back on that and we'll have a little conversation..." Fuck that. They stole it. Plain and simple.

    The Russians view it as a default, which is correct. See because a bank, what is it? When you deposit money in a bank, what are you doing? You're lending your money to the bank. That's what you're doing, right? If you're the bank, and I'm a customer, and I take my cash and I give it to you, and I put it on deposit with you, you have borrowed it from me, and you have to pay me interest. Right? And when I come calling, I say you give me my money back, you're like "sure, here you go". But if you don't give me my money back, well, you're in default. We always think of the customer going into default, but the bank can go into default too, if it doesn't return its deposit to its rightful owner. These 300 billion dollars, the rightful owner of that money is Russia. Like it or not. And that the Americans are keeping it, that's a default. That's theft. Because a default, as often as not, is when the person that owes the money doesn't have it because it's bankrupt. But when they have it, and they refuse to give it, that's theft, ok? So the Russians can claim it's a default, which it technically is, but I would characterize it as a theft. Because if you have the money to return and you refuse to return it, you're stealing that money. You can't look at it any other way, as far as I'm concerned.

    This shocked the fuck out of the Russians! I mean they were like "What the FUCK?!?" Right? And the Americans were like "Tee-hee! Sanctions!" And the Russians are just incredibly pissed off about that. There must have been a lot of screaming over that shit, right? I mean that they didn't anticipate it and all the rest of it. And you know the poor head of the central bank, I forget the name of the women, she's a smart woman. But oh man, she must have caught hell for that. Because it's sort of like "you should have planned for this contingency", and yet at the same time it's such an outlandish contingency because it has never happened before in the history of finance.

    Do you know that during the Second World War, the Nazis had money on deposit in the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England? Yeah, they did. And the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England honored Nazi Germany's request for that money and paid off whoever had to be paid off from those funds. During the fucking Second World War! This is the first time in history that this has happened. That The Federal Reserve has absconded with the sovereign wealth funds of a sovereign nation. I mean holy fucking shit! It's understandable, it's one of those blind spots where you're like "this can never happen", and it fucking happened! The ultimate black swan event, financially speaking at any rate.

  6. #20556
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    What kind of resistance? And you know this ... how? You saw it on television? Do you really believe, as you seem to, that Putin is the only bad guy here?
    What kind of resistance? Are you questioning that there is a war going on? Even a preferred news source of yours acknowledges this: Russia-Ukraine War Headed For a Bloody Stalemate – PJ Media

    Putin ordered his military to invade Ukraine, so yes, I really believe Putin is the bad guy here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    Come on man, get real.
    Sorry Jovan, I missed your post explaining what exactly was real. Perhaps I should have said, "... unrepresentative of the majority of the Ukrainian people...", is that better?

  7. #20557
    Join Date
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    Molly White provides a palatable interface to choice NYT articles - with copious corrections, clarifications, and complaints in the margin. This article - a "sober, dispassionate explanation of what crypto actually is" - devotes about 10% of its words to what crypto actually is.

  8. #20558
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    The left can't understand clear statements like "shall not be infringed" and "not one inch eastward." Never trust them.

    Not once, but three times, Baker tried out the “not one inch eastward” formula with Gorbachev in the February 9, 1990, meeting. He agreed with Gorbachev’s statement in response to the assurances that “NATO expansion is unacceptable.” Baker assured Gorbachev that “neither the President nor I intend to extract any unilateral advantages from the processes that are taking place,” and that the Americans understood that “not only for the Soviet Union but for other European countries as well it is important to have guarantees that if the United States keeps its presence in Germany within the framework of NATO, not an inch of NATO’s present military jurisdiction will spread in an eastern direction.
    NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard | National Security Archive

  9. #20559
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkjohns1 View Post
    What kind of resistance? Are you questioning that there is a war going on? Even a preferred news source of yours acknowledges this: Russia-Ukraine War Headed For a Bloody Stalemate – PJ Media

    Putin ordered his military to invade Ukraine, so yes, I really believe Putin is the bad guy here.
    You answer my questions, I'll answer yours.

  10. #20560
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    I have yet to see any substantive, objective arguments or evidence that Putin=bad.
    I will not say Putin=bad to appease the NPCs.

    On the other hand, I have seen many honorable, moral actions and words from President Putin.
    He has my respect.

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